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I've noticed an oil leak as I came home . It smells like burnt tyres/rubber. Since the radiator fan pretty much flicked it everywhere, it's not exactly too straight forward to pin point. I've degreased my engine bay and hosed water on it to get rid of it to see for myself tomorrow.

Theres a high pitch screeching/squealing sound on occasional gear changing, but I assume thats just the belts slipping as oil has made contact with it.

Colour appears to be like, well Piss lol. yellowish colour, looks quite clean. Motor oil and gearbox oil look like they are at good levels, power steering reservoir appears to be good as well and brake fluid. Oil seem to be more over to the front passenger side, where the air snorkel is. Oil has also touched the exhaust manifold/exaust and thus giving off white smoke and burnt rubber smell.


- Piss yellow oil

- Water consistency (when warm anyway)

- White smoke, very little but just enough to see

- Smells like burnt rubber/tyre

- Most of the oil appears to be coming from front passenger side of engine bay, under air snorkel

- Occasional squealing sound as gear changes

- A/T light flashing like a Xmas tree

- Car feels like stalling/choking.

I've had a thought that it could be the power steering line where it connects to the pump, though its too low to be able to flick oil onto the timing belts.

Anyone can give any suggestions?

Any idea on how to identify the oil?

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Make sure you didnt run over a bottle of vege oil or something

That kind of thing has happened to me before

Engine oil vapour condensed and leaking out somwhere from intake?

Edited by D.I.Y. Mik

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