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Sau Qld Blood Drive - 04Th May

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Hi Everyone,

We have teamed up with the Red Cross to conduct a blood drive. We have registered as a group and intend on going for a drive to one of the blood buses and donating our red gold.

The largest group donation in QLD from anyone in the Automotive sector is 2. Australia wide, it's 13. We intend to smash this.

We are aiming for 30 donors... In a day!!thumbsup.gif

This is open to anyone who can donate and is a member/friend of the club.

If you can't donate, bring two friends who can!

When: Saturday 04th of May (04/05/2013) between 1100-1400.

Where: Keperra Picnic Grounds, Upper Kedron and Samford Roads.

Why: Because every donation saves 3 lives! And because it's the right thing to do.

Who: Members, friends of members, family of members - anyone who is eligible to donate

I've spoke to our lovely contact at the Red Cross and they are going to speak to their PR guys about getting the media involved. Yes, this is a risky move, but they can't do anything with footage of vehicles parked on private property.

We want to show the community that we aren't hoons or menaces to society so best behaviour boys!

We will also be organising a Sausage Sizzle. In order to raise funds for the Red Cross (as well as blood), we're asking for a voluntary donation of a note. $5,$10,$20,$50,$100? This will cover the cost of the snags and leave plenty to give to the Red Cross.

Let's smash it!

If you're bringing more than one person (which you should - even if you only met her the night before), let us know so that we can keep an active tally. 2thumbsup.gif

Eligibility criteria: http://www.donateblood.com.au/who-can-give/am-i-eligible

Also, if anyone is a registered donor, please PM me. I have some info for you.

Register your interest. More details coming soon. smile.gifheadbang.gif

More than 30 attendees is not a bad thing! Just means that we'll smash the record out of the water. XD

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Have publicly asked Mr. Newman to attend this event. Best behaviour boys. Bring wifes, girlfriends, partners, sister who you occasionally boink, kids etc. Make this a family friendly thing.

Let's show them that we aren't a bunch of hoons!

If I had one and if she was as hawt as me...

So, the Premier's team seem interested. Must that Ray for his insightful post that was well-composed and started all of this. :)

Let's get this happening. If you're in put your hand up and bring some mates. The club will also organise a BBQ to keep us fed and going strong. Red Cross are looking at what they can do regarding goody bags for us with some stuff in there.

If you like cars or like the idea of saving people's lives with your blood - get there! I've got to start filling out the booking form, so if you could respond with your full name, that would help. If not, just PM it to me. :)

Edit: Location confirmed!

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