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Hey all!

I'm a bit or a lurker around here so i thought it was about time i chucked up some content of my own! I'm 20 years old and i have loved cars ever since i can remember, used to live in Mount Gambier in SA, but joined the RAAF and have sinced moved to Wagga Wagga in NSW. I always loved 4WD's but when i was about 14 or 15 i started getting into the imports, and wanted to get an s13 as my first car. But my parents weren't keen on my 16 year old self getting a 2 door coupe as my first car and i settled upon a very nice condition Toyota Cressida.

I purchased it in Melbourne and did the 5 hour drive back home, at the time i think it had 294,xxx k's on the clock.



I knew the 7M-GE was notorious for head gaskets so i picked one up that had already had the head gasket replaced at 250000k's.


It remained grandpa spec for the whole time i owned it, did plan or purchasing some R33 GTR wheels but being 17, in school and having a low income job, that proved difficult.


The best part of this car was the motorized heater controls, you pressed a button on the centre console and the air con/heater controls slid out so the buttons were exposed, all very james bond style.


I finished school then got a job as an IT tech at the school i had just graduated from. The time came that i was now earning enough money to buy the car i had always wanted. I lived a 2 minute bike ride from work so i sold the Cressida on to someone in Adelaide.

In the time between buying the Cressida and selling it, my tastes had changed and now i knew i wanted an R32. I loved everything about them, from the styling to the RB engines. Stupidly i sold the Cressida early and no nice cars came up for 3 months, in which i was riding to work in the freezing cold (i know its a 2 minute ride, shut up i'm lazy haha).

I finally found a nice car and got some of my mates living in Adelaide to check it out, he said it was all sweet and it would be a nice car. Rang the guy, said i was very interested in it and i would be happy to drive the 5 1/2 hours and purchase it pending a quick inspection, he said no worries. Left on friday night driving my mates car up to Adelaide for him as he left it home over Easter, and stopped overnight at my mates place about 3 hours away. Just as i leave in the morning i get a call from him saying someone came around last night and bought it.




So i was stuck in Adelaide on a Saturday afternoon with no car, and i had to work Monday. Scoured carsales/gumtree/ebay/sau/nissansilvia for anythnig decent, went and looked at one shitter 32, another nice 32, and then a maroon/red r32. It had an ugly bodykit on it, but was in good condition otherwise. Took it for a test drive was sold very quickly, purchased it on sunday and drove it all the way home.

How it looked upon recieveing it;





Mod's were:

Some terrible looking body kit

R34 NEO turbo

R32 GTR front mount

Turbosmart boost tee

SAAS boost guage

Walbro fuel pump (which turned out not to be true)

Viper rims (was never sure on sizes)

ISC coilovers

3" exhaust with JUN rear muffler

Was running 14psi and making 170kw

Had it a month or two and it ran well, and i was loving life being the owner of my shiny new r32. It was my first turbo car and boy did it go a little faster than the Cressida! I did a lot of driving and getting to know the car before i started making any changes to it. The first thing i did was lower it, being a hektik young 18 year old needing "m0ar low" i set the coilovers to maximum low straight away. Rookie mistake, the fuel tank got stuck on the jack so i couldn't pull it out or pump the handle to raise it up.




The next thing i did was replace the 3" hi-slow cat with a decat pipe. I f**king love the sound of an angry RB, and even though it was my daily driver i had to have it.

At the same time myself and a mate got hold of some 3" stainless pipe and made up an exhaust for it. Being our first time welding it was hacked together, and we made some 3" blast pipes for it.



Was never really a fan of them, i think it was because the pipe diameter was too small, looking back they needed to be about 3.5" i reckon. I ended up giving them to one of my mates and putting the JUN rear muffler back on. While we were making the exhaust i drove it around for a week with just the dump pipe on. Biggest mistake ever. My entire dash now shakes and rattles from the vibrations of the exhaust. Protip #1 never do that. Couldnt resist giving it shit though, it sounded too good haha!

At some point i got a flat tyre on the front so i borrowed my mates SSR Longchamps and ran with them for a while. This is when i was happiest with it with the bodykit.


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Not long after that i hit a cat doing 100 km/h and wrecked my front bar. I am very much a "lowered on a nice set of wheels in genuine factory body kit" kida guy, and leaving the terrible body kit for so long had already rustled my jimmies.



It gave me an excuse to get some genuine aero. I picked up a standard r32 m-spec front bar, rear bar and rear pods. I think it cost me about $550 from a wrecker in Adelaide. Looking back now, holy shit i payed a lot. Fitted it all up and had it looking ghetto spec for a while.




The whole time i had owned the car i had been doing a little street drifting. My intentions were to learn on the street and take it to the track in the future. Anyway the day i picked it up from the body kit getting painted, i put it down a huge ditch and had to get towed out by mate. Ouch, my ego!




Learnt how to use zipties!


Then i found a set of Lenso D1R's going dirt cheap and bought them. I think they were 17x10+15 from memory, and i had a go at trying to get them under my standard guards, just for lols.





Sold them on to my mate. Decided it was time to buy some decent wheels for it, spent weeks deciding what i wanted and eventually settled for some Boyz CST Zero Hyper in Bronze. 18x9.5+23 front and 18x9.5+15 rears. Ideally i would have got 17's but the 18's ended up being cheaper. All up with tyres set me back about an even $2k delivered from japan.




They sat around in the shed for a while before i put them on. I had to roll the guards first and as i said before, im lazy :P I did dummy fit them just to see how much i had to roll the guards.





Eventually i had a crack at rolling the guards, took me all day as it was my first time and i didn't really have any idea what i was doing (story of my life) ended up cracking the paint on one side even though i used a heatgun. I thought i did allright.





Around this time i started having trouble with blowby, my dipstick would always pop out if i hit 14psi, took me a while to diagnose but it was a blocked PCV valve, hit it with carbon cleaner and my problem went away. Looking back that was about the first mechanical fault that i had with the car in 9 months of ownership. Not too bad really. Oh and i finally fitted the wheels all good a proper.






Decided to take the turbo off because i wanted to get it looked at as it was starting to blow a little blue smoke. Turned out to be okay so back on it went. It was off the road for about a month and i put it all back together by myself on a cold winter night. Didnt have anyone to help me put the bonnet back on so i decided to go for a quick skid with no bonnet. Needless to say popped a cooler pipe off 5 minutes from home with no tools and no bonnet just as it started to rain. Doh!
Had a big change in my life at this point as i joined the Air Force. So i packed up all my shit and moved off to Wagga Wagga in NSW. I finished recruits and my first posting is here, so i am here till November this year.
Not much has happened with it since i have been here, i have done one drift day which the car performed faultlessly at. Was at Winton Raceway and holy shit it was one of the most fun things i have ever done. I went to look at buying an R33 and on the way home the 32 shit its power steering pump.
I then decided it was time to give the old girl the upgrade it deserved, so i wheeled it into the shed and there it has sat ever since. I have purchased an RB25DET Neo and some other goodies for it. I have some decent cash now so i am going to do this build once and do it right, and i'm planning to do as much of it myself as possible. Full spec list is as follows;
RB25DET Neo Gearbox
Hypergear Hi-Flow turbo
Siemens 630cc injectors
Walbro fuel pump
Half cage
Bride bucket seats
Full 3" stainless straight through exhaust with 3.5" single tip
NPC 10" carbotic clutch
R32 GTR radiator
While i have the Neo out i will alsop be doing a full gasket kit, changing a lot of under plenum hoses and possibly doing the timing belt and water pump. (engine has 137xxx k's on it and timing belt and water pump were both done at 100000, should i do them now?) If anyone sees any problems with any of the above feel free to let me know! The most mechanical work i have done is replacing the clutch on this car before, but i am very keen to learn and get my hands dirty in the process so i'm hoping to do 99% of the build myself :) Sorry in advance because i know i will be asking a lot of questions from you guys!
This is the car as it sits now.
Sorry for the long winded post, but it's good to finally get it out there! I made this thread to give me some motivation to keep the build going, as i am studying buttloads at the moment! So if it has gone a few weeks without any activity make sure you let me know about it as i do get lazy haha.
Thanks for looking,
PS sorry for the triple post i kept hitting the image limit XD
Edited by iruvyouskyrine

Yep that's in one of the old unused hangars

Unlucky for you. It's one of the only perks about being in wagga haha ;)

Faark i'd of killed for a hanger to work in. Stupid ass ramp out in the sticks :laugh:

No shit, I hated that place sooo glad to get out, funnily enough might be stopping through in a fortnight with a big grey POS.

  • 4 weeks later...


Old donk out.



Prepping new engine to go in, just waiting on a timing belt kit to arrive then get stuck into it!


Engine bay looking very bare, and my power steering cooler lurking in the front right of the engine bay.


All my wiring ready to be posted off to Simon_S14 ready for him to do the loom splicing (thank fark for that haha)


Trying to work out my power steering cooler set up. The red line is pressurized side from pump to rack (and there is a plug in the line, anyone know what that's for?) And yellow is the low pressure line from rack to resivoir. I should be fine to plumb my power steering cooler in where i have drawn it in the diagram yes? It all makes sense in my head, hopefully i have set it out correctly!


$2100 worth of car parts, certainly doesn't look like it! >_<

Also getting to work on my mates '02 HiLux, it is a bit of a rig!



nice build mate lovin the wheels!!!

if i could give any advice before you put the motor in i would recommend doing certain things that are easy to get to while the motor is out, if you plan on having the car for a while and putting some decend boost through it then a cometic head gasket along with arp head studs would be a worthwhile investment, water pump, and of course all new gaskets. you can get a cometic gasket kit off ebay for less than $300 i think?

thats just my opinion, cant wait to see the thing finished! good luck.

  • 4 weeks later...

Hey thanks guys, not too sure on the difference between the type M bar and the normal one, i think it has an extra slot down the bottom on each side, making it look lower?

nice build mate lovin the wheels!!!

if i could give any advice before you put the motor in i would recommend doing certain things that are easy to get to while the motor is out, if you plan on having the car for a while and putting some decend boost through it then a cometic head gasket along with arp head studs would be a worthwhile investment, water pump, and of course all new gaskets. you can get a cometic gasket kit off ebay for less than $300 i think?

thats just my opinion, cant wait to see the thing finished! good luck.

Yeah man i have done everything short of internals to the engine, all gaskets replaced and a lot of new hoses. Decided not to do the headgasket as a lot of people here are running the NEO's (and std 25's for that matter) up to 330kw+ and headgasket is fine. And as far as i know it's not really an item that wears over time, it just goes on you at once.

Just purchased the lines, flat bar nuts and bolts for relocating my power steering cooler, now to just run all the lines!

Where would the best spot be for me to tee the water temp sensor into, the top radiator hose? I don't really like it there and was wondering where else i would be able to locate it? There is a bung at the bottom of my radiator but that would be giving me a reading of the coldest temp yeah, not really much help is it :/

Oh and Stao is finished with my turbo and it should be on it's way back soon :) ended up going with the latest ATR43SS2 Hi-flow IWG. Should be good for the power im aiming for, can't wait to slap it on! Also have to purchase my injectors and clutch in the coming weeks. Going to get an NPC Carbotic, should definitely last me a while as i will be running far less than what it is rated for.

Another good weekend on the spanners, got the power steering cooler mounted and lines run. Also cleaned my gearbox and any other oil and grease covered parts off the engine. Everything is all mounted back on the motor now except the altenator and p/s pump.

Also had to smash the spigot bush into the rear of the crank. Didn't look like it was going to fit so chucked it in the freezer for a few hours then went at it with a copathane mallet and in it went :)

Pics to come soon, cos everyone likes pics!

  • 2 weeks later...

Hopefully this one performs as may other have around here, will be good to have a little bit of torque down low for once haha.

Got the engine all put back together for the most part, now just the bolt ons and the new turbo when it arrives.


This is how much tension i ended up putting on my timing belt when i did it, as it is a gate belt it is supposed to run slightly less pressure than the standard belt, and i think this is about right. Time will tell though!


Also managed to chip my fkn harmonic balancer when i was replacing it :(


New Walbro 400/LPh pump, should be enough for anything i want to do with this car. Gave myself headroom because why not.


Brand spanking NPC sprung centre button carbotic clutch, many people have stated that they hold well over 400kw, so it should piss in ~270. Once again just giving myself headroom later on.


Old mate RB20


May have had a slight rear main seal problem? :P
I am surprised that the clutch never slipped with the amount of oil everywhere!


A bit of an artsy shot haha


And finally a list of things left to do, feels good to be ticking things off it slowly, even if it is emptying my pocket >_<


Nice work so far.

You can tick half cage off the list given you've already paid for it.

Hopefully Brad comes through with the goods in the 2 week time frame he gave us :D

Yep certainly can! Will be good to have a decent half cage in there, and at a great price :)

I like where this is going :yes:

I will like it when it's done haha. At the moment it's just doing my head in as I am studying full time and only have access to it 2 or 3 hours a week. Makes it hard to tackle a big project like this with limited access time :(

Also turbo still hasn't turned up, and a lot if things I am purchasing online aren't reaching me causing more delays, how good is Auspost >_<

Edited by iruvyouskyrine

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