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Import Monster Sauvic Deca Wrap Up Thread- Round 2, 2013


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Thanks again to the regulars who make these events happen - rain, hail or shine.

SAU would have to have one of the best car club cultures in the country.

Was awesome to meet some new people & see some familiar faces!

Mark - You forgot the highlight of Abbie, Maddie and (?) running out of the room when Matt got 'cuddles' from Tony & Campbell! LOL!

Leon - Thanks for throwing me the keys to your orange beast. So different to driving Ryan's car!

Can't wait until the next event!

p.s. Sorry Paul/ Kate for not meeting you at Maccas. You went to the wrong one! :-p


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A sincere thank you to all the volunteers and organisers for a great day even though the weather was very poor. :worship: Should have bought some new tyres rather than the 2.5years old R-specs. They were fun on the skid pan but absolutely terrifying on the highway. Until the next time.......

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That had to be one of the fastest weekends ever! Shit weather but an awesome day still. Blown away by how quick the tail dragger minis were on the skid pan! From what im told rwd was the fastest on both back tracks and fwd was possibly fastest on a lot of the skid pan... what AWD?

Biggest credit goes to those who help without being asked! it makes life so much easier and i only wish there was more of you! To those who help when we ask a big thanks, these days are so labor intensive.. So many cones, barries, bollards, marquees and tape get set up and then packed up. Then we pack our own stuff up... Pita!

Seen some awesome footage and photos so far. Bennys bonnet coming up haha, good thing this aint phillip island! Dave holding it flat over a blind hill not knowing where the road goes.. nearly wrote off the daily and campbells off caught by the flaggie on the hill.

As for the next deca keep an eye out for the date release. There will also be two prices, members and non members.

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Thanks for a great day all - great organisation (as obviously seems to be the standard) and all the officials carried on as if it was 25 and sunny !

I on the other hand noticed very well that it was raining... now that I have a handbrake, I must get a window fitted for the next event ;)

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Thanks for a great day all - great organisation (as obviously seems to be the standard) and all the officials carried on as if it was 25 and sunny !

I on the other hand noticed very well that it was raining... now that I have a handbrake, I must get a window fitted for the next event ;)

Haha that explains the towel I spotted over your car :P

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Huge thanks to all who made the day happen, especially considering the horrible weather!

Had an absolute blast, don't think I was all that quick but it was a good day to learn the new car and get back into some sort of motor sport.

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Big thanks to the volunteers and the organisers, during what probably would of been 1 of Victoria’s wettest days.
it was also great to catch-up with members, for a good chat.
The forester was in its element when It went off into the mud at the basketball court…....
mmmaybe not.

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Cressida is mine :)

I love it, it's got a twin turbo 1jz in it and its been converted to manual,

Did anyone get any pics of the big corner off the long wang ? Please tell me they did

Thanks for yet another great day.

My wife and sister helped out sitting up on the hill at the long wang just so there was enough officials.

Big shout out to organisers and volunteers.

Even though it was really wet it was still very fun.

That cressida leroy peterson was one of my favorite cars on the day.

Good driving and sounded good.

Whats in it?

I meant to come over and have a chat but never got a chance.

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Big thanks to the volunteers and the organisers, during what probably would of been 1 of Victoria’s wettest days.

it was also great to catch-up with members, for a good chat.

The forester was in its element when It went off into the mud at the basketball court…....

mmmaybe not.

It gave me a scare when you went off on the basketball court! Great recovery though! :)
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As for the next deca keep an eye out for the date release. There will also be two prices, members and non members.

Any chance of under 18's being able to compete? Say my 14yr old son ;)

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Any chance of under 18's being able to compete? Say my 14yr old son ;)

Lol keen much ... tell him only 4 more years to go ;)

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Great event guys,

The rain sucked but umbrella and jacket saved me for the day, where is Paul ?

I think their might have been a domestic in there room after who won that night !

Campbell is still slower than his mum....

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