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hey there. only just started playing around with rbs . anyway i put a new head gasket into my rb20de+t and everything is torqed up to where its ment to and in the right sequence but the oil cap is stall milky? im not to shore whats going on here but could it be the head may need a scim ? i dont really want to spend big bucks on it as it is only a +t lol any help would be great thanks

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i brought my ceff as a 20de and pulled motor out. did water pump,cambelt and head gasket before i +td it never had a problem before i pullet head off with milky crap on oil cap . im a bit stumped with why its doing it now. could it be that i re used the head bolts?

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could possibly be. . the bolts only around a hundred bucks new anyway. . is the new headgasket actually blown? did any water go into the engine when you lifted off the head to change the gasket? if thats the case then you wont have a milky oil cap for long

anyways ralph can help ya! lol

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headgasket was never blown . just put a new one in so i new it was good when i did water pump and cambelt. i think maby a litle water might of mixed with oil but not shore. do you recon the milky shit will go away if i drive it if im hearing you right. i just dont wana f**k the motor lol

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is the engine using any coolant? if not then id just clean the crud off the cap and take it for a looong drive down the freeway to get things nice and warm to evaporate any water that might be in the crankcase

unless you have a blown hg then you wont kill the engine

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Having just done up a head I noticed the huge difference in torque vs angle. I used my angle gauge with my torque wrench and the torque wrench went off around 30 degrees sooner than angle required. angle is far more accurate than torque.

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