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I thought I'd said earlier but it's all 5x5s Mon/Wed/Fri same routine each time.

Breaks between sets go 60, 75, 90, 120secs.

Breaks between exercises are only as long as it takes to move/rack things.

Whole thing takes a bout an hour.

Why's that?

Edited by ActionDan

I'm in two minds about it really.

On the one hand, around my gymbros, it seems like it's decent. On the other hand, when you see Markos 19yr olds benching 160, it's pathetic.

I'm not sure how to think about it. Back in the day when everyday was upper body day, I was doing 3x10s at 100kg with 60sec breaks and doing that 3 times weekly (plus dumbbell flies etc) and I had a bigger chest.

But on the other hand, I'm doing more weight now, starting at what my previous best bench was and working up, so by the time I get to 111.5, I've already done 20 reps of bench at 100+ before I even start my 5 reps of 111.5.

So I can only assume my 1RM would be a bit higher than 111.5, maybe 120-130 if I was really lucky? Which is still a LONG way off what anyone remotely strong can do so I keep it all in check.

Funnily enough, I'm happier knowing that I get in 75 reps of squat and DL (even if it is really light weight) a week and that I'm not curling at all. My goal would maybe 120-140squat and 140-160 DL? That's repped, 3 times weekly in the same format as now so now idea what that would mean the 1RMs are. The problem is, I only have just under 120kg in weights so I will need to buy some 20kg plates.

I have no idea what good numbers are for rows, chins or dips either.

I can't help but always feel weak. Which is weird when I talk to one of my mates who I'd always seen as being a bit of a beef cake and realising that I squat, DL, and bench more than he does. I think it's more to do with being on here and see what strong people can do.

Edited by ActionDan

I know how you feel.

A couple years ago, if you told me I would one day deadlift 180kg off the floor, I would have laughed at you. Then when I did that for reals, it didn't quite have the "amazing" feel that it would have if I had my mindset two years ago. This is because, by commercial gym standards, it's quite a strong lift - up there with the strongest in the gym. But by PTC standards, it's the difference between novice and intermediate lifters. Nowhere close to being considered strong.

It's catch 22. You might feel weak compared to the videos posted here, but you probably wouldn't be lifting what you do if it weren't for exposure to said videos.

It's probably the reason, as Markos mentioned, that a lot of people don't like training at PTC - because of the reality/ego check. They would rather train at a gym where they are the strongest and lifting 180-200kg means something more than just a PB.

So here's what I do. I think it's good to watch vids of 19 year olds lifting twice what you do. It's motivation to show that you're capable of lifting much more than you do. It makes me want to push harder and the mindset of lagging behind a standard is very powerful. You will think of your weights as insignificant in the scheme of things, meanwhile everyone else around you in the general populous is thinking that you're getting pretty big and strong. And this last past is what you need to remember...that compared to 99.9% of the population, you are strong, and it you're like me, they are the people whose opinions you give a shit about.

Now, you're at a slight disadvantage because you train at home (AFAIK); you don't have a gym full of weak people looking on and admiring/complimenting your weights to make you feel good about what you're lifting. Just a wife who hates your squat arse. This is where you need to remember that every 5kg you put on the bar is closing the gap between strong at PTC and you. It doesn't have to be your goal to be that strong, but certainly, use it as motivation to get the best out of yourself...meanwhile you're still stronger and better looking than most of the population who, if your gym goals are anything like mine, are what really matter in the grand scheme.

tl;dr turn negatives into positives

I prefer training at home,cheaper, more time efficient, wear what I like, fart, eat, pick my nose etc.

Yeah I have no issue knowing that I'm not a PTC trainee and will not get to that level, I don't want to get to that level, I just want to feel like my body is in balance and that I am maybe a touch stronger than people who do not work out - and maybe some who do.

I got past the ego stuff a long time ago, but I know it's like to be that guy with the big chest and arms who really doesn't lift that much but looks like he does and wears tight shirts all the time etc, that was me 8yrs ago. Also, yo me 180-0-200kg deadlift is VERY strong by almost any standard, yes PLers go for more but that their chosen sport, for anyone who is not a PLer that's a bloody good lift. 2x BW is amazing to me (160-170 for me).

My disadvantage, if anything, is my earlier days of training where I trained wrong and injured things that I now need to watch for and also be cautious of, that and my ankle which will be an issue for a long time. I know I get shit for talking about it, but the reality is, it's a huge weak spot that needs to be managed carefully and I'd rather make slow progress without injury than go for glory and end up out of action.

I think some of it too is that I'm in my 30s now and have a child around and when Kate returns to work that 3hrs I spend during after work time during the week is going to be a lot harder to justify so I find myself asking why I keep doing it and what my goal is, then if I got there what then - and so on. No having a partner who doesn't admire a heavier set physique doesn't help but we've agreed that it's best for us both if each of us feel good about themselves as that ultimately benefits the other also, for her that's accepting that I do not like sitting at 80kg. For me, that's accepting that she likes to be lean enough and toned enough to have a fairly decent six pack (not my thing but is how her body trains up) but that ultimately I'll be happier if she is happier and vie versa.

If nothing else, keep doing it simply because it's healthier and you would blow up like a balloon if you didn't have the exercise and muscle to counter all the food you eat! Deadlifts have healing properties man. They fix backs!!!

I got past the ego stuff a long time ago, but I know what it's like to be that guy with the big chest and arms who really doesn't lift that much but looks like he does and wears tight shirts all the time etc, that was me 8yrs ago. Also, to me 180-0-200kg deadlift is VERY strong by almost any standard, yes PLers go for more but that their chosen sport, for anyone who is not a PLer that's a bloody good lift. 2x BW is amazing to me (160-170 for me).


Was happy to consolidate everything last night, got my bench out too, but I'd say I was throwing the last set up and down a bit quicker to avoid fatiguing to a point of not being able to get the last rep, always touching chest though. The mental aspect is amazing sometimes.

That niggling groin strain is still there as is the hamstring twinge but nothing seems to help them besides rest so I will have to line up a break in the near future which I am better at doing now.

Just a copy paste so it's in this page, I added some row weight but my grip is borderline, tried no gloves also, still shit, I just have a weak grip and I wasn't happy with form on this either so I may dump some weight and bend over further then work back up, but I have been considering dropping this exercise.

Squat low bar
80.5 85.5 95.5 100 104

101.5 104 106.5 109 111.5

88 93 101.5 104 109

78 83 88 93 97.5

7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5

15 17.5 20 22.5 27.5

Oh also, new physio yesterday as my current one and the new one have switched hospitals.

I didn't gel with her but we'll see how we go, she's got me doing some new stretches and is keen to get me back into running. She's also in the do not remove metal camp but I'm still considering my options.

I got the impression she thought that I thought I had some massive injury or disability and was keen to point out how she's broken both arms and how it was so much worse than what I've done, also when showing how my bad foot rotates outwards and the heel lifts when I squat down low (due to poor ROM in the bad ankle) her response was, Wow I can't even do that at all you should be thankful...

Needless to say this rustled my jimmies a bit and I had a few choice things to say, without being rude, just things along the lines of "Ability is all am atter of perspective, I can appreciate that you may not be able to do that, but I used to be able to do that with ease, and more and I'd like to get back to that point.

She also made the mistake of asking me why I wanted to squat and DL when there we're far better exercises I could be doing, like cycling (that would be easier on my ankle) and I asked her why she still continued to Row (boats) after breaking both arms given she could do a lot of other exercises that wouldn't aggravate her as much... I didn't think I should have to point out that we do things because we like them or want to and shouldn't need to justify our choices to someone who is there to help us.

So we'll see how this relationship pans out, I already miss the old physio.

I've also been walking, almost power walking, every morning for 2-2.5k at least and sometimes going at night with Kate/bub as well which would be another 3. I also get in walks both days on the weekend and will look to jog a little again this weekend as the swelling has been under control of late.

Have you got your physio to look at this while you've been there? you must of torn, injured it. a quick rub/release may be all that is needed to move the scar tissue/free it up.

I live with these injuries and it is flipping annoying and costly.

That niggling groin strain is still there as is the hamstring twinge but nothing seems to help them besides rest so I will have to line up a break in the near future which I am better at doing now.

The physio I have, through the hospital, is not really a hands on physio like some others, she's more interested in assessing whta I can do then giving me stretches or exercises to help improve problem areas. The plus side being it's free and I've been HEAPS.

I was seeing a Myo for my back who was very hands on so I will go back and see her.

I had a good stretch and foam roller session last night but the hammy is still twinging, groin feels better. Clearly my hip/pelvis/leg mechanics are still up the shit.

Edited by ActionDan

Tipped the scale at 87kg this morning so the extra walking and removing a couple of things from the diet is helping.

I also had a bit of a "well there you go" moment this morning when walking as I was thinking about weak all my lifts are when I realised that last time I could bench 100+ I weighed 93kg and I also wasn't squatting or DLing anything, to be fair I was doing 3x10s at 100 and I'm only doing 5x5's now but I start at 101.5 and work up. I'm lifting more on pretty much everything and weigh less, so I would dare say I'm over all stronger now in my 30's than I was in my mid 20s when I thought I was pretty tough.

It's sad to realise how high my bf % was back then, I didn't care though I just wanted size.

Now I'm old and sensible and leaner but about as strong if not stronger, so yeah go me.

The physio I have, through the hospital, is not really a hands on physio like some others, she's more interested in assessing whta I can do then giving me stretches or exercises to help improve problem areas. The plus side being it's free and I've been HEAPS.

I was seeing a Myo for my back who was very hands on so I will go back and see her.

I had a good stretch and foam roller session last night but the hammy is still twinging, groin feels better. Clearly my hip/pelvis/leg mechanics are still up the shit.

Try a tennis ball under the hamstring area whilst sitting on the edge of a bench/table. Extend leg out and in and reposition it around etc. exploring. Should help.

Was having a weak session but managed a small squat and DL increase.

I accidentally only added a plate on one side for the squat. It was supposed to be 106.5 but 105 was a push anyway.

I think the diet cut is hurting a little.

Oh, DL now matches bench AWWWW YEAH.

Squat low bar

80.5 85.5 95.5 100 105.25


101.5 104 106.5 109 111.5

DL barefoot

88 93 104 109 111.5


78 83 88 93 97.5


7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5


15 17.5 20 22.5 27.5

Try a tennis ball under the hamstring area whilst sitting on the edge of a bench/table. Extend leg out and in and reposition it around etc. exploring. Should help.

Good idea, will give it a go.

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