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Just keep chipping away doing lots of squat volume around 80-85% 1RM and add weight/sets/reps when you hit targets like 5x5 etc so you're continually increasing the stress, this way you maintain form and don't injure yourself, and you're using heavy enough weight to stimulate growth. You're a novice squatter going by the weights listed so it's just going to take some time to build the strength. If in doubt squat, then squat some more :)

Edited by GHOSTrun
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I do "good morning" the weight up when I am struggling in the hole sometimes. Is this a bad thing? Indicative that I should be further back on my heels?

it's very common, especially with 'high bar' squatters... not a terrible thing as long as your not bending excessively... make sure your taking a big breath before each rep and hold it until you finish the rep... this can help brace your core... belts help as well but don't think you need one yet

yep if you let the weight drift forward onto your toes you will find yourself getting bent over

you can also do some good mornings as an assistance exercise

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hips are generally stronger so they tend to rise first when close to your max and so good morings occur.

Just so you know, I've hurt my back due to this in the past.

Assume your current max is 105 and go back to doing 70 - 85% for reps for a while.

That is my opinion/suggestion

Edited by TTT
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60kg x 10

75kg x 10

90kg x 8

100kg x 3

105kg x 1 (died on second rep; thank you safety bars)

I think the leg press is helping a fair bit with squat strength, along with progressively stepping up the weight on squats. I'm tryIng my best not to lose form as I step up the weight...it is still very ATG...however...I do "good morning" the weight up when I am struggling in the hole sometimes. Is this a bad thing? Indicative that I should be further back on my heels?

Damn, Im in a very similar position to you. The numbers are almost identical! Out of curiosity what weight are you doing on the leg press? Its probably irrelevant for squats, but would be good to know. After the squats, I am up to 320kg for 3 reps (300kg for 5). This has increased a lot in the last month but the squat hasn't at all, which is very frustrating!!!!

On the squats, as soon as I go for 110kg, when i try to go low, I start to fall forward!!! Shitting me big time. I have to get some decent advice on how to squat properly. Mind you as per above advice, I'm doing for 5x5's now starting at 60kg and going from there.

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Leg press weights, or any machine, is irrelevant, as they are designed and made differently

I used a Hack Squat at Golds in Venice Beach with 3 plates aside

The one I was using back home at the time allowed for a 25lb plate per side

Thats a huge difference.....150lbs to 25lbs per side

Can only compare on the same machine

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I witnessed a bloke in my biomechanics class at uni pump out 25x100kg atg squats like it was nothing today. I train at home so it was crazy to see someone lifting that in front of me, takes it to a whole other level.

I would probably be in a permanent state of dropped jaw if I were to go to Markos' ptc gym!

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As work has settled down, and i'm getting my car back, I feel it is time to really focus on improving my squats once more.

I may have to post up a video to gain some insight on why I feel like my hips are hinging forwards if I try to squat deep.

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100kg x 25 is good in any gym, thats great work Mitch

Our guys are into their first week of 5's

Martin got 200kg x 5, Max did 205kg x 5, Dan did 205kg x 5, Zoran did 205kg x 5,Emad 210kg x 5, Spiros 215kg x 5, Jack 240kg x 5, all for 3 sets

Max has 220kg x 5 this Saturday

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