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Mugabetown - Whoretownin' At It's Worst.

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I'd turn up and if the ecu is still there connected then I'd call a tow truck and move the car elsewhere.

In other news new manifold has been made up and will arrive at All Star tomorrow

Afternoon ladies gents and nick

Umm so I'm thinking anyone in sau qld if ants's Ecu is fuarked. I'm willing to kindly donate some kesh to get a new Ecu. It wouldn't be much but if a few people can do wothout there maccas for a week it would Help ants get his car back

Sauqld anteater fund!

I'd definitely go and see Sean directly in person and sort it

think hes at Jamboree already with all the mighty drag cars............................I will go and personally talk to him next week after that event is over.

dude ill lend you my adaptronic if you want? my car is in garage not being driven so you are welcome to use until u get sorted

thanks bro. that means a lot. I was really lookin forward to getting my car back. Finally seeing it on the Dyno last week was really exciting. Now it just feels Im getting shatterred all the time.

OMG ants :( that's sounds terrible

its been a horrible experience for me Kath.............so yeah........it is terrible in my eyes.

time to pull it and take it to someone that will give 110%

will determine that after I speak to Sean I guess. Just an ongoing saga

feel for you.

thanks bro.

Afternoon ladies gents and nick

Umm so I'm thinking anyone in sau qld if ants's Ecu is fuarked. I'm willing to kindly donate some kesh to get a new Ecu. It wouldn't be much but if a few people can do wothout there maccas for a week it would Help ants get his car back

Sauqld anteater fund!

Thanks Zac.

Look I can buy another Hatlech. But I really need to save as another $2k was not in my budget. I have another baby coming (this weekend maybe) which Im really keen to finally meet :)

I have been focusing way tooooo much on this car and its not fair towards my current daughter and beautiful wife (shit im fighthing to hold back tears in the office)

But that is also becasuse I was hoping to have it by now............

I need to focus on my family as that is my priority. The car will just have to wait but its also heartbreaking and I feel like shit.

So excited!! Made 7 chocolate cakes today and a rainbow cake. With a few rainbow cupcakes :) yummy :)

Ta please? Pallleeeeaaassseeeee.....

Now I want cake.... :yes:

im gettting to the point where I dont want to deal with this shit anymore.................

I feel shitty for you it's beyond stupid, I would definately try go in there face to face and get answers :down:

I have an ecu you can use too if needed. Hopfully a quick firmware update and you are good.

Welcome officially to the modified gtr club. You only get in after your first heartbreaking build!

I have an ecu you can use too if needed. Hopfully a quick firmware update and you are good.

Welcome officially to the modified gtr club. You only get in after your first heartbreaking build!

thats one way to look at it. Thanks Andy.

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