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Bench form needs a little work. You need to get the scapular retracted more and the sholders in a better position of rotation. Whats with the towel?

Curls , too fast. squeeze as hard as you can at the top of the rep. Lower with a 2-3 count. Keep your body from moving around.

Pin the shoulder blades back together more?

Towel is there as the bench is shitfully uncomfortable with heavier weight, it also reminds me to stop my head tilting and straining my neck.

Curls are too fast due to weight, normally 44kg, other points noted though and I think I heave too much so I might drop the weight, concentrate on staying still, squeezing etc. I will habve to drop the weight to do that which is fine with me.

You need to be able to press like a girl at least.

See how her back over arches in the later reps and the shoulders move out of line with the hips, that's what happens to me, but at only 45kg. Implying shitful core/back strength I assume?

Edited by ActionDan

Pin the shoulder blades back together more?

Towel is there as the bench is shitfully uncomfortable with heavier weight, it also reminds me to stop my head tilting and straining my neck.

You need to concentrate on doing it right without a towel. Leave heavy weights till you get it right.

See how her back over arches in the later reps and the shoulders move out of line with the hips, that's what happens to me, but at only 45kg. Implying shitful core/back strength I assume?

Yes she has nill issues with core and back, you do however. At 68kg she is pressing alot more than she weighs and she can also bench 180kg.

Based on your form with light weight ,your pressing with 45kg would look very ugly as a guess and it's probably hurting you. Her form is spot on for the lifts. She has stabilisation even with the really big weights. Remember that very slight distortion is more due to the weight being much heavier than she is and balance.

With the row, is that enough "bend" or is the idea to go parralell? I know there are different variations but I'm trying to consider my lack of back strength here too and not risk injury.

I'm not out to be a power lifter so "safer" movements are fine if they'll help me get stronger and some shape/size.

As in SLDL "Feels" safer to me, but at only 50kg that may just be an illusion.

Edited by ActionDan

Dislocating my ankle and breaking my leg was an eye opener Nick. I was covering 100ks a month running, as well as exercising 3 times a week and felt like I was in OK shape/had OK strength, now I've spent the last 6mths languishing going backwards etc and furthermore so many other areas are suffering while I learn to walk evenly again etc - as per the myo comments about how it affects my pelvis/back. It's retarded.

And now because I'm working on areas that I've neglected for so long, it's like starting again, so I'm just trying to be smarter about it and avoid further injuries/delays.

But given I, like a few others, started out at 60 odd kg when I fist started lifting, I have no doubt that I can make some progress over time.

everyone starts somewhere... even really strong guys get injured and have to start from the beginning again... your form is fine but your using rubbish equipment which is only going to make the journey longer and more frustrating than it needs to be... look at it as an investment in your health... and it's cheaper than a gym membership in the long run

when you start to get stronger many of the little niggles just disappear... the body is amazing and adapts very quickly but you have to make it adapt... don't over think it... it's good to train smart but you have to train smart and hard... you will have more setbacks along the way, it happens to everyone

Cheers dude, I've had enough injuries along the way to know it happens.

I've been much stronger along the way too to know how fast the body can grown and adapt.

Definitely will get a cage, but my jew nature (when it comes to extra curricular expenses) will see me hunt around for one for a bit first.

yeah of course, you don't need anything fancy... if it has rust on it it's even more badass, that's a fact!

if your afraid of getting hurt you won't get anywhere... you had a really bad injury but eventually you just have to say fck it and trust your body... it will hate you for a while... everything aches and you hobble around like an old man... if it were easy everybody would do it

I'm not out to be a power lifter so "safer" movements are fine if they'll help me get stronger and some shape/size.

You've got to get this thinking out of your head. Going through the motions is pointless IMO. If you achieve a goal lifted weight, what's the sense of just forever doing that? Don't you want to better yourself?gives you something to look forward too.

Also, your reasoning for gloves, you'll get better feel and grip without them and guess what? any callouses you may or may not get would be lucky to make contact with the other hand. I have callouses, work in an abrasive industry and my hands are 'soft' to touch so to speak.

Edited by jangles

I have goals, just not power lifting goals like some of the people on here.

And yes at some point I will switch from gain to maintain, you can't gain forever.

I should add I also used gloves back in the day to help support my wrists, these gloves just wrap around but don't have the solid supports up the back of the hands like the old ones did which is fine as my wrists are stronger.

So a bit of an old habit.

Dan, I work as a hand model and look at these mits


I ditched gloves completely (used to use them just for pressing movements) 2 months ago and my calluses are no worse. They're actually lesser/better, because once you start lifting heavy, gloves give you calluses too...in the wrong spots where the material bunches up. They also give you a clitoris and a visit from aunt flow every month.

Try two weeks without gloves; I guarantee you'll stay that way.

I'll try it, easy enough when the weight is light , but nobody is really selling the virtues of not using them.

Though I have noticed that bunching on occasions, more so with old gloves.

I've just finished a quick sess of Cubans and various stretches/rotations for the back, inner glutes, elbow etc.

Will do some more light weights tomorrow and grab the cam and try some of the suggestions.

I also tried the creatine last night, mixed ok with protein shake and didn't effect the taste badly.

Keep it up with the shoulder girdle and lumbar strength building. Deads and squats are great, you can leave bro-press alone totally till you are strong. I will even suggest you can leave it for 6-9 months. Do strict press instead when you are ready, there are other chest building movements.

Wear gloves if you want, who cares. Even better get some foam bar grips. They increase the diameter of the bar making your grip work harder. Being made of high impact foam they will be better on the caluses to boot.

No bench press? But I love bench. I won't be stopping that unless there's some excellent reason not to do it.

Do strict press? I thought a strict press was a standing military press, heels together?

That was something I'd always been told by people who were pro gloves, it added diamterer and made your grip work harder.

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