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Speed Camera Facts


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Gav's on the money.

But the only thing to keep in mind is that recent changes to Road Traffic Code mean that the owner of the vehicle is obligated to give driver details at the time of an incident. If he does'nt, or "can't remember" there is now a seperate charge of "Fail to give details"..

This has either just come in or just about to I'm not sure.. but good luck.

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this also happened to a "friend" of mine recently .. well, he thinks he was going a little bit fast, saw a flash, but isn't sure if it was a camera. That event occured approximately 3 weeks ago, so if your delay is anything to go by, my "friend" may be anxiously waiting his turn :D

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Fane - happened to a mate of mine before.. they showed up at his place..

in the end, he went down to the police station and made a statement that it wasnt him (pic wasnt clear) and that was the end of it

You'll have to explain this one to me, as this makes NO sense whatsoever....

FACT: They got his plates in order to come visit him.

So he can just say "it wasn't me" and "I dunno" and get away with it? Pfft. Think not.

On the infringement they say "Nominate another driver" if it wasn't you. If you dont nominate, YOU get the fine. It's that simple.

I think your friend is telling porkies.

Fane, watch out as they might come visit "other" speeding motorists that happen to be flashed at the same time as you and ask who was driving your car :rofl:

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Kym - its my friend Streamer from the forums

there was a thread about this..

i had the same thing happen to me although it wasnt a speeding fine BUT a hit and run and did i nominate another person? no i went down, made a statement that it wasnt me and that was the end of it coz i have never even been to the suburb where that incident was supposed to happen.

what im saying is that, if they dun have solid proof (clear photograph - which my friend didnt have, face was blocked by dice hanging from rearview mirror) then all you have to do is make a statement saying it wasnt you and if in future they do find evidence they can and will come after you.

this was explained to me by a policeman

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I'm going to have to go against the flow and say cop it on the chin and move on ... if you were breaking the law then you have to be prepared to suffer the consequences mate. I know it's harsh but that's what the laws are there for. Even though I too am against speed cameras as a revenue raiser, I'd say this is the positive side to their existance - punishing as means of deterance

The Police are there to uphold the law, and that's what they're going to do in the case where you may or may not have been breaking it; but ignorant comments such as the one below will get our standing in the eyes of the law nowhere.

If the pig rings again just tell whoever answers to tell em u aint home. Fark em just ignore their calls, then they cant do shit to ya.
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As some of you know i went through a speed camera and it may or may not have flashed as may or may not have been doing 70kmph over the speed limit.


Stupid thing to do

The photo would have to be blurry as 70kmph is actually 70,000mph or 112,000kph.

Seriously though I hope nothing too bad happens mate but either way I hope you'll learn from this experience


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I'm going to have to go against the flow and say cop it on the chin and move on ... if you were breaking the law then you have to be prepared to suffer the consequences mate.  I know it's harsh but that's what the laws are there for.  Even though I too am against speed cameras as a revenue raiser, I'd say this is the positive side to their existance - punishing as means of deterance

The Police are there to uphold the law, and that's what they're going to do in the case where you may or may not have been breaking it; but ignorant comments such as the one below will get our standing in the eyes of the law nowhere.

If they have no proof of his speed or him driving he would be an idiot to go and admit he did it. Cops are there to raise money these days not uphold the laws.

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what im saying is that, if they dun have solid proof (clear photograph - which my friend didnt have, face was blocked by dice hanging from rearview mirror) then all you have to do is make a statement saying it wasnt you and if in future they do find evidence they can and will come after you.

What Im saying is, they had enough photographic evidence to find him.. (ie the license plate) so how is that not enough evidence? (that is all they need to issue an infringement!?!?)

Still no makey sense soz! :)

Can anyone recite speed camera law ?

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i am gonna get so screwed i can feel it....i need licence for the job, and i dont have allot of points, if i can crawl out the otherside of this with a licence and a huge fine i will be the happiest man alive.... :)

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If they have no proof of his speed or him driving he would be an idiot to go and admit he did it. Cops are there to raise money these days not uphold the laws.

If the Police are trying to see them about a "speed camera incident" then it wasn't a normal road user phoning up the Police and saying he was doing 70 over - they have photographic evidence

Why would they be revenue raising in this case? The Police are obviously concerned with what happened and are taking their time out to chase this matter down. I don't know what the posted speed limit was in this case, but if you double it, then it's 'dangerous'.

That's the non-glossy hard facts sorry mate, hope it goes well for you anyway

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Its ok i dont mind at all. Like i said it was stupid to do and it was one of those heat of the moment things where you just put your foot down a bit too long... :)

But now i do have to face up to what i have done. But I do wanna keep my licence for work if for nothing else. Ever since i went through the speed camera i have changed the way i appreciate the abilty to drive.

Please guys dont do anything stupid like i have, i will still get off lightly....compared to a tyre blowing at high speed or a kid running across the Freeway or whatever....

I could have hurt anyone....

Although when this occured it was on the Freeway and there were no cars within a huge distance of me and it was good weather....

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If the Police are trying to see them about a "speed camera incident" then it wasn't a normal road user phoning up the Police and saying he was doing 70 over - they have photographic evidence

Why would they be revenue raising in this case?  The Police are obviously concerned with what happened and are taking their time out to chase this matter down.  I don't know what the posted speed limit was in this case, but if you double it, then it's 'dangerous'.

That's the non-glossy hard facts sorry mate, hope it goes well for you anyway

But if they had all the evidence they can use then they would have fined him already. There is something else going on here.

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someone said that 45+ is dangerous driving which would explain why they are contacting me.... after they contact me they do like gav said drill me and try and get info out of me... and then they send the summons for court... and try and use any info they got outa me in court...

An E licence is what im exploring but i have to apply for it and it can take some time....when i do speak to the judge i will ask him what avenues i can take....

i will keep everyone posted, as this whole thing might take some time to go through.

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does anyone know if you have to do your learners and everything in another state if you already have your licence in another state?

For Example if i got to melbourne and stay with relatives can i get my licence over the counter because i already have a valid Western Australian Licence?

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someone said that 45+ is dangerous driving which would explain why they are contacting me.... after they contact me they do like gav said drill me and try and get info out of me... and then they send the summons for court... and try and use any info they got outa me in court...


An E licence is what im exploring but i have to apply for it and it can take some time....when i do speak to the judge i will ask him what avenues i can take....


i will keep everyone posted, as this whole thing might take some time to go through.

Well in victoria 45 over is 12 month loss of license no questions asked.

They wont contact u or any crap like that, just send u the fine in the mail. I assume its the same in every other state so them questioning u is weird.

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not all states are the same... if you get a dangerous driving charge you get the option of going to court and entering a plea and then telling the magistrate what you were doing.. a mate of mine had just got his 1st rear wheel drive car and lost it with in 24hrs of having .. over corrected 3 times b4 hitting a pole.. the owner of the house called the cops thinking he was drunk.. (note: 1/2 carton of empties in back of car).. he got 6pts and $350 fine.. the charge was "Dangerous driving" .. so you may get the same options, since you will most likely be up for a "dangerous driving" charge. As you say.. lucky its not "dangerous driving causing death"


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when i do speak to the judge i will ask him what avenues i can take....

You dont talk to the Judge at all, I had to take a mate of mine who had to go to court here in QLD, the Judge was soooo funny, well every case up until my mates he basically told the defendant, in under a minute, that he was an idiot and would be losing their license for x amount of time with a $x dollar fine, no if's no but's BAM! Not in those exact words of course but you get the idea, he was harsh!

You will have to ask your lawyer to ask for a work license, well that is what my mate had to do here in QLD.

If you have a day off and want some quality entertainment, I reckomend going to watch these types of court proceedings, really makes you NOT want to EVER be in that position, but you already know that.

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You dont talk to the Judge at all, I had to take a mate of mine who had to go to court here in QLD, the Judge was soooo funny, well every case up until my mates he basically told the defendant, in under a minute, that he was an idiot and would be losing their license for x amount of time with a $x dollar fine, no if's no but's BAM! Not in those exact words of course but you get the idea, he was harsh!


You will have to ask your lawyer to ask for a work license, well that is what my mate had to do here in QLD.


If you have a day off and want some quality entertainment, I reckomend going to watch these types of court proceedings, really makes you NOT want to EVER be in that position, but you already know that.

some of judges at the local court are ex cops. So they will believe the word of a cop over urs even if the cops story is BS

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