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The Hunt For The Nismo R32 Gtr Rear Pods


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These seem to be impossible to find, I dont care if they are a copy I just want them. They look so simple, I don't understand why no one has copied them by now.


So far I have asked Peter@ Bodyform, JSAI, Just JAP. I only got a response from Peter saying he doesnt have any and would not know where to get them they are extremely hard to find.

Please let me know if anybody has a clue where to find these



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They look a bit incomplete and standout because of it.

Personally I like the Trust rear pods that look the same but wrap around and finish just shy of the tow hooks.

They look more at one with the GTR.

Edit: and yes for $250 UAS can supply what your looking for.

Edited by Sinista32
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Hi Guys I could not find these anywhere but after so much pictures and comparing with Type M, I realised that some of the Type M that were fitted properly and modifed to suit the GTR body abit better looked good infact I even liked some of them better than the N1 pods. Now After speaking with Pete from bodyform he gave me an Idea and said if it were his car this is what he would do. Now, I am completely SHIT! at photo shop and I dont even have it on this computer, so what I did was use Windows Paint and modified the Type M pods in the way that he explained to me (as best as I could), Of course guys beware this is done on Paint and very rough!

I want you to tell me which looks better, Try picture it from the rear as well I wish I had a rear shot but I dont, so you need to use your head, what better place to be then here people who have seen Many BNR32 from every angle , hopefully you can help me decide.

I have 2 Pictures to compare Side by side, 1 Shot is the Type M Fitted pretty nice and neat, and the other is the modified Type M pod , Dont forget the modified Type M pod was done in paint so it doesnt look as neat but it will give you an IDEA of what Pete was talking about. He said the way he will do it is match it with the body lines of the GTR . One thing I wanna say is that the thing I don't really like about the Nismo's after 100's of photos and different angles and cars, I realized I don't like the curve on the bottom, its too Boxy and also doesnt flow with the lines right , I think the bottom of the Type M is better in that regard.

Anyway Please check and let me know. Please dont say the NISMO because this is out of the picture now so vote only between these 2 - VOTE VOTE VOTE :)


Edited by GTRAAH
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the nismo pods :P

I can see where youre going with this.

I prefer the modified as its closer to the nismo pod.

but, the top corner where you would have cut it youve left squared off, id round it, make it look more natural.

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Thats Exactly what I was going to do!!! Good thinking Sir


:D LOL.. Lets not forget it looks shit cause of PAINT.. but eyy Not bad ha lol

Edited by GTRAAH
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