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having the indicator on automatically enables them to merge into the lane you're driving in despite the gap being too small

then there's those pedestrians who take a leisurely stroll at the crossing when it's flashing red and by the time it's solid red they have the nerve to give you the stink eye cause you've entered the crossing

Grrr, amen to the first one; and if you do let them in, NO WAVE?


The second, I get your point; but I won't run on a crossing, spend my life rousing on my young bloke for doing it.

djvoodoo makes a good point about the timeframe allowed; often very short.

I always acknowledge drivers that have to wait, hopefully they don't see me & my boy as too much of an imposition to their progress. ;)

If they decide to try hurrying me up; it won't end well.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

One of my missus friends went to put her ugly arse knock-off "designer" handbag (resplendent in buckles & studs) ON THE ROOF OF MY CAR!

Crisis averted when my very wise partner yells "Don't even think about it! Death will surely follow!" Such a good egg.

Took her out & bought her a new handbag made of what I can only assume must be baby's bottom skin; so soft.

Speaking of pedestrians, some hag was trying to cross the road yesterday, waiting in the middle of the road for cars coming the other way to pass, but instead of waiting in the middle on the dotted line, she was standing slap bang in the middle of my lane.

She turned and looked at me and saw me coming. Didnt move and inch. I started to get a little concerned, but didn't slow down. Then she looked at me again and did an "oh shit" moment and took the 3 steps to the middle

1. General f**ks that can not drive.
I.e 75 in an 80 zone because your overtaking the last count doing 74 is not acceptable want to go sub 80 f**k off left

322kw R32GTR

Happened to me yesterday (must have been a bad day for it). stuck behind an indian in a vs commodore for ages doing 35kmh in a 60 zone, slowing down to a crawl for empty roundabouts etc. as soon as the road changed to 2 lanes, i dropped it back a gear and floored it past him. The suprised look on his face was hilarious. Was tempted to lean on the horn as I went past, but I didn't want to startle him as he obviously had very limited driving skills

i hate people who cut trucks off who are trying to merge, for the better part trucks are the best drivers on the roads and some dickweed wants to coast along side one or speed up so the truck has to slow down and jam up people behind them.


also my sister driving, i see the car 2 infront brake, she just wates for the car who is now right infront of us to break. why cant people learn situational awareness incars.

i hate people who cut trucks off who are trying to merge, for the better part trucks are the best drivers on the roads and some dickweed wants to coast along side one or speed up so the truck has to slow down and jam up people behind them.


also my sister driving, i see the car 2 infront brake, she just wates for the car who is now right infront of us to break. why cant people learn situational awareness incars.

That sums up Canberra drivers in a nut shell. SOOOOO many accidents caused by people tunnel visioning the car infront. I'm usually 3-4 infront.

  • 3 weeks later...

Whatever happened to Moonies? You know those vintage pneumatic toys (refer to youtube) that you stuck on your back window that mooned rude ppl behind you, when you pressed the hand pump.

I reminisce on account of a complete bearded tool (I wanna be a toughguy type) that popped his little pecker fuse the other day.

Story... old mate driving a jacked up old school fj40 p.o.s with alright looking girlfriend in the passenger seat (she must be a really bad judge of character).

So it's Easter... double dermits and this bearded brain surgeon wants to do a fly bye in an 80 zone, so tailgates my Navara and has a girly hissy fit behind the wheel. I pass the L-plater in the left lane then pull into the left lane myself to let old Merlin and his little wand twinkle on past me (he took forever to do this, not through lack of trying either #underpoweredbigtyredridiculouslooking).

Well - that was not the end of it... let me tell you. He then screams out his window and tries ye-olde-intimidation on me, so I blank stare back not breaking eye contact. This just makes him foam at the beard. Anyway, we pull up at the next lights and he starts his expletive laden whinging again. It is at this point that I enter choose your own adventure mode, options are: grab tyre iron and drop him, or poke the bear. Guess what - poke the bear was much funnier, so I pulled just ahead of him wound the window down and introduced myself to his passenger (with a cheeky smile). I just ignored him and asked her to marry me. She laughed. He went North Korea ballistic. I laughed again and then took off. Then I see him arguing with her and by the look of it loosing too in my rear view mirror. It's at this point I thought...whatever happened to Moonies? Would have been the perfect condiment to wish Gandalf a cheerio with. lol

Pedestrians immersed in their earphones > music annoy me - you know: ones who've forgotten that they're on a road!

Speaking of. I'm seeing a lot more DRIVERS with headphones in their ears driving around these days.

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