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*Smack* take it to whoretown boys :-) back to cat fines....

My understading is that in the eastern states you can get a maximum fine of 10G for having no cat against the emmision laws.....

The flame looks cool and all but if our fines are as bad is it worth it?.... up to the individual and the environmentalist within really.....

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well ive got a mate who was pulled over that had dickhead annoying cops, he actually had a smashed out cat with a pipe through it. they pulled him over because he dropped a big flame out the back and they saw it. the cops tapped it with a batton and said it sounded hollow although i doubt they could tell from that. gave him a yellow for that. he tried to take it over the pits with the punched out cat and they just said get a cat and we can pass your car. no fines.

i believe that a workshop who fits the hollow cat or test pipe can be fined up to 10k, not the indibidual with the car, u just get a yellow at worst. never heard of anyone or any place getting a 10k fine anyway. bit of an urban myth.

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Erm ....... I seem to remember some espousal of virtues about this forum and the SAU WA club to promote responsible use of modified and high performance imports. I'm with R34:

Why bother guys for the poofteenth of a horsepower you gain over a larger sports cat.

Lets do the enviroment a favour as most of you will be around longer than an old bugger like me

Really guys, there have been plenty of threads in the last 18 months talking about abusing the privileges that we all enjoy (i.e. the right to drive a high performance import) and what that abuse will bring about. So a load of you half my age have just groaned and gone "WTF!". Well, if you can't handle it, that's tough.

There are plenty of mods that are on the margin, but taking your cat off is just crap. Changes to intakes and the like make a marginal difference in emissions and adding a SAFC or similar actually improves them. Taking your cat off makes your emissions a hundred times worse. Boasting about it just shows you need a bit more time in the nursery before you're allowed out to play with the adults.

This forum is about responsible use, so if you demonstrate irresponsibility, don't be surprised if you take some flak! Don't forget this is a pulic forum and you are handing propaganda to those who would regulate us to death. This is just as bad as that crap about the dickheads cutting up an oval, a while back. Jeez, guys, get some perspective!


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Never once have i said my car has no cat, some of you are ass clowns that like to lecture people with assumptions handled as facts.

All i asked was a question.. if you dont know the answer then dont post.

and you are trying to pass yourself off as mature?

p.s. yes i realise one of my posts imply's i have no cat converter on my car

Erm ....... I seem to remember some espousal of virtues about this forum and the SAU WA club to promote responsible use of modified and high performance imports.  I'm with R34:

Really guys, there have been plenty of threads in the last 18 months talking about abusing the privileges that we all enjoy (i.e. the right to drive a high performance import) and what that abuse will bring about.  So a load of you half my age have just groaned and gone "WTF!".  Well, if you can't handle it, that's tough.

There are plenty of mods that are on the margin, but taking your cat off is just crap.  Changes to intakes and the like make a marginal difference in emissions and adding a SAFC or similar actually improves them.  Taking your cat off makes your emissions a hundred times worse.  Boasting about it just shows you need a bit more time in the nursery before you're allowed out to play with the adults.  

This forum is about responsible use, so if you demonstrate irresponsibility, don't be surprised if you take some flak!  Don't forget this is a pulic forum and you are handing propaganda to those who would regulate us to death.  This is just as bad as that crap about the dickheads cutting up an oval, a while back.  Jeez, guys, get some perspective!


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Further to the point of the thread, i have a mate who purchased a car that has no cat. The cops pulled him over to issue him with a speeding fine. The checked his exhaust by having him rev his engine. What they did while he was doing this i do not know BUT he drove away with just his driving infringement. So far as i have been informed by workshops etc it is as we all know against the law to not have a cat but the police have no sure way to check at this point.

On the topic of removing the cat i was under the impression that a car that has no cat but has a stock (recirc) BOV would not produce flames. I was told the an ATMO BOV would bring the flame issue to the fore. I have no idea why this would be and i am just trying to get my facts straight... Can anyone shed some light on this for me?

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Never once have i said my car has no cat, some of you are ass clowns that like to lecture people with assumptions handled as facts.

All i asked was a question.. if you dont know the answer then dont post.

and you are trying to pass yourself off as mature?

You might not have noticed, but what tends to happen on these forums is that the discussion develops from the question first raised. Also, as your question implies quite clearly consideration of removing a cat, the thread has discussed the merits or otherwise of that move.

Also, I was not specific with regards to who was boasting about not having a cat. I did not accuse you of it. These is another contributor to the thread who was - hence my point.

As for your personal observations, given the context of your first comment, I think you should consider carefully your own ability to pass judgment on maturity. Perhaps if you were to take part in the debate you have started, rather than ignore it, then others would refrain from throwing brickbats (and their contribution could be improved too).


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