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I am at a loss as to what to play these days. Have been a PC gamer since my teens and since building my ;atest rig I was looking forward to playing some new hectic games and stretching it. Played and finished Rage in a few weeks, got sick of SC 2, SWTOR and Diablo 3, even reinstalled skyrim but didnt captivate me the second time. Now I am at the stage where the only games I can play regularly are CoD4 online and COH occasionally with a mate.

So are games becoming generally less engaging? It seems that every 'big' release is a sequel or remake of an old game (enemy unknown:/). Maybe I am just growing out of them.

I like RTS, RPG and FPS, used to play CoD4 and CS 1.6 competitively back in the day along with C&C, Warcraft and HoN. Have thought about borderlands but other than that am looking forward to new bioshock/CoH/Elder Scrolls (all sequels lol). Have been scouring steam for something that looks half original but haven't seen squat, am I missing something? What are people playing that have the same tastes as me?

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Crisis 3 when it's released will blow the market away I would think.

Also Battlefield 3 is a great FPS game with large maps if you fancy vehicular warfare. I rate it highly!

If you enjoy zombie survival games then maybe check out a few trailers and game footage for dayz which will have a standalone game come out very soon.

That's the ones I can currently recommend

CoH2 is going to be epic, even though THQ has gone broke I am assuming another mob will pick it up considering how popular it is.

Have been considering BF3, I played BF/2 for a bit but the hitboxes used to shit me. Also, seems to be one of those games where you have heaps of people that have played the series for years making it hard for BF noobs to get involved.

Looked at Dota2 as well. Used to love HoN but thinking back I remember how much time I used to spend playing it and how long it took to learn all the ins and outs for every character.

Will look into the other mentioned. cheers!

TBH there is nothing. Games are 1 in a million now and there is very few that come out that are semi decent. I guess wait to see what this year brings (BF4..?) hate to tell you but with the new consoles coming out games will be holding off pretty hard (this will delay pc games as well). GTA5 will prob be the last shout for this gen.

I recently bothered to complete Portal 2 as i got it on steam sale. I was a MASSIVE portal 1 fan. Portal 2 was TBH terrible compared to the first. A load screen every 10 seconds. And the main story was short, and very very easy.

Edited by Anfanee

Never played portal but I see the orig one got GOTY/top rated by IGN.

When is Crysis 3 out? I must say I enjoyed the first one, if for nothing else than to stretch my machine beyond its limits. Ushered in a brief stint in over clocking and bechmarking lol.

Dayz looks interesting....I was actually looking at the walking dead game as it received pretty high reviews.

Will look into BF3. Theres only so much CoD4 you can play, and I refuse to play CoD35 with all the pre-pubescants

BF3 I think has an older gen playing it.

From what I have seen you dont get those crying little kids very often.

Umm not sure on the Crysis 3 thing

They have a free beta out right now so why not try it


The only game in the last year ive stuck decent hours into (besides Skyrim, which I just wanted to beat) was Sins Of A Solar Empire: Rebellion. its a standalone expansion that contains the whole prequel + extra content. picked it up for less than $50.

good RTS, easy to pick-up, years to master. check out some videos

Well if you arent after the latest and greatest, some games I have enjoyed lately are

Deus Ex Human Revolution, and if you never played the first, give yourself an uppercut and then get that too.

Farcry 3

Dawn of War if you like sci fi rts, DoW 2 is more squad based rpg than base building like the first, both are older games but the campaigns are lots of fun

Torchlight 1 & 2 are quite good Diablo clones

Assassins Creed

Sleeping Dogs

Dishonoured has been great so far but Im only a couple of hours in

Darksiders 1 & 2

Prototype 1 just for running/flying around farken shit up

Max Payne 3

Also, alot of games these days seem to have a free high resolution texture pack, but you often have to install it manually.

Agreed with most of these choices, also give these a go:

Singularity - FPS you have a tool that can morph buildings/items/enemies around you in time

League of Legends - similar to dota, fun to play

DmC - 1, 2, 3, 4, and the newest.....who doesnt like games like these

Deus Ex - Human Revolution, one of the best games ive ever played - a must have

Mass Effect 1, 2 and 3 with all the add ons - great story to begin with, many hours worh of playing especially since all the dlc's get carried over to the next game as you make decisions......yes yes ending has been talked about but worth it

+1 for the original Dawn of War. The second one was terribly bad however.

BF3 is at least twice as good as any cod game. The problem with it however is on PC its full of snipers that just spawn camp. Completely ruined one of the best games ive ever played.

On a side note ABES ODYSSEY from PS1 is coming back in HD. Words can not describe how excited i am.

I have heard alot of good things about the Witcher 2 as well

if you are searching steam for good value games, you can find some gems for a cheap price, might not be a very good game full price, but for 5-10 bucks it can be great, running a search like this and sorting by metacritic score


also, if you are after a game that is on steam but not on special, there are other sites out there which are legit and sell steam keys and have their own specials, such as green man gaming, gamers gate, amazon, good old games (not steam keys, but sell old dos/win 95 etc games in a package that runs on win7 & 8), cjs cd keys

BF3 is at least twice as good as any cod game. The problem with it however is on PC its full of snipers that just spawn camp. Completely ruined one of the best games ive ever played.

Play rush or squad based games.

Scavanger is pretty good

Also gun game

cool, got a bit to sift through. And the comment on BF3 on PC is sort of what I was getting at when referring to myself as a "BF noob". I find that coming into the cult following games late, espesh on PC, you are always faced with map/general exploits, stat padding and idiots with hax as opposed to playing it from the start and being exposed to them as they are discovered. Anyway, will definitely give BF3 a whirl.

I remember fapping over the orginial deus ex back in school, but am yet to play any sequels. Generally sequels frustrate me but sometimes they are better, much like movies bar a select few. Have also heard big things about the mass effects but not motivated to play them having never played any in the series. I guess I am at the stage where if I dedicate time to a game it would want to be worth it! Pretty much havent been obsessed with a game since Skyrim

Will have to research witcher and sins of a solar empire. Dishonored looked intriguing too. thanks

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