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im trying to do a tut in there to help out other people and three of my post havent been put up in about a week at least... It makes me over it why spend my time writing out a detailed thread then it never shows up on the screen... i understand you want to moderate it but there must be a better way, its all very dis heartening i dont really want to finish my thread but i guess i should re write 3 long posts and try again...im also sick of the garbage thats in there, cutting down a gear stick dont post asking how to do it post if youve done and your telling others how its done, theres plenty of other spots for questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bs!:

cant you guyds moderate and delete if in appropriate instead of moderating and obviously loseing or being to lazy to allow the post up on the board..

Sorry for the rant but i spent time and effort to help others and feel shut down...

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s13drifter -

Don't feel sorry for speaking how you feel.

As a member of SAU forums - thanks in advance for you work. I can't wait to see what you wrote about - For someone who is as passionate about cars etc for you to write a DIY , I commend you.

Come on Mods- how about we publish the work so we can all enjoy it ??

s13drifter - unfortunately, i am the only one who checks the moderated posts/threads and i have just gotten back from 10 days on my honeymoon.

I will add it just shortly.

Also, yes i agree there must be a better system, do you have any suggestions?

prank man sorry if you feel i was goin off i know your hands are pretty full, there are two other mods in there, my only suggestion is they let people post then move or delete once the post is up as nessasary, if its garbage delete, if its appropriate leave it goin, but there can be no whoring in there, like getting side tracked within specific threads.... if you do need a hand i am keen to look after that section if more help is needed... i dont just wnat to whinge im willing to do what it takes to fix the problems...



I'm more than happy to mod the section if you want... i'm doing a tut right now in the VIC section so I can f**k the plebs who whore off and then move it to the DIY section when its all done and ready to be presented.


My suggestion is to have multiple mods to mod the section, and be a bit nazi about it, delete whore comments and pleb questoins. But as it is the section shits me to no ends, like a response to a question shows up a few days after I post it, and when it appears it appears with a few other posts sayin the same thing since they haven't seen other's responses.

The current post by post approval system sucks, at least make it thread approval required only, and once the thread is created its free to post. People want answers to their questions quickly, and right now they don't get that.

yeah I'm one of the slack mods in there...and I would be happy for further help to moderate it. While I try to check each day obviously I am not and can not check it every minute

One thing I don't think is going well in there is there are two many threads turning into discussions instead of answers to questions.

Anyway, I'll go with whatever is decided.

ill mod i dont have a problem im not of those ppl that whinges than does nothing to sort the problem... dunc mate sorry, i know theres probably alot of stuff to sort through... Im on skylines at least once or twice a day i would be gald to help, i will be dilagent and ferocious on those not following guidelines...here ends the speil...

im trying to do a tut in there to help out other people and three of my post havent been put up in about a week at least... It makes me over it why spend my time writing out a detailed thread then it never shows up on the screen... i understand you want to moderate it but there must be a better way, its all very dis heartening i dont really want to finish my thread but i guess i should re write 3 long posts and try again...im also sick of the garbage thats in there, cutting down a gear stick dont post asking how to do it post if youve done and your telling others how its done, theres plenty of other spots for questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bs!:  

cant you guyds moderate and delete if in appropriate instead of moderating and obviously loseing or being to lazy to allow the post up on the board..

Sorry for the rant but i spent time and effort to help others and feel shut down...

alright let me apologise also. i havent been checking as often as i have but let me just say something

1. the gearstick question was moved out of there a long time ago as it is not a tute but a question so i'm not too sure what you're talking about there.

2. you have not been waiting a week i checked it on friday and there were no threads or posts awaiting moderation.

we try to check at least once a day but please dont accuse us of being lazy for not checking religiously.

again sorry for keeping you waiting.

i too know how you feel

its been well over a week, i posted a set of pictures then i posted the gearbox removal, then i posted another set of pictures..... the gearbox one i have since re writen as i have a feeling it didnt work but this doesnt explain the missing picture posts????

i think what it comes down to is if you have 3 posts that make up your DIY thread, it is possible that it could take up to 3 days per post for the DIY thread to come together. which is a wee bit long.

However I think if there was no limit to the length of the posts in the DIY section, then you could just make one big post. :

I've noticed once you've posted you can edit your post however many times and its instantaneous, so I generally tend to do that.

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