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They had a thing open about how they are working on the network issues.

Hit detection is still horrid and same with the getting shot around corners and things.

But from what I have read, they are well aware of the issues and are working on them.

Played Silk Road for 2x half hour rounds and it was heaps of fun.

I hate Silk Road, and any china rising maps for that matter.

Prefer the first maps, and second assault by far

Golf of Oman is pretty awesome, got to get to know the map a lot more in the city part still.

I like China rising maps - most of them are close quater. As for the new maps (old BF3 maps)... they simply bring out the old tactics for easy kills.

BF4 is dead until they fix the flyzones - Helicopters are extremely useless now.

Love BF3 but I'm loathe to start BF4 simply on the basis of having to level up again haha. I'm only a level 15? (I think) colonel in BF3 and that has been a lot of gaming hours for me.

C-Ry11 add me on PS3

PS: Keyboard players are cheats =)

Edited by chrisR34GTT

Thats when your team mates are supposed to help you out.

No such thing as teammates in BF4... unless you're rolling in a squad with 5 mates.

One of the first BF4 patches made the jets do double damage to helicopters. AA's do more damage then they use to, not to mention heat seekers that do not give a lock-on sound, you also have troops with stingers on their shoulders.. not to mention tanks with gunners that can destroy your flying mechanics and laser guided rockets on tanks also. The helicopter is a slow moving target with horrible damage (Full burst of rockets does around 40-50% damage on a hardcore server) In other words.. no where near enough damage.

BF3 they did an alright job with choppers and BFBC2 had the best approach - stationary AA's.

BC2 made them too much of a gamechanger. A good pilot could win the game for a team. So many people complained that a good chopper pilot in BF3 could do the same thing (and i agree having spent stupid house flying in both jets and helicopters with a joystick setup). The game is designed around teamwork. Having snipers tag choppers to help bring them down, but then you have ground troops that can counter that. The Vehicles are not meant to define the game, and who wins. They are there to create atmosphere and support for ground troops. Even tanks are easy to destroy if a ground team knows what it is doing. I have seen choppers last all game with 1 pilot who knows what he is doing. Again what they are designed for is troop mobility. The apache is there for support for the troops/other chopper and as a tankbuster. Not a Spawn camper that can hold a single point on it's own. And the Jets are designed to bring the choppers down (pretty much all they can do apart from shoot eachother). A good pilot can take out an AA gun. Ground troops? Hardly.

At the end of the day the teams ability as ground troops will be the deciding factor. Not the vehicles. And that is how DICE want the game to be played.

You keep basing your point from "teamwork". No such game will have such defined and experience teamwork. 1 out of 100 games you might get a team that actually sets up soflam or targets AA. Other then that, teams are just going for the kills.

I have had extreme experience in the chopper from BFV to BF4. Pretty much the only reason why I played BF.. and I agree a good helicopter pilot + gunner can dominate a map and I agree, a nerf is needed. But not a nerf that makes the chopper extremely useless. It's not about teamwork, given that the internet barely uses teamwork in a 5v5 game (LoL, HoN, Dota2) let alone a 32/64 server. It's impossible. Dice need to fix the choppers so they can last. Any map with open airspace is a deathtrap with a chopper and you even see the chopper not being used. Oh yeah, the scout choppers can also have heat seekers and cannons.. another anti for the chopper.

The odds for the chopper is extremely unfair and it needs to be changed. But given the new change over from DICE, I won't be expecting anything until BF5 - maybe then, they'll fix the choppers.

Also, on a side note... The fact AA's have like a 8sec cool down with their seekers and the chopper has a 25sec cool down on it's flares shows how extremely bias the game is against choppers. Also, 1-2 heatseekers can bring down a chopper... it's bs and it needs to be changed.

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DICE and many of the player base seem to disagree with you Jeremy haha. Choppers are perfectly fine. The only thing i would change is the miniguns on the transports to increase the damage to other choppers and people.

DICE are clueless. You can see this in many aspects of BF4 and many players disagree true.. but many players agree. I've had this discussion with a lot of other like minded people and 90% of people agree that the AA is to strong. When an AA sits at the back of the map taking down everything in site... that already tells you something. Stationary AA's are the way to go.

the mini guns suck.. and they do need a buff.. but not to choppers.. choppers already take enough damage. They just need to do more damage to troops and buildings and a bit more "splash" damage. For a gun that can shoot 1,000 rounds a minute and has that extremely low splash damage seems a bit weird.

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If a transport chopper can shoot down an apache i say good on them! Stationary AA would be interesting. Supppose it depends on the map, and cover for the choppers. It is a very hard balance to get it right for everyone.

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