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I've got some abs, and my weight is not exactly ballooning or anything (88kg) I just wanted to be a touch trimmer in the mid section.

I get it... mother f**king brotien up in this bitch!

Only issue with this statement is, fat loss isn't area specific. You'll be trimmer everywhere.

Yeah I know it's not area specific, and like most guys who sit for a living, it accumulates in my gut.

I posted a selfie a few pages back, abs can be seen, along with mini gut :D


Yeah I know it's not area specific, and like most guys who sit for a living, it accumulates in my gut.

I posted a selfie a few pages back, abs can be seen, along with mini gut :D


Yeah I seen it, wouldn't be ashamed at all.

I noticed in the gym thread, sh*t got cray cray.........especially the 2000kcal part.....

Dan, you should/could be maintaining that weight at around 3000-3500kcal, daily.
56kg girls are eating more than you, its all about that slow adaption.

Edited by jangles

Another mixed bag for me tonight, I'm a bit confused and a little annoyed but we'll get there.


Failed on the 4th rep of 104, so I'm going backwards here. 90kg didn't feel great either. I'm not sure if the run I went on sapped my leg strength or the board has changed my mechanics enough to require more power from different muscles that aren't capable.

I took two videos at the end of the session that I'll throw up in the main thread, only 70kg on the bar but just to show differing form with and without the board to see if there are any glaring issues. I may have to go back to Matt and get a form check.


I knew I wasn't getting the 7th rep of 109 tonight and had a 10 second pause (racked) before squeezing it out.


Some success here, added weight to 111.5 and did 8 reps with a notable 5-7second air sucking pause after the 7th, still not bad.


I dropped weight here to focus more on form and to allow for the fact I'm blitzing the lower back and arms in the DLs

Went 78, 88, 93 and felt form suffer on the 93s so I might drop that back to 88 and focus on making it count more.


Got rep 7 at 15kg and went for 8 but and almost got it, it kind of counted but it was a scrappy rep.


Got 7 at 30kg and stopped, should've went for 8 even if I failed.

After that I did a few extra squat reps for video purposes.

I'll pop those up in the main thread soon.

Oh my post workout shake I up'd to 45gms of BN WPC, like a boss.

Dinner was Burrittos, lean mince with a 5 bean mix through it, lettuce, lite cheese, tomato, red capsicum, cucumber, avocado, some light sour cream and a little bit of salsa to taste, smashed 4 of those bad boys.


Oh my post workout shake I up'd to 45gms of BN WPC, like a boss.

Dinner was Burrittos, lean mince with a 5 bean mix through it, lettuce, lite cheese, tomato, red capsicum, cucumber, avocado, some light sour cream and a little bit of salsa to taste, smashed 4 of those bad boys.


Is the 45gram serve 45grams of protein?

After reading a bit about the place I'm going to leave the board where it is but drop back to basics. I was never a good squatter and I had a poor foundation for it so I need to reset that with something like Markos beginner program where he has people squatting 2x 20 reps.

That will mean a big drop in weight I'm guessing :(

Just got back from the Myo about my hammy, she crushed my hammy, itb, quads, calves, lower back etc, was an hour session.

She also did some dry needling which normally doesn't bother me but made me jump and giggle a few times.

See how it pulls up tomorrow.

Hammy still pretty tender today, see how it goes tonight, Elbow is sore today too for some reason, like it's strained, weird.

Compression socks turned up, seem a bit large, returning those and ordering smaller size.

Markos is being weird about my questions around my squat issues, I assume he just wants to tell me my routine/approach/form is all shit, though he said my squat technique was fine, but for whatever reason he wont comment.

I've PMd me asking if he's trying to spare my feelings, not needed, or doesn't want to keep giving away free info, fair enough.

I'll just stick to my plan of going back to squat basics and going 2x 20s, I am expecting to have to drop the weight to like 60-70kg to come even close to a set of 20 =\

If so, then so be it.

Hammy still pretty tender today, see how it goes tonight, Elbow is sore today too for some reason, like it's strained, weird.

Compression socks turned up, seem a bit large, returning those and ordering smaller size.

Markos is being weird about my questions around my squat issues, I assume he just wants to tell me my routine/approach/form is all shit, though he said my squat technique was fine, but for whatever reason he wont comment.

I've PMd me asking if he's trying to spare my feelings, not needed, or doesn't want to keep giving away free info, fair enough.

I'll just stick to my plan of going back to squat basics and going 2x 20s, I am expecting to have to drop the weight to like 60-70kg to come even close to a set of 20 =\

If so, then so be it.

you answering your PM?

Bit of a soul crushing session in terms of squats.

Could only manage 15reps at 73kg then another 12 at 54kg after a 2 min break :( I did another 8 reps at 54kg at the end of the session. My lower back did not like this either.

I just have no squat ability at all so have some hard work to do to build up a foundation as Markos says.

I'm will drop it back to 54kg next time, which should see me get 20 on the first set and who knows how many on the second.

Only got 6 reps on the final bench set, took a 10sec pause and pushed another 1.5. After advice on the main thread I'll look to add another break and add a 4th set, though my goal of a 120 1Rm is probs doable now.

Got all my DL reps out.

Dropped final row set to 88 and am happier with form at that point so will build slowly from there but only as DL allows.

Went for 17.5 on the final chins set and almost squeezed out 7 which I thought was OK

Got all reps on dips but had a slightly longer break before final set as I posted in the main thread.

Got me some squat work to do :(

Mixed bag last night and the last few days.

This hammy/whatever will not go away so this weekend I took it much easier than normal, only mowed lawns. Yesterday I was super ginger on the leg to the point of not bending if the hammy was going to twinge and when getting low for something letting my other (the bad side) leg do all the weight bearing, it seemed to have an affect as yesterday is the best it's felt in ages, not right but better.

Last night I warmed up as usual but only did a few sets of 3-5 squats and only at 55kg and that was enough, I did not DL or bent row. I walked after gym as the dog hadn't been, but kep the steps shorter as not to stretch out the leg. Same thing again this morning on the walk. I will continue to baby it until it goes away and if that means zero squatting for 2 weeks then so be it, I've been through this sort of thing before with my elbow which was quite bad and took me making it 100% my focus in everthing I did I for me to get it right and now it's golden so I know this method works for me.

As for gym I mixed it up a little and moved the final set weight to the second set and then added some for the final set, surprised myself a little. Amazing what you can do when you aren't burning up so much powerz squatting and DL'ing.

Bench - 93 109 116 (5)

Got the 109 sets out without issue which shows endurance is more an issue than outright power. WAs happy to get 5 reps at 116 too, the bar is full though, I will need more high weight plates to go higher than that, but really my goal was 120 and I'd say I could do that now, maybe even 130-135 which isn't bad in my mind for a self trained bencher.

Chins - 7.5 17.5 22.5 (7 failed 8)

Got the 17.5s out easy enough and almost got the 22.5 as well

Dips - 10 30 35 (6 failed 7) The dip bars are startung to look a little stressed so I may have to sit on this weight or here abouts and start adding volume, still 30+kg doesn't seem too bad.

Oh my compression sock turned up too, much tighter fit on these ones but will be wasted for a bit while I avoid leg work.

Edited by ActionDan

Still avoiding any leg work until this twinge stops and my lower back comes good, it's very slowly improving.

I took on the more is more approach last night with the exercises.

On the 116kg bench set I only got 4 reps and I was annoyed as I seem to have this tendency of doing something once and then not being able to back it up as I got 5 last time.

So I took a 1 minute break then got 2 more reps, then took another break and got one more and then took another break and got one more rep out. So I got my 8reps at 116 but over a few sets. More is more.

I managed almost 7 chins at 22.5 which I was happy with but took a break and squeezed out 3 more to make sure I got at least the target number of reps at the weight, and in this case a few more.

Got 6 reps at 35kg on the dips, took a break squeezed out the last 2.

I will take that approach moving forward and when I fail to make 8 reps I will just make them up over a few more sets, the fact I can weight a min and do more reps of anything means I am not pushing myself anywhere near the limit. As in, if I was absolutely maxing out, a 1 min break would not allow me to do 1-3more reps.

I do have to keep in mind I do these exercises 3 times a week though so it's not a case of absolute balls to the wall go for it everytime.

On the 116kg bench set I only got 4 reps and I was annoyed as I seem to have this tendency of doing something once and then not being able to back it up as I got 5 last time.

So I took a 1 minute break then got 2 more reps, then took another break and got one more and then took another break and got one more rep out. So I got my 8reps at 116 but over a few sets. More is more.

Thats fine but, more is also more rest days & more food. It sounds like your muscles aren't recovered enough. Provided you put in properly on a workout and have eaten and rested enough , the next time you lift will be stronger without fail. On bench this has a proviso that you have a strong shoulder girdle that matches the pressing movements. Often people go backwards/static when they hit that point.

I do have to keep in mind I do these exercises 3 times a week though so it's not a case of absolute balls to the wall go for it everytime.

Have something else in mind also. ' get to x '. If 3 times a week is not right or something needs to change then change it. Go hard or go home. But, rationalise the strategy and change tactics to suit.

Food for thought .You can train one day a month/quarter and get stronger, if you work hard in the session. How fast you increase is determined by your repair requirements vs intervals of training.

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