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Hey guys, ive been having trouble getting the right bolt for the factory turbo lines.
Theres a thing that loops around the turbo into a sorta C shape, at each end being a banjo fitting to feed the turbo with coolant and water
so that the 2 fittings will sit next to each other for ease of removal.
now ive got the thread for the water feed and return correct whichis m14 x 1.5
but the oil feed line is being a bastard. M12 x 1.25 Banjo bolt with a restrictor for my -5 ball bearing turbos is what ive been told to run into the C Line thing that runs around the turbo.i have ordered 2 different brands of m12x1.25 and both dont fit...
it seems to me that they are too small for the thread, and act as if the thread in which they are going into is fked.
(continuously tightening to a point and then becoming loose again..)

BUT, i put the factory bolt back into the same hole and everything is tight and good all the way down the thread?

side by side comparison braided line fitting is slightly smaller than the factory piece. have asked them multiple times if its the right piece aswell...

tried stepping up to the m14x1.25 and thats too big >.< wtf?

So if all comes to an end ill probably end up reusing the factory oil lines, which means front turbo out again.....
weld the end of the banjo and drill a 2 mm hole to act as a restrictor.

Anyone ever bored out a banjo piece to suit a slightly larger bolt? (<1mm opened up)
Maybe the banjo piece needs a bit of heat to expand and seal?

Thanks guys

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Thread matching is not that simple.

I found Enzed/filter facory had no matching bits in their catalogue for mine, i had the banjo modified. You may have to do this.

Try a different brand of fitting. Threads are machined to different tightness, sometimes they dont really go together.

If you think there is enough engagement to hold it solid, use teflon tape to seal it.

Thread matching is not that simple.

I found Enzed/filter facory had no matching bits in their catalogue for mine, i had the banjo modified. You may have to do this.

Try a different brand of fitting. Threads are machined to different tightness, sometimes they dont really go together.

If you think there is enough engagement to hold it solid, use teflon tape to seal it.

yes i think you may have had the same problem as me?

the thread size goes in very well but doesnt fit...?

did you just grind out the edges of your new banjo to accomadate the larger factory turbo oil bolt?

im not sure if this is safe to do or not =/

teflon tape will definately keep in tight :)

for some reason the rear turbo banjo bolt went in and stayed tight =/ its a bitch to get to though :(

I used original banjo fitting and bolt, modified the line.

Dont have original ones?

Try asking people for banjos off their old turbos; i have an old rb20 one they might be same as gtr.

Or get a good quality line kit; make sure its got all the bits, the expensive one usually do.

Edit: GTR? spend the dosh and get the good kit

Edited by D.I.Y. Mik

haha i found out the problem.
both companies sent me the wrong size >.< wtf were the chances of that...?

m10x1.25 in a m12x1.25 thread doesnt fit LOL.

glad to see the threads arnt damaged though, went to pirtek and their banjo bolted right up! :)

now to restrict it :):

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