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You really love getting the press involved huh? LOL

Nope, no name. I've tried since day one to get the name of reporting officer so I could have a chat to him and see where the error has occured. Unfortunatly, EPA continue to withhold the name of the officer for some reason or another.

If I was able to get the officer's name, I would no doubt follow the path you mentioned as the two conflicting stories will raise alarm bells. Hopefully the officer isn't in on it also. EPA = Untrustworthy!

the are not allowed to with hold the name of the officer. The name should also be stated on the fines! if not id be def chasing it with the correct sources as i sated earlier in this thread

Why does this not surprise me...it seems bureaucratically easier to process you,even with bullshit amendments, than to do the paperwork involved to cancel it.

Feel for you man. But as Paul said, even more reason to fight it. Would be awesome if something like this got media coverage. I know more than enough stories or people with stories to create a segment out of it.

deffo mate. bring it to light. you have to knowledge and what not, what bout people who would just do it because they wouldnt know any better. get the story out there my friend!

That's true, but the way I see it, it's going to turn into a massive finger pointing exercise and with the EPA being a government branch, they're going to have a lot more money to throw into defending themselves than I do in accusing/prosecutting them :(

I wish the whole bullshit thing could be exposed...everything from the corrupt cops who feed off EPA's ridiculous laws to the EPA itself and the lack of a vessel through which to challenge infringement.

the are not allowed to with hold the name of the officer. The name should also be stated on the fines! if not id be def chasing it with the correct sources as i sated earlier in this thread

Believe me mate, I've tried numerous occasions to obtain the name so i can chase it up without EPA getting involved and possibly getting their stories changed.

Why does this not surprise me...it seems bureaucratically easier to process you,even with bullshit amendments, than to do the paperwork involved to cancel it.

Feel for you man. But as Paul said, even more reason to fight it. Would be awesome if something like this got media coverage. I know more than enough stories or people with stories to create a segment out of it.

Thanks mate, I feel for me too. Paul does have a point, but again, my resources in terms of fighting it are limited compared to EPA.

There's my point exactly! Why are we "guilty until proven innocent"? EPA clearly don't see the flaw in their "schemes", which is all good cos EPA will get their own soon enough*

*I may or may not be condoning the act of EPA Staff Carpark dobbing

Believe me mate, I've tried numerous occasions to obtain the name so i can chase it up without EPA getting involved and possibly getting their stories changed.

Stuff the EPA! call the SRO and have them place the fine/etc on hold and have them investigate the issue.

I bet the EPA staff will be exempt from the guilty until proven innocent approach.

Love how the spokesperson from EPA says she was misquoted...and her follow up or supposed original quote is completely different in every way. Guessing she had a quick lesson in Australian law that you are innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Even if she was misquoted, that is how the system works down at the EPA the burden of proof is on you which contradicts everything our legal system is supposed to stand for. I have no idea how these laws were passed and powers were delegated in this way?

Turbodragon...if the EPa seem to think you can put in a stat dec in the case of a wrongful infringement, then perhaps write an email saying you would happily sign a stat dec contrary to the information contained in the infringement. This seems to be all that is required in defence of the EPA litter fines...if the spokesperson's often changing words are anything to go by. After that, they would need to take it to court to prosecute you further.

I bet the EPA staff will be exempt from the guilty until proven innocent approach.

Love how the spokesperson from EPA says she was misquoted...and her follow up or supposed original quote is completely different in every way. Guessing she had a quick lesson in Australian law that you are innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Even if she was misquoted, that is how the system works down at the EPA the burden of proof is on you which contradicts everything our legal system is supposed to stand for. I have no idea how these laws were passed and powers were delegated in this way?

Turbodragon...if the EPa seem to think you can put in a stat dec in the case of a wrongful infringement, then perhaps write an email saying you would happily sign a stat dec contrary to the information contained in the infringement. This seems to be all that is required in defence of the EPA litter fines...if the spokesperson's often changing words are anything to go by. After that, they would need to take it to court to prosecute you further.

Typical EPA and their back-pedalling. To be honest, I think I will gain more satisfaction in keeping an eye out for d*ckhead drivers on the road and then reporting them to get an EPA test. If we do this enough, the "general" public will see the flawed logic of the system (the same way they've seen the littering system flaw) and do the uprising for us.

Edited by turbodragon

And if there was a great deal of paperwork involved in cancelling a test, the more EPA staff we dob in, the more work it generates for them. Eventually, they'll either have to suck it up and continue to process/cancel dodgy dobbings or make a change to the system.

Good idea...we should actually flood/clog the system with hundreds of reports...prove that the system can be abused. Report camera cars on the side of the road, government and police vehicles etc. Will create all sorts of headaches.

Stuff the EPA! call the SRO and have them place the fine/etc on hold and have them investigate the issue.

Who are they SRO?

In my line of work its the State Revenue Office and they don't deal with this issue

Good idea...we should actually flood/clog the system with hundreds of reports...prove that the system can be abused. Report camera cars on the side of the road, government and police vehicles etc. Will create all sorts of headaches.

Agreed. We should start reporting and abuse the system that's abused us (sounds kinda strange now that I read that last line out loud lol). I think a Meet n Greet should be organised at a central point, and then we start fanning out and get as many number plates/time/location as possible and meet back to process our good work haha

The central point being EPA HQ carpark? :P


In theory, it's a great idea. In practice however, we would be pretty much writing our own Test Notice (as well as the other 100+ we manage to get over the course of a few hours hahaha)

we can all take the tram, if you're that worried.

F*ck that, I don't have a concession card. I'm already pissed off about having to pay $41 for a noise test, let alone another $10 to catch a tram to EPA headquaters.

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