L33SH Posted December 11, 2013 Share Posted December 11, 2013 fair enough, would just be good to see what a few kgs less on you looks like. Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/421637-project-squat-dodgerno-more-curling-like-a-broget-ankle-better/page/27/#findComment-7141431 Share on other sites More sharing options...
No Crust Racing Posted December 11, 2013 Author Share Posted December 11, 2013 I can't say I notice it visually. Just a touch leaner in a couple spots maybe. It could also just be a drop in muscle mass from being sick as arms feel smaller. All good though, I was looking to drop a couple kgs. Nice work on your DL by the way, only 15 or so kg behind all I could manage and you weigh a lot less so pound for pound much stronger. Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/421637-project-squat-dodgerno-more-curling-like-a-broget-ankle-better/page/27/#findComment-7141436 Share on other sites More sharing options...
L33SH Posted December 11, 2013 Share Posted December 11, 2013 Fair enough. Thanks. I've joined a powerlifting gym; start there next week so hopefully my numbers will come up more being in that environment with proper coaching. It's really my bench I'm disappointed with at the moment. I'm going to a bench press seminar on Saturday hosted by Nathan Baxter (Aus powerlifter) at this powerlifting gym so hopefully I can learn some tips and tricks! Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/421637-project-squat-dodgerno-more-curling-like-a-broget-ankle-better/page/27/#findComment-7141438 Share on other sites More sharing options...
No Crust Racing Posted December 11, 2013 Author Share Posted December 11, 2013 Well you're certainly going about it all the right way. I'm ramping down a little at the moment as I just have too much else to do to spare the horespower so to speak. Building things, climbing around the roof, digging etc and still more to do. Giving me plenty of exercise right now. How's your back going? Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/421637-project-squat-dodgerno-more-curling-like-a-broget-ankle-better/page/27/#findComment-7141442 Share on other sites More sharing options...
L33SH Posted December 11, 2013 Share Posted December 11, 2013 Well you're certainly going about it all the right way. I'm ramping down a little at the moment as I just have too much else to do to spare the horespower so to speak. Building things, climbing around the roof, digging etc and still more to do. Giving me plenty of exercise right now. How's your back going? I have Physio tomorrow, thankfully. My injured shoulder isn't too bad, it's the other shoulder that's hurting now. Overall though my back is feeling much better; I can lift my arms up over my head, lie down etc now. Exercising is about the only thing aggravating it but I've been foam rolling during my sets to help with discomfort. Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/421637-project-squat-dodgerno-more-curling-like-a-broget-ankle-better/page/27/#findComment-7141449 Share on other sites More sharing options...
No Crust Racing Posted December 11, 2013 Author Share Posted December 11, 2013 Good news, hopefully sleeping better too? Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/421637-project-squat-dodgerno-more-curling-like-a-broget-ankle-better/page/27/#findComment-7141450 Share on other sites More sharing options...
L33SH Posted December 12, 2013 Share Posted December 12, 2013 Good news, hopefully sleeping better too? Negative. I'm under alot of stress atm with work and selling my house and other things. I got a couple of hours last night Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/421637-project-squat-dodgerno-more-curling-like-a-broget-ankle-better/page/27/#findComment-7141517 Share on other sites More sharing options...
No Crust Racing Posted December 12, 2013 Author Share Posted December 12, 2013 No good, chin up and keep trying Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/421637-project-squat-dodgerno-more-curling-like-a-broget-ankle-better/page/27/#findComment-7141520 Share on other sites More sharing options...
L33SH Posted December 12, 2013 Share Posted December 12, 2013 ya Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/421637-project-squat-dodgerno-more-curling-like-a-broget-ankle-better/page/27/#findComment-7141570 Share on other sites More sharing options...
No Crust Racing Posted January 8, 2014 Author Share Posted January 8, 2014 Been a while. Still seeing physio weekly, I'm off for a CT scan this week as there's been little to no improvement. Especially over Xmas where I took it really easy for the most part and was not sitting as much (Physio though that was a big part of it). I've been doing some storm water trenching/digging work but breaking it up and still coming away really sore to the point of taking a couple anti-inflams here and there to help. As for gym, I've knocked the bench weight back to 100kg and just do 2 sets of 8 then 2 sets of 10 on the incline with 55 or so kg just to try and get into incline a little to help my chest shape. This week I also ditched the weight belt on chins and dips and instead of doing 3x8 have just done 3x10-12 at BW to see if the weight belt was causing me any issues, which it didn't. I'm in two minds about re-adding the belt as I'm enjoying doing more reps on the whole. I've lost a little weight 1-2kg through smaller portions, healthier snacks, and a few more reps here and there. 86 or so in the mornings now. See what the scan shows. Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/421637-project-squat-dodgerno-more-curling-like-a-broget-ankle-better/page/27/#findComment-7164504 Share on other sites More sharing options...
No Crust Racing Posted January 15, 2014 Author Share Posted January 15, 2014 Well I got my results, not great, will talk about it in the Infirmary thread. Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/421637-project-squat-dodgerno-more-curling-like-a-broget-ankle-better/page/27/#findComment-7170971 Share on other sites More sharing options...
-FIGJAM- Posted January 26, 2014 Share Posted January 26, 2014 No good mate. Hope you can get it all sorted. Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/421637-project-squat-dodgerno-more-curling-like-a-broget-ankle-better/page/27/#findComment-7180580 Share on other sites More sharing options...
No Crust Racing Posted January 27, 2014 Author Share Posted January 27, 2014 Cheers. I'll get there, it'll just take time. I've started light core work, planking etc and so far it's not making it worse.Stretching is a big thing, if I go a few days without a decent stretch it gets much worse. Good reminder to hold my core in place when i stand up to walk around also, if I do, I can get up without pain, if I forget or release too soon, it goes twang. All self inflicted so no pity for myself. Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/421637-project-squat-dodgerno-more-curling-like-a-broget-ankle-better/page/27/#findComment-7181961 Share on other sites More sharing options...
No Crust Racing Posted February 9, 2014 Author Share Posted February 9, 2014 (edited) Had an update appointment with the physio. No real progress pain wise. I am getting stronger in the planks and my abs are getting more defined but no real benefit in back pain as yet. I won't be able to continue doing to side plank as doing them on the right side really upsets my elbow so I'll have to watch that in the next week or two, if need be skip a session to let it heal properly. He said I need to work on core for stretching for a good 6mths to see some results, better than injections or surgery IMO. He also said there's no need to come and see him any more than monthly at most as I'm just wasting my money because I'm doing the work at present. A session now looks like this. Breaks between sets are normally 90-120secs. As you can see I've dropped the weight on a lot of things and added reps, keeps the heart up and semi covers off for no cardio at the moment, plus a bit easier means more enjoyment and less chance of injury. If anything I'm now a touch bigger and more defined in some spots. Doing some lunges and calf raises again albeit with next to no weight. The physio stretching is various back and leg and pelvis stretches. Physio stretching and general warmup stretching 2x8 reps at 101-102kg or something on the bench. Then 1x 10 at 73kg incline press (this is slowly improving, initially 54kg was a real struggle oddly)Physio stretching Front plank, started out at 30sec to take it really easy, close to 2mins again now. 3x10 weighted dips at 12.5kg Physio stretching Side planks (scrapping these for another TBA core exercise) 30x Alternating Lunges (so 15 per leg) with a whopping 6kg of dumbells heavily focusing on locked core during. 3x10 Weighted dips at 17.5kg Back plank for 60-90sec 25 or so calf raises on a board with the same 6kg dumbells. Takes about 40-45mins. Edited February 9, 2014 by ActionDan Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/421637-project-squat-dodgerno-more-curling-like-a-broget-ankle-better/page/27/#findComment-7194332 Share on other sites More sharing options...
L33SH Posted February 10, 2014 Share Posted February 10, 2014 Physios love core and posterior chain strength! Looks like an interesting workout Dan, there is lots of room for weight/time progression Good luck with it P.S. Someone I know is entering the Guiness World Records for the longest held front plank (the record currently stands at 3 hours something) fark that lol Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/421637-project-squat-dodgerno-more-curling-like-a-broget-ankle-better/page/27/#findComment-7194828 Share on other sites More sharing options...
No Crust Racing Posted March 24, 2014 Author Share Posted March 24, 2014 A mini update as not much has changed, beyond me getting a bit heavier. Some nights I'm tipping in at almost 90kg, yes there's some cushion in the mid section and around my hips on the backside (back slabs Kate calls them lol) but my glutes and quads have certainly gotten bigger and my abs are looking better. Seen my physio again, he said I;m doing everything right and that it takes time and not to be impatient, also gave me a new stretch (once I build the contraption needed) to help my with ankle and foot ROM as he's indentified a "sticking point" in the middle of my foot that just doesn't move.Workouts currently look like this. Basic Stretching, hip flexors, quads, hammies, calves, chest, shoulders, back etc. 1x10 reps at a bit over 100kg on the flat bench, then 2x10 reps at about 78kg on the incline, this has come up a little in weight and is now 2 sets instead of 1. Though I'm only making the 9th rep on the 3rd set. I then take a 30 sec breather and try for 1 or 2 more. Front plank, minimum 3mins now, usually try and hold to for 3m 15s or so. Alternating lunges- I worked up to 50x alternating lunges at the previous weight - 25 each side - and have just up'd the weight and dropped the reps to 30, will build up to 50 again and add more weight. Have 16kg in total in hand. Physio stretching for 90 sec or so each side. 3x10 Weighted chins @ 12.5kg (I must have had the old weights either wrong or I've lost strength as I'm currently not completing these, I think the previous weight was actually 10kg or maybe it was 3x8 at 12.5 but is now 3x10). I can usually get the 8th rep out on the 3rd set and try for and fail 9 and 10. Then a 30 sec break and 2-3 more. Calf raises: As above, worked up to 50 with the 6kgs on board, have dropped to 30 reps with 16kg. Did an extra 10 last night as I didn't get any burn in the 30, so 50 won't be far. Physio stretching for a good 2-3 mins Back plank for minimum 2m 30s. 3x10 Weight dips at 15.5kg, only just scrapping in the 10th rep in here. 20x squats with the same dipping weight. Weights touch the ground at just above parallel which is probably easier on my lower back. More stretching to warm down. Including 10-15 reps of bending over to touch my toes. The switch to 90 breaks was a hard one, 25% less recovery time between sets plus sets of 10 has been a big change. I'm coming around to being used to it. Still have reasonable back discomfort that needs managing. On some gym days and on all off days I'm walking at least 3k and am doing additional stretching as it helps minimise my discomfort/symptoms. I need some new pants =\ Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/421637-project-squat-dodgerno-more-curling-like-a-broget-ankle-better/page/27/#findComment-7238136 Share on other sites More sharing options...
No Crust Racing Posted April 2, 2014 Author Share Posted April 2, 2014 Hit 3m 30sec front plank in the last two sessions. Abs are looking better for it. Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/421637-project-squat-dodgerno-more-curling-like-a-broget-ankle-better/page/27/#findComment-7247664 Share on other sites More sharing options...
L33SH Posted April 2, 2014 Share Posted April 2, 2014 That is awesome, would beat me! hope your bum isn't too high up though! Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/421637-project-squat-dodgerno-more-curling-like-a-broget-ankle-better/page/27/#findComment-7247758 Share on other sites More sharing options...
No Crust Racing Posted April 2, 2014 Author Share Posted April 2, 2014 I noticed last night during the last minute I'm raising it a little rather than being dead flat, I'll have to keep an eye on it. Hard when your butt is as big as mine though Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/421637-project-squat-dodgerno-more-curling-like-a-broget-ankle-better/page/27/#findComment-7247759 Share on other sites More sharing options...
L33SH Posted April 2, 2014 Share Posted April 2, 2014 haha Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/421637-project-squat-dodgerno-more-curling-like-a-broget-ankle-better/page/27/#findComment-7247809 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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