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hi y'all,

so i'm thinking about getting another skyline as my daily driver (current car is due for a trade in i think).

I live in a house with a single garage so there's only room in the garage for one car. loads of people in my neighbourhood leave cars outside at night - just about every house.

should i take the risk of leaving it in the drive way at night? or should i buy a car which wouldn't attract the criminal element? or am i being paranoid?

i'd love opinions.


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another skyline, meaning a decent one - that in my terms equates to an R32 GTS or higher...

that would attract shitheads sitting out the front of a house, unless it's a culdesac or something. there are too many tools in this world who would be temped at vandalising a nice car out the front of a house.

but as the other guys said, location? type of car?

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Yeah, really depends on which suburb and the street.

Some suburbs you couldn't leave a scateboard outside for 10 minutes without it being put up on blocks and the wheels pinched :)

But others are fine and would never have a problem.

I'd make sure you've got a good alarm and make sure they can see the flashing light etc... Most people around here are more interested in joy rides or what ever is inside your car, so if an alarm is going to start screaming they won't bother with it....


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Are you nth or sth? On some of the other canberra based forums it would seem that sthside is known for cars on the sides of roads getting trashed by drunken hoons walking around after parties. Though it is coming into winter so that might die down a bit.

If you live in a house Id suggest parking the car on the lawn. Even better if your bedroom faces the front yard. Then you can hear if anything was going on. Maybe even buy a car cover for it.

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I live down south, Gordon to be precise, and i have no problems at all leaving my car outside some nights. Most it's in the garage, but sometimes i can't be arsed, so it sleeps out in the frost. That's all i hate about it, the ice in the mornings.

Car's got some security hardware, and i am fully insured for more than the price of the car, so in the event of the worse happening... well, lets not talk of it.

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well, i park in a carport and I'm not overly worried about it....however if i had alot of expensive mods such as rims/stereo/performance bits, i would probably want it out of sight :uh-huh:

also my carport is tucked away in a complex - even other ppl living here wouldn't know my car was there. I wouldn't want to be parked outside on a street where there was lots of traffic - just in case there were dodgys who drive past everyday and get to know what type of car lives at what house..

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I wouldn't even consider keeping my car anywhere without secure car storage. I guess I am just a really untrusting person... and my car might as well have a big sign painted on the side saying "please **** me up or try to steal me"

If you have the option at all keep your skyline inside and buy a junker for your daily driver, something that won't attract attention.

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Ok, a few things to consider....the first...INSURANCE! how old are you (if i may ask)? Cause a lot of insurers when i was searching around were very picky about how the car was stored (i.e locked garage) and will add more to your premium if it just sits on your lawn, and when most premiums for under 25's start at around $3k a year it's a fair whack extra.

At my house (South side, Conder/Lanyon/Gordon area) we have a brand new Toyota Echo and a Hyundai Accent parked in our driveway. Never had any problems so far, however my car is going into the locked garage next to my dads. I DO NOT TRUST a car like a skyline just out of the front lawn.

In fact, a friend of mine in the same area had someone try to steal their old Nissan Pulsar from their driveway right in front of the house! The car was nothing special, and to make matters worse the outdoor lights were on as well. luckily the would be thief was scared off by my friends dad. As i said, nothing special... if i were you i'd find a way to garage it or install a bloody good alarm system. Good luck mate!

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