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Adelaide Skyline Car Cruise

Ben r33 s2

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Beregron you can come!:) Also hope everyone drives sensibly i would hate to attract cop attention an people given defects etc! Im thinking the 24th of this month which is a saturday! Not sure on a place yet but somewhere halfway between north an south! Open to suggestions!

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I'm keen to come meet a few peepz, just a suggestion, another good place where I've had a few meets at is Burnside shopping center, there's an undercover car park not visible from the road.. Just in case a cop goes past. Also don't want a defect.. :P:D

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I suggest organizing it through PM's rather than in a public thread. I hope you do realise the police probably patrol these forums and anything posted in here has access to the general public.

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The cruise is for skyline enthusiats and owners! Good way to meet new people, ask questions and see what ideas people have come up with! Not for people who wanna hoon around with there gtr badges stuck on there gt!

Edited by Ben r33 s2
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It will be fine an cops will only target us if we are driving around like hoons which isn't going to happen!

LOL ... they WILL turn up if you advertise the place/start time - and they most definitely do peruse these forums on a regular basis, let me guarantee you.

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LOL ... they WILL turn up if you advertise the place/start time - and they most definitely do peruse these forums on a regular basis, let me guarantee you.

It's been 10 years since I last frequented car cruises and i can't agree with this enough. I have no idea how the scene has changed in that time but i bet the police have not :P

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I only just moved here and have heard all the horror stories.

But The one cruise meet I have attended was organized on FB across several club pages, had at least 100 cars attend and I did not see 1 police member.

Heard about someone who was pulled over while driving but that was not on the designated route.

Not saying they won't, just sharing my first cruise experience.

I do agree that location should be not too hugely published, but how do you know who is and isn't going to inform them anyway.

And as said, be responsible and its all good =)

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It's been 10 years since I last frequented car cruises and i can't agree with this enough. I have no idea how the scene has changed in that time but i bet the police have not :P

They have....for the worse. I got abused by a cop while driving a camry. And when he coldnt book me for anything he gave me a yellow light ticket $477 (even though there was a speed and red light camera at the lights that DIDNT flash).....

And you should have seen the cop when I went in to lodge a complaint....

Edited by KISIN
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For anyone who doesn't know the

Meeting point will be big w car park, Which is 366 goodwood rd, cumberland park! On the 24th this month at 12pm!! Please don't be to paranoid about the cops like i said drive resposibly and we will be fine! Went on a cruise a while ago a didn't even see a cop!

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If its an NS cruise you get all sorts of mirth... like cars rolling over....*wipes tear from eye* Good Times...

Probably the only responsible cruise I know of is the Ben Simpson memorial cruise. The Olds make a great deal of effort to run it smoothly and they pull it off quite well. Theres another one which I cant recall the name, which mostly has American classics/muscle cars and another one with exotics but that's a more 'mature' scene in general (ie no punk ass 19 year olds on P plates driving blatantly defective cars)

That said, good luck and I hope everything goes smoothly and everyone behaves themselves.


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Been on the last few NS cruises, Custom Imports cruises, Ben Simpsons cruises. Cops never been an issue unless youre trying to be a hero or are rocking bald tyres

Thats the real problem with the SA car scene, people being too pussy to take their cars out and enjoy them and then using the old "wa wa cops wa wa" excuse.

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If its an NS cruise you get all sorts of mirth... like cars rolling over....*wipes tear from eye* Good Times...

That said, good luck and I hope everything goes smoothly and everyone behaves themselves.


Amen to that... first cruise i went on 10 years back saw a write off in the first 2 hours.

CDan't stop the "P" plate heroes sadly... everyone who has been on a cruise is bound to have some sort of "wanker" story tho. Seems having a cheap, clapped out import also gives you a licence to abuse it.

Still, fingers crossed for an incident free day... i'll try get along to have a peak at a few cars.

I'll be in my comfy wagon :)

Edited by Beregron
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