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S A U - N S W Texikhana - Queen's Birthday Holiday Monday

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If you're only looking to do Texi events, go AASA - less bullshit and it's cheaper.


I should have responded to everyone by now that's emailed - I'll figure out numbers tonight.

This, but if you want to do hillclimbs and certain tracks you will need CAMS ;)

Yep, got it mate - you're on the list.

5 spots left people - get in quick! I'm reserving one at the moment for Phill given he's registered interest and was at the last one, but he better get to it ;)

I'll also be checking all payments tomorrow, so if things don't 100% line up or if I can't see a payment, I'll shoot you a message - I've been wrong before because I'm blind or something, so if you've paid and I call you out on it, just let me know the date you paid and I'll probably find it when I'm not having a "boy look" :P

When there's two spots left, please post before sending off payment+forms - I'll do a first-in-best-dressed for that, and let you know to go ahead, or if we're already full.

so I have to go and buy a helmoot.

does it have to be full faced?

I wouldnt buy this one, but is it allowable? It says it meets the regulation listd in the never done texi thread.


also, If my dad decides to venture down and be a 2nd driver in my car does he count to the limited spots? or is the limit on cars not multi drivers? His work doesn't allow him to know if he can take the day off until the last minute.

Doesn't have to be full faced, just has to adhere to regulations - the ones in my thread might be a bit old, so on the CAMS site:


Just has to be AS1698 standard.

Another spot down - two more open left! From this point please register interest in the thread first - given I won't be at my laptop to immediately respond, it might be a little while between post and confirmation.

EDIT:::: We use AASA for our regulations - still same helmet regulations, but here's the link anyway:


I am John, Nick is my friend. He was asking about the two remaining spots today - one for him, one for me (or at least that's what he told me). With Nick considered, is that spot still available? If so, could you please hold it until tomorrow so that I can pay?

Edited by Four - Twelve

Yeah mate - okay, Nick has paid for both of you apparently, so that's all booked!



We'll be taking names for reserves - the listing of which will be going up at some stage soon, so we can organise things from there.

If you're unable to attend, you'll need to contact people on the reserves list - I'll have more information on how to get that all happening as we go forwards.

Keep up to date with things here:


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