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im looking at starting a new mmo, but have absolutely no idea what to start, ive played most of the popular ones and dont want to go back.

i was thinking of something like Eve?

has anyone looked into Neverwinter Online?

what else is good these days? or, what are you playing?

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Path Of Exile. Not MMO (online Diablo w/ alternative art style) but good for wasting lots of hours and gameplay is not really grinding.

Its in beta, lots of players (usually with Penis-joke names) and made in New Zealand complete with local accent voice acting.

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Eve is awesome, but a steeeeeep learning curve. It also helps to have people to play with and also note that nightly server maintenance is an hour long and is at a shitty time for AU players.

Wow is still the greatest game ever made although a total time sync. I spent five years on it and could happily have spent the last three or so on it only for the whole wife, kid and job thing.

I've played a few others, none of which are noteworthy.

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Dust 514. Yeah, yeah PS3 only, shed a tear.

Have been playing it for a while now. Is good fun and definitely getting better with each build (May 6 build feature list looks to be absolutely awesome).

Tried WoW on three separate occcasions and watched fanatical mates playing it. Has to be one of the most boring games of all time IMO (seriously).

That Path of Exile looks like a group of fans recreating and enhancing the original Diablo.

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id love to get into eve, ive played it before, but the learning curve is crazy.

im giving lotro a go, but its pretty empty, unless im just in the empty areas lol

i used to play wow, and its pretty boring now

Don't be afraid of the learning curve. The learning curve means you don't find a great deal of kids playing it.

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Evemon is you best resource in Eve when it comes to training.


Figure out what you want to do and plan it properly.

For casualish funtimes in C3/4 wormholes a Legion is a good choice especially if you have a couple.

My mate and used to dual box and do C4s with three Legions and a Pally buff ship. PVP was always funtimes, too. We'd often bait with a single Legion. Someone would warp in on us, we'd pop the other two out of cloak and ground and pound.

I'm tempted to get back into it although I dropped a bunch of f-bombs and c-bombs in the forums ages ago when CCP announced that Dust 514 would be PS3 only....I swore not to give them any more of my money...

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I love my Naga in Eve.

Sh!t for close combat has no tank.. at all.
But damn, it's a glass cannon.
1400 dps @ 100km.
​In basic terms - that's like shooting a frog with a .50 Sniper - Pop goes the bullfrog.
Sucks balls when rifters warp onto you. lol.
Gotta blob and hope for the best.

EVE is good fun if you can suffer the money grinding - initially mining yields the best money, but when you get to L3-4 missions, you can rake money in by the tens of millions for the mission, and salvage and loot can be upwards of 50m.
I just prefer blobbing everyone in null at the moment, gets the lols and the angry "I'M GOING TO HUNT YOU AND KILL YOU, YOU G@# F%$#!!!11ELEVEN!!!!"

But if spaceships aren't your thing you can always try need for speed world - gay physics, gay play, but kinda like a dumbed down (heaps) version of Underground - but with people.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ragnarok Online 2 - Been out for awhile but now free with Steam - TONS of players. I'm level 17 theif (took me 2 days) fast leveling. Childish grapics / feel to it. But I've been playing Ragnarok Online 1 since pretty much Beta (well over 10 years).

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I have just Quit Wow

Just a too much time consuming game if you actually want to be good at it you have to eat sleep and breathe wow

played for over 1 year and pushed 2k rating in arenas such a hard game lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Downloaded the open beta of Neverwinter Online last night, only played for about 30 mins but so far I'm actually really enjoying it. Gameplay is different enough to other mainstream MMOs like WoW to feel new and fun, while still being similar enough that you aren't headf**ked from a learning curve. I haven't played the Neverwinter Nights games so I don't know if it's the same as them lol. Graphics are also quite pleasing, nice colours and everything just glows. Rolled whatever the tanking class is called since I'm way too used to melee classes from WoW, and everyone knows tanks are the most sought after group members in these games :P

Given it's free to play, I'd recommend at least giving it a shot. Was only like a 4GB download too.

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I have played WoW since 2007. Was heavily addicted during The Burning Crusade expansion (it came out just as I started). It was an amazing experience, most amazing fun I have had on a game ever. I wish I could go back to those days. I was addicted... would get up at 6am and play before school. Rush home and play after school. I even scheduled my first job so that I could have certain nights off so that I could raid with my guild which was very fun.

The next expansion, Wrath of the Lich King I didnt play much as I was hacked about week after release and just rage quit on the whole thing for a very long time.

Came back to the game in the 3rd xpac, Cataclysm. Didnt raid or play as serious as I used to, just enjoyed PvP with my friends. Fun casual gaming that I never took too seriously.

Same gos with WoW in its current state in the 4th xpac... dont play the game seriously on a PvE / story front, but enjoy PvP with my friends.

Overall, for someone who has been in the game over 6 years, the golden days of WoW have most definitely passed (ended after the 1st xpac for me), but still a great past time with friends. Ide recommend it. Newbies wont know about how the game was back in the day so wont be aware of how much its gone downhill. This could be good or bad.

If anyone plays, im Horde / Frostmourne. My main is a rogue named Cetzer.

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I have played WoW since 2007. Was heavily addicted during The Burning Crusade expansion (it came out just as I started). It was an amazing experience, most amazing fun I have had on a game ever. I wish I could go back to those days. I was addicted... would get up at 6am and play before school. Rush home and play after school. I even scheduled my first job so that I could have certain nights off so that I could raid with my guild which was very fun.

The next expansion, Wrath of the Lich King I didnt play much as I was hacked about week after release and just rage quit on the whole thing for a very long time.

Came back to the game in the 3rd xpac, Cataclysm. Didnt raid or play as serious as I used to, just enjoyed PvP with my friends. Fun casual gaming that I never took too seriously.

Same gos with WoW in its current state in the 4th xpac... dont play the game seriously on a PvE / story front, but enjoy PvP with my friends.

Overall, for someone who has been in the game over 6 years, the golden days of WoW have most definitely passed (ended after the 1st xpac for me), but still a great past time with friends. Ide recommend it. Newbies wont know about how the game was back in the day so wont be aware of how much its gone downhill. This could be good or bad.

If anyone plays, im Horde / Frostmourne. My main is a rogue named Cetzer.

Go Tich frostmourne is for pve

Whats the highest rating you pushed

My main was rogue started at the end of cata

got 2k in 3s as rmp/thug cleave

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I have played WoW since 2007. Was heavily addicted during The Burning Crusade expansion (it came out just as I started). It was an amazing experience, most amazing fun I have had on a game ever. I wish I could go back to those days. I was addicted... would get up at 6am and play before school. Rush home and play after school. I even scheduled my first job so that I could have certain nights off so that I could raid with my guild which was very fun.

The next expansion, Wrath of the Lich King I didnt play much as I was hacked about week after release and just rage quit on the whole thing for a very long time.

Came back to the game in the 3rd xpac, Cataclysm. Didnt raid or play as serious as I used to, just enjoyed PvP with my friends. Fun casual gaming that I never took too seriously.

Same gos with WoW in its current state in the 4th xpac... dont play the game seriously on a PvE / story front, but enjoy PvP with my friends.

Overall, for someone who has been in the game over 6 years, the golden days of WoW have most definitely passed (ended after the 1st xpac for me), but still a great past time with friends. Ide recommend it. Newbies wont know about how the game was back in the day so wont be aware of how much its gone downhill. This could be good or bad.

If anyone plays, im Horde / Frostmourne. My main is a rogue named Cetzer.

Hell yes I agree with your first few points!! BC in my experience was the pinnacle of the game. I was lvl48 or so when it came out so never got to raid vanilla, but progression raiding through TK and SSC along with ALL the mindless farming and shit needed along the way was seriously the most fun I've ever had playing any kind of game, and it really pains me knowing it's almost guaranteed nothing will come close to that again :( from the first time I stepped foot into Karazan, through to the guild's first Illidan kill (pre-nerf), that game brought the most satisfaction of anything I've ever "achieved" in my young adult life LOL

Very sad isn't it? Meh, was f**king worth every moment of the 8 hours a day I dumped into that game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i raided from vanilla through this current xpac, did pvp from BS through this current xpac. Wow died properly as soon as DK's where introduced. It broke the proper ballence of the game. Then blizzard starting worring as to why a rett pally couldn't do as much raid dps as a hunter. After that is was broken completely. They removed raid roles and tried to make everyone even. And that broke PVP. Completely. My priest ( my main) was a 4x Multi gladiator and a 1x Rank 1 gladiator. The last Xpac it wasn't possible to even make the top 20 in 3's as a priest. Just because of the ballencing issues. The highest i made it to before i quit was rank 3 for 5's. Affter that i was done with it.

I agree with the above though. If you have not played it you will enjoy it. It was still the most fun and intense game i have ever played. I just miss the good old days haha.

Be warned: WOW is NOT a game you can pick up and play half an hour here an hour there. It really does punish you for not spending like 4 hours at least a day.

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Yeah when wow was imbalanced (as it NEEDED to be, everyone needs a strength and weakness. Think Pokemon's fire > earth > water > fire shit) things just worked. As soon as they started focussing on balancing everyone out, everything went to shit. I was raiding as a rogue predominantly. I SHOULD top the DPS meters, since that was my only use in the group. If a hunter was above me with equal gear, why the f**k would you bring me at all? The hunter has utility etc etc

Balancing the game and tailoring shit for casual players ruined it. I was happy to put the stupid hours into that game grinding for mats or farming heroics for gear because I was rewarded for doing so. Now little shitheads can play for 2 hours every few days and reap greater rewards. f**k that.

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im looking at starting a new mmo, but have absolutely no idea what to start, ive played most of the popular ones and dont want to go back.

i was thinking of something like Eve?

has anyone looked into Neverwinter Online?

what else is good these days? or, what are you playing?

Neverwinter online is great, it is pretty easy for new players to pick up, Rift just went free to play as well so I may get back into it now.

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