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Let me start off by introducing myself. My name is Mark. I am 23 yrs old. I live in Arizona. I know i know. Im a long way from home. But i anyone can help me with this build, its you guys. Also, i screwed up my user name. Was suppose to be "mr.r32" , but didnt notice it til it was to late -_-. but anyway. I am a proud owner of a 93 GTST. And have been for 2 years now. And happy with her. Been through alot, her and i. From a Hit and Run within 3 weeks of getting it to blowing up the gearbox. I am on skylineownersusa as "mr.r32" My car has the stock RB20DET in it and i love the motor. Ive been wanting do to the RB24 for alittle while now, Plus there was a yellow S15 that had one and it sounded AWESOME!! I like the fact that it will still look like an rb20. I do have the people that til me to put a rb25 in it. But i figure if i spend 2500 on the swap, ill buy a ecu and turbo and itll be faster than a rb25. As far as my car. It still has the stock turbo. Running 14lbs. Front mount intercooler. 3in downpipe test pipe and cat back. It suppose to have a aftermarket clutch that the guy put in it before i bought it but i dunno. My car just turned 200,000km and it still runs strong. Hopefully i am welcome here. I will be asking LOTS and LOTS of question. Thanks for reading and enjoy! :) Now for the motor questions

Some im about to start my RB24 build. Im planning on running a stock rb26dett crank. Just a couple questions:

How well do stock rb26 rods hold up?

How do you guys like eagle rods? Have any of you ran em? My part number im looking at is CRS4783N3D

Whats a good compression ratio for it? I know turbo motors don't like alot of compression unlike N/A cars.

Also If you guys know the stock rod length on a RB20, let me know.

Whats a good turbo to run? I was told a 35R turbo would be the way to go.

On a unrelated topic, What kind of diff does a R32 gtst have, I was hearing its a r200 or something, and its decently strong. And whats a good LSD.

More to come, cant think of anymore. Im writing alot of things down and learning. And doing research. Any input on the build would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


seriously just buy a rb25, better motor and doesn't have the drawbacks of thin cylinder walls and crap cylinder head a rb24 will have.. std rb25 will make big power all day long if tuned right.

ps. im a rb20 owner and fan boy but even i wont waste money on a rb24.

At one point, i really did think about saying screw it ill put a rb25 in it. But, i love my rb20. And its different to do this then most people. Most people will do a rb25. But im not most people. I like doing things to small motors. And sometimes small motors beat up big motors. Im not planning on making a rediculous build, Just something that will run strong. Its gonna be more of a drift car. but i am planning on bringing it on the 1/4 mile. Im hoping for high 11s, low 12s. which i know 11s are possible with a stock rb20 block, cams everything. But with a bigger turbo, front mount, supporting fuel mods, intake and ECU. Much love for the rb20. I think itll still be on the safe side as wall thinkness. But ill find that out later.

Another question, is it possible to tune a stock ecu.

I'm told the deal breaker is the cylinder head and thats because the chambers valves and ports are significantly smaller in RB20 heads . Small chambers means no room for larger valves and the ports very likely won't open up as far .

IMO adding more cubes below this head may make more torque right down low but as soon as it limits gasflow it probably won't want to rev .

RB25 is the answer and its a factory developed production engine . If you really want to spend some dough how about putting an RB20 crank in an RB25 , still have to sort rods and or pistons but you'd have a top end screamer that can breathe .

A .

Seriously, listen to these guys ^. The only time the RB24 made sense was a)before the RB25 existed, and b) after the RB25 existed but they cost an arm and a leg to buy. Any time since it has been possible to buy an RB25 for reasonable money, there has been absolutely no sense in building an RB24. The original RB24s only existed because you couldn't get an RB25. I'm bloody sure that if RB25s had been available then there is no way that the RB24 concept would have been worked up. It simply wouldn't have made sense.

RB25 from S1 R33 still looks pretty much identical to an RB20. So you have no reason to prefer RB20 block/head on the basis of looks. RB25 from S2 doesn't look much different. Rb25 from R34 looks a bit different, but is such a better engine that these days you'd be foolish to pick an older RB25 anyway. I did exactly this. Dropped the little torqueless RB20 in the bin (actually, it got dropped into some drifter's car) and put an RB25Neo into my R32. The extra torque makes life so much nicer. Even with less top end power at the moment (only running 5-6psi of boost until I can get past a couple of other obstacles - namely getting the car inspected) the car is much faster than the RB20 (which was probably just like yours. 14 psi, exhaust, cooler, etc).

Do you have more money than you can put to good use? If the answer is yes, then build an RB24. If no, then there are smarter ways to spend it.

Also the RB25 head is MUCH friendlier. I remember long ago someone did some testing and there was 25-30% more flow. Not sure under what conditions etc.

So I guess as long as you kept a stroker RB24 and didn't ask too much flow you'd be ok, but there is a fair money in the head to get it working right which people don't think about sometimes.

for the money you will spend doing the RB24 the gains are not going to be that good......!! as already said in here there are flow issue with the head etc etc.


Save your self the hassle and drop a RB25 in and throw on a decent sized bolt on turbo and a few other mods and you will still come in under what the cost of the RB24 will be and the gains will be 10fold better

So would i would be better off if i just "sorta" build my rb20 then

No, not even that. I have always said...."Any money spent on an RB20 that can't be moved over to an RB25 is wasted money". That includes (especially) any internal work such as forgies, better rods, etc etc. The only things that you would buy for an RB20 might be cams, because at least you can sell them on to someone.

If you knew how to port properly and could do it yourself, then you could ignore the cost of the hours you spend doing it and make good improvements to head flow. But if you have to pay someone else to do it, then again you are back to the situation where it would be far smarter to spend that money porting an RB25 head.

The thing you have to face is the RB20 is a good little motor, but the emphasis needs to be on the word "little" as much as "good". They have so little torque off boost that they need to have their neck wrung all the time to make progress. Put a big turbo on there and run a lot of boost and you can make lots of power. But it comes on like a light switch at 4500rpm and all you get is spastic wheelspin and no progress. An RB25 will start the car moving forward much more successfully before it comes on boost and for the same total power will come on boost earlier and more gracefully, all of which give you a faster and more satisfactory drive.

So would i would be better off if i just "sorta" build my rb20 then

we all love an RB20 including my self and had enless fun with them! my honest opinion would be to work out exactly what your goals are and what you are trying to achieve and start going from there....

if you want some more power then just through on some bolt ons like a turbo and supporting mods and it will be happy days..

Yea, i was thinking just some bolt ons. Like turbo, intake supporting fuel system. and call it good. my rb20 already has alittle over 200,000 km on it. My can port em so thatll be good. Well, whats a good turbo for a rb20.

Its been said before. People who put RB25s in their R32 GTSt are the sort of people who will sleep with their mate's wife because she is easy.

If you throw an RB26/28/DOHC 30 etc it's just as bad but you can at least justify it to yourself by saying she is hot and the best bit of tail getting around.

Yea, i was thinking about that to about the rb20 head. i have the intake squared away by putting a rb26 set up on it. Do you guys know this car?

Yup its was Jame's (oh performance) car then Lebz bought the car and now the engine is in Shamal car. That engine is a $20,000 engine and has been on my dyno numerous times. its an awesome thing but to replicate it you would need to spend massive $$$ .... or bolt in a std rb25 and get 90% of the result... for $1000 to 1500

Ahh alright. Well. Ill do little things to the rb20. then get a rb25 then. I know most things i do to the rb20 will fit the rb25. like a turbo manifold and a turbo. and injectors. and all that.

Whats a good turbo to put on a rb20? And injectors

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