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Today as i was driving to the coast i passed a cop who was going the other way on the bungendore highway going the speed limit. As soon as he saw me he did a U-Turn and followed me and then pulled me over. As soon as he pulled me over he went straight for the ride height stick telling me the car is too low. He then realized his car was lower than mine so he put it under middle of the car and found the exhaust to be too low.

The cheeky old man then asked me to pop the bonnet and asked what modification i had done, i said just a few hoses and gaskets and he had the cheekiest smile on his face but that quickly dropped off his face when he saw the engine bay, everything was black, nothing shiny, low mount turbo hidden by heatshield, no blue hoses or silver things. The only shiny thing he saw was the fuel filter so he went to examine it for a while (probably thought it was a turbo or something). I dont think he knew what to look for so he played around with some of the hoses.

He then went on to breathalize me (probably smelled the Ethanol fuel).

Not being able to find anything he tried to tell me that my seatbelt did not retract fast enough and that carried a 400$ fine and 4 demerit points but because he was such a nice guy he decided to let me off on that. He played around with the seat thinking it was aftermarket too.


To me it seems he needed to fill a quota or was in competition with his collegues to who gets the most bookings as he also gave me a 100$ fine.

Now i have a blue defect notice from NSW stating i need a Full Inspection at a AUVIS (Authorised Unregistered Inspection Station). Does this mean i do not have to go through Dickson and can go to any other places ? Do i need to only get the ride height cleared or would they check everything else ? If anyone can recommend via PM a good place ?

Also i need a new windscreen how much do they usually go for ? I was slightly upset and punched the windscreen and cracked half of it (had to cover a towel on the steering wheel when he came back to give me the ticket lol)

Really happy i tried to keep everything looking stock so he didnt fine me on anything else.




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Front windscreen close to $400 fitted.

I would call the number on the form on Monday and ask to be certain. Rather than listen to forum opinions.

In my personal experience after a "random" check for a reported rear brake globe not working - I received a FULL inspection.

That sucks. Hope it's a local servo and exhaust only. - for your sake.

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if you want to get technical you can say he defected you in NSW based on NSW and if your car is a ACT it should not be valid - me and my brother did this approx 12 months ago - but things might have changed = if no luck pm me an ill give you details on my inspector.

we had some friends in ACT on friday they had cars on a casual drive - (heavily modified ) but also full engineered ACT and NSW the police had an inspector and was very rude and slowly carried on and filled in a full defect list he patiently waited till he finished then called him a few colorful names fro being a prick and handed his reports over hahahahhaha he was filthy carried on saying why didnt you tell me.. (coz you were being a cu*t)

he then thought it was a good idea to ask if everyone else had certs before he kept going..

as you could guess no defects -

wish engineering was affordable for most of us

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In ACT they will often defect you with an engineers cert as well.

If you are ACT registered and got defected in NSW any NSW inspection station should be able to clear it for you (have had several friends go through this process). You can ignore it but it may show up in your future trips in NSW?

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God that sucks. I can't believe they can do this, I've never heard of it before. How can another state's defect possibly matter?

I have another car registered in NSW hoping to avoid this in ACT, does it work the other way too?

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God that sucks. I can't believe they can do this, I've never heard of it before. How can another state's defect possibly matter?

I have another car registered in NSW hoping to avoid this in ACT, does it work the other way too?

I believe it works both ways.

Pretty f**king retarded!

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You spend thousands on engineering so it's not a total flamin mongrel to get through rego when you do have to go.

Price we pay for having these cars unfortunately.

hmmm, when all yhose v8 commos with mafless tunes and 20s just cruise in by....

they complain about our exhaust noise, then you hear a harley 50ks away.

wheres their defect?

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Exactly. Very frustrating.

This is a f**king joke, here I was naively thinking rego standards and subsequent defects were for CTP, so states only had an interest in vehicles registered under their own such arrangement. But nope, they're pricks for the sake of it. Awesome.

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If it was a Federal cop, they can book you in any state and issue you with any infrengment. I have NSW everything (Certs and all) but if pulled over in ACT everything is valid given they're feds. Whereas if I was booked in VIC, with all NSW certs and rego, I may be let off.

My brother has been let off a few times with his car given it was ACT Rego / licence etc.

goodluck nonetheless. I've been hearing a lot of people getting done.

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My understanding was if yo got defected in nsw, you can pull the sticker off and drive freely in act as it doesnt cross over ( although i wouldnt reccomend it). As far as im aware dickson cant do nsw stuff? Theres a few places in canberra that do nsw stuff (and QBN too).

Its a pity engineers certs dont mean anything anymore, but just remember, if you get defected a few times with an engineers cert and it passes straight away, you are able to lodge a harassment complaint (same as if you get "RBT'd" randomly alot)

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Its also interesting as some mods that are legal in act arent in nsw. (having to sheild/box intakes is one that springs to mind). I always wondered how id go if i had any troubles with police in nsw (GTR on P's :P) bearing in mind that nsw you cant drive turbod cars on your ps

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Defected about 10 years ago by some jerk down the bay in the HZ ute, never paid the fines, never cleared the defect.

There was some hassle about it a year or two later, but i had sold the ute by then. I just said i never re registered it.

I may still owe them money, dont know. not keen to get pulled over in NSW and find out.

It was a bodgey defect in the first place, so they can shove it.


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TBH If a cop wants do defect you he can find a reason from factory. Let alone half the mods that cars have these days. Guess its just luck of the draw. When i had my N/A in NSW i had a pod filter, too low, and prob too loud and it still passed roadworthy and i made it 2 and a half years without getting defected just by being polite to cops.

In saying that i had a 45 minute argument with a cop because he said that the skyline was never made in an N/A and i had done a non engineered engine swap. I just told him he was an idiot and if i gave me the fine/defect ill see him in court lol.

Defecting is like 90% of the reason my car NEVER goes to civic, goes around where the RBT stations are south side and rarely crosses the border. i hate to think what they could go to town with at the moment on me defect wise in the GTR.

Hope it gets fixed for you Bratva.

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Thing that bugs me is i didnt do anything wrong, didnt say anything, wasnt a smart arse, wasnt driving fast nor strangely he just saw a skyline and took the opportunity. Nor did he have to give me a fine. Last time i got defected i asked the cop why he is giving me the fine (its optional apparently) and he said "because i can".

Ill let you guys/girls know how i sort out this mess, im more angry about the window though.

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