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Thought I'd make a thread where we can discuss our injuries in depth and offer non-professional advice for rehabilitation/prevention; keep track of exercise-affecting ailments etc.

I'll put a little disclaimer here that, any advice given in this thread (and the H&W section as a whole) should always be taken with a grain of salt and exists merely to provoke thought/possibilities. Most of us are not health professionals (though we all like to offer advice) and there is no substitute for consulting a health professional in real life who can physically test/scan for and recommend an appropriate course of action for the management of injuries.

We have a heavy focus on weightlifting here in this section; many of us able to relate to exercise specific injuries and rehabilitation methods, which means we can at least lead people in the right direction...whether it be recommending athlete-specific professionals or offering support to each other during tough times.


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my knee is farked. squats don't help, it creaks and clicks and cracks and sometimes 'unlocks' if i do a specific movement and i'm too lazy to see a doctor about it....if i sit with knees at 90 degrees sometimes on bad days it will feel like pressure is building up inside and i just have to straighten it out. oh and i've had this for 5+ years but it doesn't stop me from playing sports.

not looking for advice thought i'd just start things off.

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my knee is farked. squats don't help, it creaks and clicks and cracks and sometimes 'unlocks' if i do a specific movement and i'm too lazy to see a doctor about it....if i sit with knees at 90 degrees sometimes on bad days it will feel like pressure is building up inside and i just have to straighten it out. oh and i've had this for 5+ years but it doesn't stop me from playing sports.

not looking for advice thought i'd just start things off.

I have the same problem.

Squats might not help, but Squats is the right thing to do.

Rev - post up your shoulder/scap rehab stuff in this thread.

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Rev's shoulder rehab stuff would be pretty useful on the first page. I can add it to the first post if he wants to send me a summary of it.

We all know I have a shoulder problem at the moment. GP saw the ultrasound and is adamant its just inflammation/sprain of the supraspinatus. I personally call bullshit and will be seeing a physio about it for a second opinion. The anti-inflams are helping more each day, but are starting to plateau in what they can do for me, which makes me worry a bit, that there is an underlying issue and that's why the supraspinatus turned to shit in the first place.

Also had a blood test and I am vitamin D deficient at 66%. So vitamin D tablets to add to my collection of daily popping. Only a couple years ago I swore I would never take pills for anything...now I'm on 4 a day at age 26 lol

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Also had a blood test and I am vitamin D deficient at 66%. So vitamin D tablets to add to my collection of daily popping. Only a couple years ago I swore I would never take pills for anything...now I'm on 4 a day at age 26 lol

66% ain't no thang!

Mine was down to about 33% at one stage and it started messing with my cognitive function and immune system real bad. Got sick all the time an I was so slow to process things, was real worrying before I knew what the issue was!

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Today's leg session went something like this:

1x squats 60kg warm-up set, 8 reps

1x squats 100kg set, 8 reps

2x extra strength codeine tablets and 2x ibuprofen tablets

1x sit around in pain set

Proceeded to smash some 1 legged leg press sets @120kg before cracking the shits and going home.

I'm fairly sure this is a result of partial dehydration thanks to neglecting water through the day more than usual :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thought i would post in here for a bit of advice.
Just got news that i have had a shoulder subluxation or partial subluxation after going to my GP. Wont know how bad it is till i get my xray and ultrasound done tomorrow.
Has anyone had anything similar? Kinda looking for a bit of rehab advice/motivation? Pretty miserable at the moment.

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Now that helps heaps. Thanks.

I just realised I am not benching properly at all ie the bodybuilding bench in part 1! No wonder my shoulder is stuffing up more regularly now. That's actually pretty good as I can now improve it and hopefully find some extra strength using the powerlifting method.

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66% ain't no thang!

Mine was down to about 33% at one stage and it started messing with my cognitive function and immune system real bad. Got sick all the time an I was so slow to process things, was real worrying before I knew what the issue was!

Yeah same. Mine got down to the low 30's (in combo with low iron and low calcium) as well and it started messing with my cognitive function, immune system and energy levels. Felt like a total Zombie.

you can get vitamin D for free... go outside

anti inflams are shit when used long term... be careful with them

Anti inflamms can screw with your Gastro intestinal tract long term. Should always be taken with food.
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Two areas that are most common and also connected. Shoulders & Thorasic ROM and strength.

I am doing work on some pretty awefull thorasic ROM I have (people who do office work syndrome). My shoulder ROM is getting better but, I haven't been putting in the time I should. I know what it's like to have it right on both fronts so trust me it's worth it getting back there.

Tests are on the web to look at. Here's a basic one for thorasic.

  1. Lie down on the floor, back flat against it.
  2. Your knees should be up with your feet and glutes flat on the floor.
  3. Lock your elbows and bring your arms directly overhead, attempting to touch your wrists to the ground above your head.
  4. Make sure to maintain contact between your lower back and the floor; don’t arch your back to get your hands in place.

If you can’t touch your wrists to the ground, you have poor thoracic mobility. To put a scapular variation on this , point the thumbs up and try and touch them on the ground.

This should be completed with no strain. If you have any pain or discomfort don't push through it, just work out where you end up, that is your baseline.

For shoulders two basic tests ;

Test A -- position

1) grab a couple of pencils or sticks in each of your fists.

2) raise the arms straight ahead of you so that the sticks point upwards

3) now let the arms just drop totally relaxed, don't control the decent at all.

4) note the angles of the pencils/sticks.

5) If they are both pointing straight ahead and parrallel to the floor then it's good. You might find them pointing slightly downward and inwards. If so shoulder work probably needed. One may be on more of an angle , that shoulder is worse.

6) Notice the difference if you concentrate on good posture shoulders back etc. Rather than work into this position you need to relax into it.

Test B -- ROM

1) Reach behind the head with one arm (palm facing the back and touching in between shoulder blades.

2) with the other arm reach up from underneath palm outwards and try to link up the fingers.

* Fingers touching or being able to monkey grip = good

* Fingers just touching = ok

* 2 inches away = need work

* More than two inches = bad

If you fail at the above then bench press will simply bitch slap your issues into progressively worse condition. Bench press is something people should consider alternatives for unless they are biomechanically designed for it or need to do it for competitions. You can build pecs without it but, if you are going to do it, then consider being fit for it in the first place.

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    • A lot of what you said there are fair observations and part of why I made that list, to make some of these things (like no advantage between the GSeries and GSeries II at PR2.4 in a lot of cases) however I'm not fully convinced by other comments.  One thing to bare in mind is that compressor flow maps are talking about MASS flow, in terms of the compressor side you shouldn't end up running more or less airflow vs another compressor map for the same advertised flow if all external environmental conditions are equivalent if the compressor efficiency is lower as that advertised mass flow takes that into consideration.   Once the intercooler becomes involved the in-plenum air temperature shouldn't be that different, either... the main thing that is likely to affect the end power is the final exhaust manifold pressure - which *WILL* go up when you run out of compressor efficiency when you run off the map earlier on the original G-Series versus G-Series II as you need to keep the gate shut to achieve similar airflow.    Also, how do you figure response based off surge line?  I've seen people claim that as an absolute fact before but am pretty sure I've seen compressors with worse surge lines actually "stand up" faster (and ironically be more likely to surge), I'm not super convinced - it's really a thing we won't easily be able to determine until people start using them.     There are some things on the maps that actually make me wonder if there is a chance that they may respond no worse... if not BETTER?!  which brings me to your next point... Why G2 have lower max rpm?  Really good question and I've been wondering about this too.  The maximum speed *AND* the compressor maps both look like what I'd normally expect if Garrett had extended the exducers out, but they claim the same inducer and exducer size for the whole range.   If you compare the speed lines between any G and G2 version the G2 speed lines support higher flow for the same compressor speed, kinda giving a pretty clear "better at pumping more air for the same speed" impression. Presumably the exducer includes any extended tip design instead of just the backplate, but nonetheless I'd love to see good pics/measurements of the G2 compressors as everything kinda points to something different about the exducer - specifically that it must be further out from the centerline, which means a lower rpm for the same max tip speed and often also results in higher pressure ratio efficiency, narrower maps, and often actually can result in better spool vs a smaller exducer for the same inducer size... no doubt partly due to the above phenomenon of needing less turbine speed to achieve the same airflow when using a smaller trim. Not sure if this is just camera angle or what, but this kinda looks interesting on the G35 990 compressor tips: Very interested to see what happens when people start testing these, and if we start getting more details about what's different.
    • I know right. It baffled me. There's no way when the engine is off, key is in ignition, (coils are dissconnected aswell), also my sound system was dissconnected (I don't run any audio capacitors), battery reads 12.2v and with the 10amp fuse blown I was measuring 24 to 30v. The reading would move a bit from 30v to 24v which was weird. I took a pic of the multi meter reading 🤣: (This is a brand new single channel digital oscilloscope that also has a multi meter mode).   Before when the fuse was blown, I had one lead on the 12v supply (green/white wires) of that brown relay and the other lead on the negative battery terminal. When I turned the key on ignition (engine off), it would read 30v. Then when I removed that relay from it's plug and tried putting ignition on again, it would read 12v, but I think it's because it can't turn on the ecu now that I removed it. I asked Chatgpt and this is what it had to say:   Not sure if those theories would be possible but, any auto sparkies here? welcome to confirm. 🤷‍♂️  No idea, but if it happens again, atleast I know what type of issue it is, unlike last few months where I didn't know what was causing all my issues and I was just taking stabs in the dark to figure out what type of problem it was. If it does happen again I'm going to investigate futher and trace back the source even more and inspect more circuits. I drove it to work this morning and the car drove and boosted fine. Yeah I was thinking the same, so I've imported my back up saved map (which is the map that I saved when it got done tuning) back onto my haltech with the base fuel pressure set to 43.5psi.
    • Yeh nice, if your in melbourne could you recommend any exhaust shops in the east that do a good job?
    • Sorry yes, this is what im after Also, that jpjdm site appears to be offline
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