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I'm planning to clean the throttle bodies on my V36, it has 109,000k's on it and when I cleaned them on my 300zx it made a world of difference, much smoother and idles better.

I don't have any concearns about the method of how to clean them, however I did read something about the electronic throttles possitioning getting stuffed up during the cleaning process. Can anyone elaborate on this, it is true? Can it be prevented? How is it rectified?

Thanks Max.

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Cleaned them up this weekend and replaced the gaskets. Now there is no longer any stick throttle. Now wait to see if it has improved the fuel economy. Idle seems a bit high though, 800rpm, can't remember what it was before I cleaned them but the workshop manual says 650rpm at idle in N.

I cleaned the throttle body on my V35 a while back, it resulted in high idle and was had to drive a low speed. An idle relearn fixed it though.

Some have claimed the throttle body is very sensitive and can be damaged if you aren't gentle, but I am more of the opinion that you just need to do the re-learn when done. After all, under the bonnet isn't exactly a nice operating enviroment, so I doubt they would be that sensitive to a bit of cleaning.

Checked the FSM, there might be a 'non consult' idle relearn method like there is on the V35.

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