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This is on a 2007 V36 370GT Skyline. with HDD Sat Nav...

Now I don't know a word of japanese. But for $1.99 there is a great little app on the iphone called camDictionary that will read your display and translate it!.. Pain and slow but useful to browse around your system beyond whats been translated.

Some of this maybe useful, most of this is not but interesting to see what is in the dealer diagnostic menus. Maybe very useful for anyone doing speaker upgrades to use the tone test, or adjust check any faulty components, or change some settings, wipe your music off the car etc....

  1. Enter Diagnostic Mode...

Start the engine, (or turn on the System, as you may be a while, better have the engine running to keep the battery on), Turn the audio system off by pressing the volume button. (Audio off is displayed).

Now press the settings button on the main control panel with the Dial, this is on the left side of the wheel selector, third big button closest to the down arrow on the selector wheel.

Press and hold this button, now spin the Volume wheel 20 clicks or so either way and a menu will come up.

  1. The Diagnostic Menu.
  2. post-86177-0-64718900-1370528730_thumb.jpg
    1. There are two options, first is a simple self diagnostic test that shows a graphic of whats connected
    2. Takes you to the detailed menu where you can change settings and see detail diagnostics.

The menu has 16 items listed in it and has some sub menus..


The following list is a translation of those menu items and what they do.

1. Screen Diagnostic
1. Colour Test
2. Grey Scale test
3. Touch Screen test
i.Points on screen
ii.Touch Screen and see response OK
2. Diagnose Vehicle Signals
1. Speed Sensor
2. Parking Brake
3. Wrignt -- (dont ask.. no idea)
4. Ignition
5. Reverse
3. Speaker Diagnostics... Once you press this theres two options, if you keep pressing start it will cycle through the speakers
1. Start - press to cycle speakers
2. Stop -
4. Air Conditioning Diagnostic
- did nothing for me but return a blank screen like system was off press back to get out.
5. Navigation --- So USELESS
1.Angle Adjustment - (useless ...
a. Left of the times
b. Right of the times
c. set
2.Adjust the distance
a. Adjust width of the distance
6. Error History Display
Pretty useless also shows where you were on sat nave when errors happened
7. After the reset at the same seat watch
Yes some translations are just non sensical rubbish.....
8. Vehicle CAN Diagnostic Support Monitoring
Takes you thorugh all the CAN components connected and their status, scroll down to see more stuff.
9. AV Communications Monitoring
More AV stuff, pretty hard to translate
10.Handsfree Carwings
1.Handsfree ear volume adjustment
2.Makes freaky noises///
3.Version View
4.Provider Settings (needs code to unlock) (you hope there some magical settings in here but I doubt it...
5.enter phone number??
6.enter phone number??
9.Remote Assitance on/off
10.Erase Memory - (Maybe useful if youve done something and cant get rid of it)
yes/no default no
11.ETC Unit
1.Error History
2.Clear Error History
12.Camera Control Unit
1.Continued eye visibility - (shows sensor readings of cameras and dynamic headlights)
1.Steering Angle sensor (show if on/off) turn wheel = on
2.Reverse Signal
3.Car universal sensor
4.Side view monitor
2. Set reverse safe collision distance (adjust your reversing camera overlay)
3. Set side safe collision distance (adjust your side camera overlay)
1. Change vehicle passkey
2. Change Bluetooth name
14.Clear Unit Connection History
Clear the Unit connection history and error history Yes/NO default = No
15. Safety Universal Rolling Message ON/OFF

16. Wipe HDD, Clear All music, Navigation Data, and ETC data Yes/No default = No.

Hopefully something useful in here for some one, enjoy...

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