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S A U - N S W Tech Night For Members 5Th July - Servicing, Blue Slips, Eng Certificates

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In conjunction with JLM :action-smiley-069:

Many Thanks to Todd O'Donnell for helping SAU set up this big night out!
Thanks too to JLM staff and two Japanese Technicians who are RB & Rotary specialists,
One of whom was head-hunted from Nissan Japan Service Dept.

Day/Date:- Friday 5th July
Time:- 6.30pm till about 9-ish
Place:- JLM 21-23 Bridge St Rydalmere
Parking:- Along western side of the street or on grass verge.
Limited To:- Members Only x30 and Execs x10 = 40 all up
Price:- Free of Charge
Food and Bev:- Supplied by JLM

The Night:-
* 6.30 - Feed tummy
* 7pm - How, When, Where, Why of
a) Scheduled Servicing with 2 Demo Cars on Hoists
b) Tools required and used
c) How to Read an Auction Report
d) Compliancing and Blue Slips
e) Conflict Resolution anecdotes with Fed Gov't
f) Engineering Certificates
g) Conflict Resolution anecdotes with State Gov't

So If You're a Member, Register Now!
If not, then join up!

1) DekA (M)
2) rs88 (M)
3) PN-Mad (M)
5) MrFijiGold (M)
6) twotwisted (M)
7) Owens (M)
8) Victory (M)
9) Clinton (M)
10) Watchamacallit (M)
11) darksky34 (M)
12) RiseofBrutality (M)
13) benm (M)
14) PRO_32 (M)
15) BakemonoRicer (M)
16) ianjb (M)
17) FeZ25 (M)
18) skylinekido (M)
19) NYTSKY (M)
20) sydking (M)
21) MrStabby (M)
22) Philr32 (M)
23) vorse (M)
24) elChin0 (M pending)
25) n11smo (Mpending)
* Prizes given to first few non-Execs whose Qs (that you in written form submit &) are drawn out of a hat on the night. You must be present.


1) Bodella (E)
2) Terry_GT-R34 (E)
3) crashdown (E)
4) luke GTR (E)
5) GoldZilla (VP)
6) Daleo (E)
7) 34GeeTeeTee (E) (with Carmen in the shadows)
8) Aggroman (VP)
9) xntrq (E)


Reserve List Of Members

*** All advice and demonstrations given by workshops, professional practices and factories for SAU.NSW Tech Nights are the responsibility (of accuracy) of the establishments - not the car club.

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