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Someone just sent me this email.

Subject: Petrol Prices - Worth a read




> This is a very important message and well worth reading




> Apparently we are going to hit close to $1.35 a litre by the winter.


> Want petrol prices to come down? We need to take some intelligent,


> united action. Philip Hollsworth, offered this good idea. This makes


> MUCH MORE SENSE than the "don't buy petrol on a certain "day"



> that was going around last April or May! The oil companies just



> at that because they knew we wouldn't continue to "hurt ourselves" by


> refusing to buy petrol. It was more of an inconvenience to us than it


> was a problem for them. BUT, whoever thought of this idea, has come



> with a plan that can really work.




> Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us



> think that the cost of a litre is CHEAP at .89 / .95 cents, we need



> take aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control the



> not sellers. With the price of petrol going up more each day, we


> consumers need to take action. The only way we are going to see the


> price of petrol come down is if we hit someone in the pocket by not


> purchasing their Petrol! And we can do that WITHOUT hurting





> Here's the idea:




> For the rest of this year, DON'T purchase ANY petrol from the two


> biggest oil companies (which now are : BP and MOBIL). If they are not


> selling any petrol, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If


> they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow



> But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of BP



> buyers. It's really simple to do!!




> Now, don't wimp out on me at this point...keep reading and I'll



> how simple it is to reach millions of people!! I am sending this note


> to a lot of people. If each of you send it to at least ten more (30 x



> = 300)...


> and those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000) ... and



> on, by the time the message reaches the sixth generation of people,



> will have reached over THREE MILLION consumers! Again, all you have



> do is send this to 10 people. That's all. (and not buy at BP) How



> would all that take? If each of us sends this email out to ten more


> people within one day of receipt, all 300 MILLION people could


> conceivably be contacted within the next 8 days!!! I'll bet you



> think you and I had that much potential, did you! Acting together we



> make a difference. If this makes sense to you, please pass this



> on.










> It's easy to make this happen. Just forward this email, and buy your


> petrol at Shell, Caltex, GAS. or Gull Outlets and drive by BP and



> Stations.



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Im sure i recieved this email last year :(

Anyway alot of people swear by BP ultimate...i havent used any other fuel since ive had my car..cant beat 98ron

Even if it was $2 a litre id still put it in...knowing that its the best fuel for my car :D

Sounds like a good idea, but my novated lease only gave me BP and Mobil cards... i use mobil 95% of the time anyways, so i can give up one or the other but not both...

then again you will probably find that some of the smaller shows buy thier fuel from bp/mobil etc.. and brand it / do what with it as thier own so we'd still be buying ther fule just not marked as 'bp' or 'mobil'

If you want cheaper petrol, either buy cars that don't use petrol at all.


Get the Opec contries to sell the barrels at a cheaper price, Only Opec contries controls petrol prices no one else, not even the USA can do much about Opec, as the Opec contries are mainly the Middle east contries, back in the 70's the Opec contries canned all oil shippments to USA and UK, because they wanted something but the middle east didn't like the idea so they simply cut their oil supply.

If you really want cheaper oil/petrol, Currently the world's largest supply in off the western shelf, IE just off western Australia, there' more oil there than all the middle east contries including the USA and British supplies and there's still some more, it's something like 5-10 billion barrels sitting there Australia knows about but doesn't do anything to go and get it because they pollies can't get their shit together, indonsia has already started drilling and has started placing oil wells etc, and Austrlaia is here bitching about wheather to start or not.

It's a complete joke.

By the way all the top line petrols are 98%ron, that's Vortex, BP, Shell's Optimax is 98%ron but is the only one that also cleans your engine, works very well optimax.

Hey guys, don't really post on this forum much, but i've been on here for about 3 years, and a member for over a year.

Anyways, as for the petrol prices issue. A member of my family is quite high up in the coporate chain for ExxonMobil, and i can assure you its not profiteering or any other collusion issues going on with the oil companies and may have been stipulated before. OPEC and the countries (mainly middle east) associated with it, are the controlling factors in the price of crude oil, currently hovering around US $40 per barrel. Now factor into this the running cost of an oil refinery, and the cost of refining the petrol, of which fuels like Synergy 8000 and Optimax/BP ultimate are quite high as they are hard to produce, and the oil company makes somewhere around 1 or 2 cents per litre actual profit.

As said before, if petrol prices are to be lower, the supply in the middle east has to be assured, and the price of crude come down, or other supplies tapped, but may i bring to your attention the government's 44c a litre fuel excise, put on every litre of fuel sold in australia. Get rid of some of that, and fuel can be made relatively cheap

not trying to get on anyone's nerves here, but just hope to bring some facts to people's attenion :headspin:



Firstly, the price of petrol is governed by the world economy, not the local. You'll find that since petrol recently went up by 20% here, it's gone up roughly 20% all over the world.

Secondly, the fact that it's gone up by 20% is a crock. Oil recently went up to US$42 a barrel from $40. If they passed on this $2 price hike entirely to the end user of petrol, it should have gone up less than A2c a litre, not 10c+. So most of the price hike is due to nothing other than greed by the oil companies. This is why on cheap petrol days you will see it dip below $1/litre again. They are still making a bigger profit on those days now than they were on the expensive days of a few months ago.

Anyway, my points are you can't control the price of petrol with chain letters, and the price of petrol will come back down again as soon as media attention is off it (ie, the Saudis stop f**king around with oil prices)

ExxonMobil Corp, the No 1 U.S. oil company, struck a world record by posting $17 billion in annual profits yesterday after soaring oil and gas prices fuelled a huge rise in fourth-quarter earnings. Exxon said fourth-quarter income, excluding merger expenses and special items, rose a better-than-expected 89 per cent to $5.12 billion, or $1.46 a diluted share. Income in the same period a year ago totalled $2.7 billion, or 77 cents a diluted share. Revenue rose to $64.13 billion from $54.58 billion.

This was a helluva quarter and it's a helluva company," said Gene Nowak, an analyst with ABN Amro. "The results this company has been able to generate have been awesome and the fourth-quarter underscores that." The Irving, Texas-based company's earnings shot past analysts' average forecast of $1.31 a share, according to First Call/Thomson Financial, after a quarter in which natural gas and crude oil prices remained red-hot.

Hey guys, don't really post on this forum much, but i've been on here for about 3 years, and a member for over a year.

      Anyways, as for the petrol prices issue. A member of my family is quite high up in the coporate chain for ExxonMobil, and i can assure you its not profiteering or any other collusion issues going on with the oil companies and may have been stipulated before. OPEC and the countries (mainly middle east) associated with it, are the controlling factors in the price of crude oil, currently hovering around US $40  per barrel. Now factor into this the running cost of an oil refinery, and the cost of refining the petrol, of which fuels like Synergy 8000 and Optimax/BP ultimate are quite high as they are hard to produce, and the oil company makes somewhere around 1 or 2 cents per litre actual profit.

As said before, if petrol prices are to be lower, the supply in the middle east has to be assured, and the price of crude come down, or other supplies tapped, but may i bring to your attention the government's 44c a litre fuel excise, put on every litre of fuel sold in australia. Get rid of some of that, and fuel can be made relatively cheap

not trying to get on anyone's nerves here, but just hope to bring some facts to people's attenion  :headspin:  



Really we need to lobby the government on this one.

Australia produces 80% of it's own oil and as stated before has access to more oil than the OPEC countries.

We do not need to be held to ransom by OPEC.

Let them fight over there in their sandy little shit holes, and invest the money in producing oil for us and the rest of the world.

The amount of money spent on the war in Iraq (which is really about a war over oil, lets not fool ourselves) could instead have been invested in to producing a new oil manufacturing production line.

We also seem to forget that the GST tax rate of 10% does not seem to apply for Petrol as 51% of the selling price is taken by various taxes.

Make your dissatisfaction known at the next elections.

My Two Cents

Oil companies need to make profits - the shareholders drive that one.

If an oil company can sell the oil for $42 a barrel, then why should they be forced to sell for less? Its a business.

The market price is driven by demand. OPEC simply cuts supply and bingo, demand raises, price goes up.

If you were selling your car and found you could sell your car for 10% more to someone from interstate, would you then sell it at the lesser price? no, you get the most you can

oil companies are no different - profit driven. sucks, but that is life.

If you want to know who to blame, Paul Keating introduced parody pricing of fuel in the 80's? before this time, the cost australian oil producers could ask for their oil was limited by government regulation, but its just too late now.

Paul Keating introduced parody pricing of fuel in the 80's
And parity pricing, too :)

Really, the price-per-barrel of oil does little to explain why the price at nearly every servo changes as often as every hour. If they were to be completely fair (ha!) they'd set a price when the truck delivers the fuel, and it'd stay that way until the next truckload arrived. Won't happen of course, but it shits me when you see signs in servos saying "don't blame us, we make 1c/L on fuel" - bullshit, they're making a lot more than that when the price can fluctuate 15c/L on one tanker of petrol.

As for the first post, it's a noble attempt, but it won't work. Too many people would just say "bugger it, the BP/Shell/Mobil/Whatever is handy, everyone else'll pick up the slack". The easiest way to stop spending so much on fuel is to not use as much - use a pushbike or walk to nearby shops, or buy a motorbike. I don't spend as much on fuel with the bike, now I just keep the tyre companies in business :)

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