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Thanks for the personal attack Dale. I suppose you speak on behalf of everybody? As for my comments they can be taken any which way is desired including upside down. Personally, I couldn't care less what you, or others may think of me. Perhaps you should consider the forum rules more closely next time prior to posting though.

PS - a thread does not protect you from defamation.

Defamation requires someone to say something false about you that results in others to think less of you. Dale didn't say anything false about you.

Stating as opinion is not the same as stating as fact. For example: "Tim has a huge kok" is defamation, "I think Tim has a tiny kok" is not.

Now you can try and sue me... for saying you have a huge kok.

now get back on topic.

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Ok Tim; if you want to take everything as a personal attack on your own head be it. This is EXACTLY what I was talking about.

I never said I was speaking for ANYONE but myself.

It's patently obvious that you don't care what other people think, which was why I brought it up.

You're threatening to SUE ME? Seriously? Fantastic.

That's it from me; I'm out. :rolleyes:

Sue? What is this America lol. Read your post again, that I quoted, see where you resorted to calling people names and really lost any credibility that your argument might otherwise have had. Thanks for closely following all my other posts, it's a little bit creepy.

Anyway, I care ;)

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Defamation requires someone to say something false about you that results in others to think less of you. Dale didn't say anything false about you.Stating as opinion is not the same as stating as fact. For example: "Tim has a huge kok" is defamation, "I think Tim has a tiny kok" is not.Now you can try and sue me... for saying you have a huge kok.now get back on topic.

Shit this wasn't what they taught me all those years ago in law school, or even the case when I recently ran one for a client.

Thanks for the compliment though, but to be honest it's just average and makes me happy :)

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