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So I was under the car fitting front swaybar bushes over the weekend and I took the undertray off to get to them and got 2 small shocks - oil and coolant!

I knew about the oil actually, as Id seen the telltale drops under my car space. Whats the deal with that leak anyway? I used a new washer and did it up tight enough when I last changed the oil, why does it still leak? How can I avoid this next oil change?

More importantly though, is the coolant leak. It seemed fresh enough and while I couldnt see where exactly it was leaking from it had covered what I believe is the power steering pump in a bit of coolant. I checked and my coolant res level and its near the min, so keeping an eye on it. FYI that pic i took is under the turbo side of the engine with the the sump to one corner. Also I replaced 6 water hoses 2 years ago, plus the radiator ones, so this has me a little confused. Thoughts of what part of the engine this leak might originate or why?



Edited by ausdrift
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Thats weird if its AC fluid, just because the colour is really that of coolant, but it is nowhere near any coolant lines I know of, so certainly a possibility. I thoughts AC was a gassed system though?

The washer used is simply one from bunnings that was the same size as the one that came with the A/M magnet plug I bought. maybe Ill just get it from the car parts shop next time

The correct washers are not the flat type, they're a crush washer. See what your local Nissan dealer wants for one or buy a 10 pack from ebay...


When the A/C system is recharged, an ultra violet die is added to help find leaks. The dye is fluorescent yellow/green and when gas weeps out it takes the oil/dye with it giving the desired affect. It can often look like a coolant stain/leak.

Edited by White GTS-T

Good to know, about washers, will have to investigate proper ones next time.

And with the dye weaping from the AC compressor, what exactly might be the reason for the leak and/or what would need to be replaced/fixed? Anyone had this and know what it might cost? Dang, I just paid for an AC regas before summer too...

Thanks for the info too White GTS-T

It looks as though it's leaking from the compressor housing, where the compressor 'head' bolts to the housing. It may just be leaking from the suction/discharge fitting o-rings on top of the compressor and leaking down. But more than likely it's the internal housing o-ring. Best bet is to take it to a Fridgy to confirm.

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