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I just got myself an almost stock R34 GTR and I plan on doing some mods to it and before I take the plunge Im gonna get some new coils for it.

Ive been in contact with Paul from performance-wise and he has offered me a group buy deal on his Yellow Jackets coil packs.

I previously ran these coils in my Stagea for over 3 years which I just sold and they never skipped a beat so Im keen to give them another go.

Anyway, the deal is, if I can get 5 more buyers, he will give me a $50 discount off the price per set. He has offered this discount across the entire range he has listed on his website - http://performance-wise.com/page27.htm

Anyone else keen???????

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Thanks nick. I'll put you down for a set on the GB thread


The $50 discount comes off the total price so for the R34 coils it will be $380 posted.

on a side note I should make the deadline for this by the end of the month. if we get the numbers up before this time then we can get the coils earlier.

Edited by d_liberate

Not u again. Why do u continue to poke your nose in these threads in order to discredit the YJs?

You first did this a few years ago and you really should get over it. It isnt professional at all.

If your customers have issues then tell them to contact me directly and I will honour the warranty terms.

Why post such a thing in someones GB thread? Are you trying to make it hard for them to succeed or do you just have a vendetta against my product.

STATUS: Why would I refund a tub of them for u? I dont get it? Like I said before ive been using these coils for a few years in a previous car and they were perfect.

ive seen heaps of people use these with no problems. with pauls help I am trying to offer a good price for a good product thats proven itself time and time again.

if u arent here for the group buy then why comment at all. theres no need and no point so you should just stay away from my thread.

Not u again. Why do u continue to poke your nose in these threads in order to discredit the YJs?

You first did this a few years ago and you really should get over it. It isnt professional at all.

If your customers have issues then tell them to contact me directly and I will honour the warranty terms.

Why post such a thing in someones GB thread? Are you trying to make it hard for them to succeed or do you just have a vendetta against my product.

No i have a vandetta against all the coilpacks which give our customers grief the yellows are generally no different to superspark and Atomic.

Someone has posted a group buy in the Forced Induction section on a public forum, i am merely providing information based on my experience...we see 3 cars a day 5 days a week purely for tuning. Since we have such a specific job description (Tuning) we get to see and gather a ton of unbiased unfiltered data and the plain hard facts are that OEM and SPLITFIRE coil-packs are far less prone to breaking down when the pressure is put on them.

STATUS: u should go start your own thread about this and not hijack mine

Why? i would never post in the ACTUAL for sale thread as that is not fair! but this is the discussion forum.

if i can slow down these messages i am bombarded with (this happens around 3 times a week)... see attached pic that was TODAY.

Poor coil packs are getting to epidemic proportions. If i can save one poor soul the heartache im ahead.


You can tell that message wasnt for these coils. youve blurred the name out to try and make it look like YJs and youver left detail out.

Heres the real readout from your facebook page so theres no confusion for people reading this (http://www.facebook.com/trent.hewitson.3):

Drew Smith - Hey trent just wondering if u have had any trouble with super spark coil packs?? I put on my external gate and it was running great for a day then it started breaking down under high boost.

Trent Hewitson - Yes I have... unfortunately. The owner is a legend but I won't touch the coils anymore. Splitfires or new oem is the only w a y to go.

Drew Smith - Dam it so i paid 400 for duds lol, gay as...i will try track down some splifires

Trent Hewitson - yeah i got a dud set of ATOMIC here too...

Drew Smith - Thats a joke u buy big name stuff cause u think it will be the best but i guess not

Damian Molina - Oem next time for me i have yellow jackets are they any good?

Trent Hewitson - Depends Damian Molina some are fine some last a year or two.

Tristram Eacott - I killed 2 sets of super sparks in 5 weeks of everday use got a set of splitfire coils havent had anything go wrong yet in 2 years

In my defense, Ive sold thousands of these which have lasted longer than that and are still going strong and its the same risk for Splitfires or OEM except the difference is mine are a great price and I offer a 2 year local warranty.

im not trying to make it look like yellow jackets at all i stated that im bombarded with complaints and questions about failing coilpacks in this case it was SSpark


the actual brand in this case is irrelevant .... the trend is the same regardless of chinese brand ive even got a set of pinks ones to add to the list :P Never saw pinks ones till a month ago LOL.

You say "its the same risk for Splitfires or OEM except the difference is mine are a great price and I offer a 2 year local warranty."

BUT this is missleading as there is empirical evidence (and 10 years of experience) to prove there is LESS RISK with OEM and SPLITFIRES and that is the EXACT point im trying to make and price wise OEM skyline coilpacks can be had new for the same price as the chinese stuff.

NEW OEM NISSAN Full sets for $275 http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/6-NEW-OEM-COIL-PACKS-SKYLINE-R32-RB20DET-S1-R33-RB25DET-GTST-GTR-RB26DETT-60U02-/300851994154#ht_1927wt_1111

I'm up for a set if they are good quality. I'll be happy to test a set for you if you any samples.

Do it Tao, will be a good test 30 psi and massive cylinder pressures we subject your car to week in week out.

Your kidding right? If you cant see that they are fakes then I question your integrity.

The guy has even copied the vehicle compatibility list from my own listings.

I'm up for a set if they are good quality. I'll be happy to test a set for you if you any samples.

They are good quality. See here for some feedback from real people who actually use these.

Thanks but all testing was successfully completed for most of these coils a few years ago.

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