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Before i run around checking available dates, which track will be the most popular for attracting SAU (and other club) participants.


My personal, pic, nice big straights, essentially stop/go corners so reasonably safe for novice drivers, and close to city.


Likely to be the cheapest, and also great safe fun due to twisty layout of the circuit, only prob is the drive there and back and perhaps the tow back :Oops:

Phillip Island

Looks like great fun, but variable weather, high speed corners and distance from city means it may not be the best venue for a drive day.


Most realistic venue, nice big straight, looks reasonably safe, not as expensive as Phillip Island or Sandown, close to the city... only thing is it doesnt look to be the most exciting track... dont forget to bring your brakes for turn 1 :)

So im assuming the cost will not be the deciding factor, say $160 for Calder v $200 for Phillip Island (gesstimates). Im assuming the deciding factor will be the location of the track, the safety/insurance for participants and the date.

So before i go chasing dates and costs, which track would ppl be interested...

Will be looking to have a few workshops attend to help offer advice on car mods and suspension setup... depending on numbers may even be able to get a driver instructor along to help.

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Calder and Winton are open practice on Wednesday and Fridays respectively. Relatively cheap to rock on up to their open days and pay whatever.

Sandown is $7,000 for the day Plus you need a clerk for the course, medico's etc.

Calder is $6,500 + bits.

I breifly spoke to Sameer about the possibility of Phillip Island and he was going to get back to me on that one.

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Calder and Winton are open practice on Wednesday and Fridays respectively. Relatively cheap to rock on up to their open days and pay whatever.

Sandown is $7,000 for the day Plus you need a clerk for the course, medico's etc.  

Calder is $6,500 + bits.  

I breifly spoke to Sameer about the possibility of Phillip Island and he was going to get back to me on that one.

Sam should be able to get us a freebie for phillip island since he is si buddy buddy with linsay fox.

Phillip island has to many fast corners that most track virgins like myself will prob end up going off road and ***in up our cars.

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Yeh im happy to do a weekday at Calder or Winton, was actually planning on doing a few in July when work slows down a little and i can take a few days off mid week.

But i was thinking more of an SAU day on a Saturday or Sunday (even more expensive) at most likely Calder. So a good social day, where we can put on a BBQ, do laps in each others cars etc. It would be a great opportunity for ppl to jump into each others rides and see how cars with certian mods perform.

Im happy to try and organise it, and put the day on my credit card if it helps get the day organised...but if interest is pretty low, say only 1-15 people, then i wont worry about it.

Its so much more fun when you are sharing the day with others, i have been to Wakefield on two occassions by myself, and whilst it ws still fun, i found myslef jibbering to strangers about the last session, and wasnt as much fun lapping by myself...anyway

I suspect drift is far more popular...

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Roy - we should make Winton in July a long weekend. Go up for the open day on July 9 (short track Im sure) then stay for the weekend and do the NDSOC day on the Sunday 11 (Long track). Sat we can spend at the pub!

That way anyone else that want to come do an open track day can as well and it only cost $80 Im pretty sure for the day - as many runs as you like.

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Yeah, you'd have to go for a track with open days.

mainly for cost, as you wont get enough people in SAU to cover a full Sandown/Calder exclusive day.

Also CAMS and stuff... might come into play, again, another reason to go with the open tracks.

Just less hassle

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The July long weekend sounds liek a goer, and i suppose its onyl 4 weeks away. Ill send in the application for the NDSOC day next week.

I also rang Calder this afternoon, next Wednesday open day is the 16th June, $165, need helmet and racing suit (Suit is $30 to hire, helmet - $20) No passengers are allowed, and there is ambulance and emergency ppl on standby.

Normally between 10-15 cars, so plenty of space, and there is no timed sessions, so can stay out as long as engine temps stay in check.

I think ill wait patientyl until the Winton weekend, but i still would like to look into doing our own day around September...

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So Snowman (and others) when will we be making up our mids about the Friday at Winton, spoke to the boss today, he said getting the day off will be fine provided i give him about 2 weeks notice.

My car should be back to full strength this weekend. (My god its been too long since its had a flogging around the track)

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