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My understanding is it is illegal to modify the cars kilometeres, but if you keep the old cluster and make a note of it to the DMV that the odo has changed then it is fine, someone can confirm this for me?

I am not sure if a local mech will be able to help, i know my car come in with the NISMO cluster and had certificates from NISMO to approve the odo was reset by them correctly, my car was also allowed to be complied with the cluster based on this cert. and fully registered with it, guy at the pits questioned it but once he saw all the paper work it was rego'd first shot.... this was over 6 years ago now though

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you could go to an unscrupulous importer and get it set (there are plenty around)

Take a pic of the old one in your car and then another of the new one and old one together

but the DMV idea is best and get local paperwork.

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Sorry if i confused you.... my car come with NISMO clustert from Japan so was set there by NISMO by the previous owner, and i was happy to purchase based on the cert. to prove the ODO was correct

So wen it was bought by nismo do u tell them to set the odm? I'm lost lol

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