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Mugabetown - Whoretownin' At It's Worst.

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I've been forever pondering lately what gets prioritised through workshops / tuners

seems like FIFO is not something you can rely on as turnaround indicator

I think FIFO is the goal, but in your instance it was something that required extra work they didn't account for so inorder to get more cars out faster yours sadly went on the back burner :(

Whatever order makes them the most money the fastest?

here are my thoughts

regular service work = consistent cash flow = priority no.1

sponsoring work = zero immediate cash flow but free advertising = potential future cash-flow = priority no.2 (my mind is still debating this)

project work = infrequent cash flow = priority low

all the above depends on size and demographics i.e. manpower of the workshop(s) but as a general rule of thumb I don't think I'm too far off the mark.

Also for non service work i.e. large repair jobs or builds - if a workshop tells you it will cost you this much $xxx - budget for $xxx * 2 as there will always be additional costs they fail to mention (unless you know someone who will do it at a discount or lower chargeable rate)

Or get Dan to build your engine...

I'd say sponsored work goes to the back unless it will have immediate impact on future business, e.g. a sponsored car shits a bearing right before major event. This is bad as visibility is important so it'd go up the queue, otherwise it'd be dead last IMO

Or get Dan to build your engine...

I'd say sponsored work goes to the back unless it will have immediate impact on future business, e.g. a sponsored car shits a bearing right before major event. This is bad as visibility is important so it'd go up the queue, otherwise it'd be dead last IMO

would really depend on the type of sponsor being provided to really answer that question

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