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My Sat Night...... *#%$^!!!

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Well just to update on my scratch.....

the kids paying me $300 tomorrow night. Although he claims he "didnt scratch my car he only let down the tires", but he wants "this whole thing to go away".

What a load of cr*p! little sh*t. the cop says thats as good as im gonna get without hard evidence. Spose hes right. So im gonna have to fork out the other $400 odd to cover the repair (about $700) grrr! Hopefully get it fixed this week or next.

Also the dad of this kid reckons i keep "driving past their house doing burnouts and making phone calls to them"

........errr get your hand off it mate what good is doing burnouts? Wouldnt waste my time... im not driving a commo! Dickhead.

Also got my wheel fixed .... the locking nut was rounded off but bob jane got it off and replaced them all.


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What Twats! I guess this shows us all how pathetic some people can be!

I guess the money is a start from the kid but youre right you shouldn't have to fork out an extra $400 because that little turd decided to be a smart ass one night...are you going to meet him when he gives you the money? Maybe get a signature and address of him when he gives you the money and say you need it as a receipt for the police as I will be claiming more? This might scare him a bit more and also you will have his address.... just incase of that little buggerr if decides to by himself a nice car like yours!! I don't think revenge is the best idea in all circumstances but MAN it can make you feel good! :uh-huh:

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Have you acutally reported it to the police yet? Make a complaint of vandalism, then after he has been through the process, being interviewed, his mates being interviewed, etc, they may be able to lay charges, then taking your own legal action to recover the monies may not even be necessary.

Another possiblility, go and see one of those 'fee free unless we win' lawyers and go the personal legal action line. You may not need to go to court as quite often the threatening legal letter is quite enough to get results. I think Freidman Laurie Singh do that sort of a deal. Maybe with an appeal to the conciuosness of right and wrong to the guys that witnessed, and heard this dick spruking on about his acomplishments you may have a good case.

Also if the guy is ready to cough up $300 for letting tyres down I reckon he is either as guilty as hell, or one of the most f@cking stupid individuals on the planet.


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