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My sister just had a run in with a guy in a new silver Falcon, i know the rego (custom plates) but won't write it here (don't think i'm allowed, correct me if i'm wrong) anyways, my sister was driving home, and was coming up to the roundabout just before Red Rooster near tuggers, anyways, she was in the right lane and this guy was on the outer left. She starting taking the corner, wasn't speeding or anything like that, halfway through the corner this guy tries to push past her, forcing her to swerve up onto the roundabout. After this he procceded to make rude gestures to her as she was stuck behind him. He then started to brake, slowing down to around 40-50k's an hour, speeding up then slamming on the brakes. As if this wasn't bad enough, my sister tried to move into the slip lane when he once again cut her off. I'm not too sure how it happened, but he managed to get her to pull over, got out of his car and started screaming abuse at my VERY SCARED sister. She pulled out her phone and threatened to call the police if he didn't leave her alone. He finally backed off and sped off. The whole experience left my sister very shaken, who had done nothing wrong. so if anyone sees this guy on the roads, watch out for him, seems like a real psycho. Also if anyone sees this guy or knows who he is, it would be appreciated if you could tell me. Laters.

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Shit dude, hope she is okay.

I don't think there should be a problem with posting his plates, be a good warning to us all.

Hopefully this guy gets owned by the cops for something and has his licence and his car taken for a LONG time.

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Gezz, not good !!

I hope she is alright now.

I'd report it too the police. My parents had a simular thing happen to them - a young bloke going off at them, hanging a baseball bat out the window etc...

They when over to the cops station and reported it. Later that afternoon the police went around to his house and put him in handcuffs and brought him back to the station for a good talking too !!! Apparently this bloke was crapping his pants ! My parents got a full appology from this bloke etc..

I think the police really look down on people that road rage, so if you go there you might get good support from the police.


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hey mate, plz PM me the plates (or post em up) all of us south siders will keep an eye out for him im sure. dude seems like a real **** so it'll be good when he keeps getting the sh*t scared out of him by several skylines that r keen to f*ck him up.

best thing to do though would be to report it to the police, i had a guy in an excel 2 years ago try to run me off the road near a round about on the way to the summanats, his woman screamed at me out of the window(they were both hicks) after he forced me to lock up and slide off the road, so i flipped him off(after she did the same to me) he slammed on the brakes in a 1lane guttered road so i couldnt escape and went off at me trying to open my door and punching my window......any way long story short he eventually left after scaring a just turned 17yr old half to death.....i called the police that night and after taking a statement from me they charged him with a few things and slapped him with a MASSIVE fine. anyway i dont regret calling the cops, he got his back 1000 times and i felt so much better!!!

but anyway PM me his plates and i'll watch out for him.

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"for no apparent reason "

exactly. none of us were there. I know it was your sister, but from ONE persons side of the story everyone is making it out like he is the villian. Maybe he is, maybe he isnt. But really, unless any of us was there, or the guy driving the Falcon turned up on the posts to defend himself, none of us can sit here and say he is totally in the wrong.

Reading your first post, looking at it through the eyes of a reasonable driver, I'd suggest that there isn't all the story being told. Im not saying he isn't in the wrong by getting out and abusing your sister [no matter what happened, he doesnt have the right to do that], but come on, she was 'just' minding her own business and all THAT happened. I doubt it very much. Either your is in her own dream world when she drives and didnt see what she did wrong for him to go off at her, or she isnt willing to disclose the full happenings of the incident.

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Your joking aren't you??

Regardless of what happend there is no way in hell that what he did was justified !

Maybe she cut him off by accident and didn't see him, this STILL doesn't mean he can road rage her !!

Again, even if she did cut him off without knowing, I think he over reacted in a major way, I mean it is against the law to road rage someone!


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eerm jay? maybe you should go back and read my post, and no im not joking.

please refer to "Im not saying he isn't in the wrong by getting out and abusing your sister [no matter what happened, he doesnt have the right to do that]"

Then maybe you can comment. I didnt know in Australia that from one persons story we automatically presume the other person is totally in the wrong. There are two sides to every story. Im not commenting on the after-math of the situation, that, as i said is wrong. But the events prior to it need to fulling disclosed before we lock Falcon man up. If you dont understand that, i really am wasting my time with your level of intelligence.

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Insulting someones intelligence is really scraping the bottom of the barrel for trying to insult someone. Right up there with getting desperate enough to have a go at another persons spelling.

The point I was making (and maybe you missed it as you seem to be a higher being) is that two wrongs do not make a right. And the moment the driver decided to road rage this girl he was instantly in the wrong and was breaking the law.

No matter what happend prior, he has now put himself in the wrong. If she had cut him off and may have come close to causing an accident, he should have reported it to the police.

No, I'm not joking either.


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true gtir_94 we are going off what p1r4t8r has told us however getting out and abusing people especially a women is just wrong... do what i do if someone does something stupid honk them if they retort flick em off and forget about it no point taking it any further ;)

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Ok, i hear what you're saying Gtir_94, i just posted what i heard of my sister, but from her explanation of the event i can't see how she was in the wrong at all, even with the other side of the story. I've been with my sister in the car all the time, i know how she drives and i can safely say she is very aware on the roads.

Anyways, they both came to a round about, he wanted to get past and swiped into her lane, making her to mount a round about to avoid being hit by him. My sister hadn't cut him off, nothing had happened prior to this, nor did she know who the driver was. I would absoloutely LOVE it if this guy came on the forum cause i sure as hell would like to hear him justify his behaviour, not just getting out of the car but everything prior.

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Im not taking his defence, but how people drive by themselves and then with other people in the car is usually *very* different.

For example, with any family in the car, I drive very cautiously and never do anything stupid. However when by myself or with friends in the car, I drive like a ****wit... Aurora can back me up on that haha :)

Anyways, irregardless, what the falcon driver did was plain wrong getting out of the car and yelling at her.

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Yeah, my sister tries to show off sometimes when i'm in the car, but she drives normally by herself. she had an accident once a while back (at fault, hit the back of another car, not serious tho) so she knows the risks of drving stupidly.

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