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My Sat Night...... *#%$^!!!

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Ok well im not happy. :)

Last night I was in freo and on the way back home i decided to stop and see Sammy (some of u guys met her at last cruise) who was at a party at a civic hall.

Anyways i get there, dont know anyone....Just Sam and a few of her friends. Stay for about an hour or so and then decide to get going.

Got back to my car which was parked in a well lit area but parked in the furtherest bay away from the building.

Anyways cut a long story short someone had let down my 2 righthand side tyres (luckily just let down not slashed) and put a VERY DEEP key scratch from behind the fuel door all the way over the drivers door to the front fender above the front wheel. Its f*ckin huge!!!!

What a low act.

So after a 4wd turned up witha compressor that didnt work, i changed the rear wheel and pumped it at BP then was going to put it on the front but the guy who offered to take my wheel off had rounded the f ucking lock nut off and scratched my brand new rims!!! GRRRRR!!! So i ended up driving slowly to BP and pumping it up there. But the wheel is stuck on now. Does Bobjane etc have a way of getting rounded nuts off? Its a lock nut witha special pattern and special key thing that fits the pattern.

So this has caused me a lot of anger. Unfortuantly for the person that did it and his 2 accomplices I know all their names and addresses. There was no motive coz i dont know them and had only been there an hour minding my own bussiness. I have decided to take the legal path and get them to pay up if not i iwll get the RAC to sue.

There is no excuse for such a low act, I work hard for my car and no one has any right to damage it weather it be a $500 Gemini, $20g Skyline or a $500g Ferrari.

One angry Mofo.


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Very sorry to hear about your car.

There is just NO excuse for that sh12

As for the lock nuts we had a similar problem. When getting the car paint touched up the garage "lost" the key for the lock nuts.

"Of course they said it was "in the car" but thats history.

Trying to find a way to get the nut off was hard. In the end we hammered a socket a bit smaller onto the nut until it stuck. Then used that. Ruined the nut and socket but at least we got the wheel off.

Hope it goes well.....

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Fu(king hell :)

I won't even start about how much I hate people like that.

Both cars I have owned so far ... both have been stolen at some point.

At least you know who the ****ers are.

Hope they get what they deserve.

The guy that stole my first car ... he got caught and ended up going to jail because he'd done a whole lot of other stuff too. He tied a shoelace round his neck and hanged himself in jail.

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Good call Skyzerr33.... Let the boys in blue do what they do.

I can really sympathise with you at the moment, I had my car stolen and trashed by 'under age offenders' a while back. They were caught and convicted, it wasn't the first time the little cherubs had offended and they went a row - that made me feel a bit better at least.


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grrr !

fkn scum.... go to their olds, tell them to foot the bill and let them know they have X amount of days/weeks to sort it out or they will have the coppers on their door (id let them know now tho just incase).

if nothing comes up about it get friendly with your hardest object or the like and make him cry

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if you know who they are then speak to the parents, at the first tinyest sign of attitude from the parents(usually means they dont give a f*** what their kid does and would defend them just because they dont like being told they are wrong), give a formal complaint to police, once you have done that you can go for criminal compensation, once you have done that you can sue civilly, throw everything you can at the little sh**s legally because as you said they are young and if you did what everyone of us in your situation feels like doing the onus will come back on you very harshly. The system is leanient on young and first time offenders thats why you have to hit them in the hip pocket. if one of them is 18 then BONUS!!!

remember deep breaths

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Thanks for the advice.

Yeah i have decided to do the legal thing coz i really want him to pay up. I rang his house today but parents arent home till late tonight. Will try then.

Apparently their the "nerdy" sort so they may be reasonable and pay up. Obviously they will stick up for their son (like any parent) but they dont sound like the dero type that would tell me to f*** off. Hopefully they pay up without having to get legal....its such a hassle.

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Well u sure are handling this one very nicely ben. I always get the feeling that an act of malice deserves the same in return but it looks like u may end up alot better off with this solution.

See if can get a painter to quote u for the whole car and bill it as one panel (you could always say it was some liquid crystal crazy paint). Then maybe the parents will pay up and take it outa the kids allowance for the next 10 years. That'l teach the little Ba****d but then again it will screw the parents.

Anyway best of luck to you fora speedy and clean solution to such a depraved act.:P

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Originally posted by skyzerr33


then sue for damages then they have to pay he gets a record which will stuff him up for life. etc

and tell his parents but don't forget to tell them about possible police action they way wish to settle.

Unfortunately sadly enough for me to say when i was 17 I had a friend well if i could call him that who was hopping into a mates car, when he did he badly dented the car next to it. there was 3 carloads of us and we were all pretty pissed at him and he said "just foget it" anyway 5 months later 9 AND THAT IS NO EXAGERATION the police came around our houses saying that the security guard saw the car with my friend in when he smacked into the other cars door and took down the plates, after 5 months it finally took the police to come around.... i couldn't remember much and neither could anybody else honestly it is hard to remember a single incident from an idiot after 5 months so none of us were able to help out much....

Just wanted to tell you that there are down sides to using the boys in blue as shown to you from my 1st hand experience

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Dam Ben,

What a pain in teh @ss or what? F** that pisses me off, specially those damn "nerdy" type vandals... ugh!

Oh yeah, I remember Sammy :) *insert obvious wink here*

Good to see your going for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (the parents) first, but that might get you nowhere..... but here's hoping..

Denial is a brilliant thing "I didn't touch your car duude!" after all, there's no "evidence" is there?

Let's hope it sorts itself out :P

p.s. and try the whole respray thing too ;)

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Well the fact that i am hitting the parents up for the money and not him is really not my problem.....thats for his parents to sort out. Im not saying its their fault but really im the innocent one here i just want my car fixed up 100% and not pay a cent.

The little bastard has caused me a lot of problems because that night it was one thing after another. I endud up with my brand new rims scratched as well as a result. Not happy.

Anyways ill keep you all informed.

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25GTT: i think standard procedure with police is to wait a minimum of 4months befroe even starting to do anything. That way most people give up.

My car got broken into and they raided the guys house later that week and found my fone and some stuff. 5-6 months later i get a call askin me to come down and id sum stuff that fits the description i gave em and there it is, my fone , same as the day i lost it (too bad i went out the next week and got a new one).

The fast track is, of course, applied to all traffic infringments (cause they make em money):lol:

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Guest ReaLiTy

That Sucks!!

What must be going through these idiots heads when they decide to key someones car that they don't even know?

You can understand (Not agree with) with why they might do it if that person did something to them, but why someone they don't know?

Hope everything works out for you.

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back when i had my old crx one night i left it parked out in the street and at about midnight i heard the alarm go off so i went out and saw some ****s that live up the end of my street taking off quickly in their kingswood....Smashed 3 of my ****ing windows and took 2 of my 12" subs.... cops came i told them who they were and where they lived. 4 months passed and nothing happened, and they still laughed at me everytime i walk or drove past there house. Can't say exactly what i did... but long story short- me and a few mates timed our attack very well and took some shit from their house..... lets just say we found a very interesting box full of something worth about 20 times what my speakers were eheheheh...

then 2 weeks later i saw the cops arresting 2 of them from their house bahahahah never saw them again, oh yeah then i claimed my subs back of insurance


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Yeah well my mum actually works in the justice system and knows a heap of cops. She spoke to a magistrate (and friend ;) ) today who said definatly report it to the cops... So she gonna get some good cops to talk to that she knows. So i will report it and hopefully some action will be taken.

Unfortunatly i have no hard evidence..... The girl whos party it was dad saw a guy over at my car and described the clothes exactly.

Also the guy who did it told some others that he had done it later on that night. Unfortunatly they are a bit worried that if the kid finds out they told me he will get them....... Not my problem but still.

Grrrr this whole thing is such a hassle!!

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