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Lost for words, to describe the amount of adrenaline pumping excitement that was enjoyed by all who participated. Truly had an awesome time, and managed to go through a set of rear tyres :D.

A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Chris (Scottsman) [R33 GTR] for winning best “Overall” (consistent results throughout the whole day), first in “Figure 8 circuit” and 2nd in “Sprint Circuit”. To Adam (Adz) [R34 GTT] for 1st in “NSC challenge”, 1st in "Sprint circuit" and 2nd place "Overall". Also to MinesR33 ( sorry forgot your name :Oops: ) [R33 Mines GTR] for winning 3rd “Overall”, second in “NSC challenge” and one more trophy. Needless to say that Skylines Australia dominated the day’s events and had a great time doing it :(. The Northern Street Cruizers (NSC) club president was extremely pleased with our attendance and how our club members respected the rules set out in the morning.

Sorry to those that wanted to be there, but due to their own circumstances, could not make it.

Tried to have a chat with all imports, especially skylines, but as soon as I got there I was swapping my rims, then swapped them again, after the first event, because I was getting toooo much understeer on the stockies.

Thanks again to everyone that made this weekend so great! :D

This is planned to be a annual event, so hopefully next year we will have even more entrants.


PS: sorry for the extreme lack of pictures on my behave, but i was having too much fun to stop and spectate :).


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Sorry Adam, corrected my opening post. Didn't realize you won 2nd "overall" and 1st in the "Sprint Circuit", congratulations buddy, admidently you where damn good at the events.

Helps when you are using light rims with good rubber :(.

Thats my excuss and i am sticking to it! :D :D

Yeah i had a blast too, hahaha and Al I BEAT YOU BY ONE SECOND AROUND THE COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

It was everything i wanted to do in my car, i had soo much fun on the skidpan pulling the hand brake and getting in hard around the loops, soo much fun :D

If anyone has pics of my car in action can you pm me with me PLEASE!!!!!!!

who would of known that watching relatively stock skylines making heavily worked v8's look like they are standing still could be so much fun... but at the end of the day the black 180 owned... GO THA S13s!!

Gotta admit that black 180 did look sweet, good to see a few other imports from this forum.

Did the 180 win any trophies? Otherwise the skylines owned the day's events :D!

Jarrod my best time had a 2 sec penalty because i hit one witches hat, and i also had a passenger :).

Had heaps of fun... great day even though 2 minutes after leaving DECA and heading home my clutch started to slip so bad I could barely get the car to 100km/h... going up the hills i would slow to 80 then pick up speed down the hill only to slow down up the next one... people driving near me must have thought I was nuts...

So who wants to donate a clutch? :D

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