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driving skills or lack of......

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4150, if they don't check for records does that mean you start again with a zero driving history with the next insurance company?  

Yes it does, but considering the alternative it's a better option. Any type of discounts you may have gotten from your insurance company are pretty much gone anyway once you've made them pay out money so really there is no point with staying with that company. I'd much rather start out with zero points than than renew my current policy in the negative.

Meh you guys are a worse bunch of whingers than even me!!!  road deaths arent THAT bad... I find it really interesting that the shocking amount of brain washing the australian government has been doing has actually even got car enthusiasts believing!!!  Pffft speeding fines...  what a joke, man if you cant see that is just a blatant revenue raiser you got issues :P

I LOVE driving in Japan!  its SOOOO  much more relaxing knowing that you arent going to be pulled up for doing absolutely NOTHING and given fines and defects from power tripping cops.  You need to keep a look out for a little more "unorthodox" driving styles from time to time but you also dont have to worry about road raging ****heads either.  So yeah give me Osaka roads any day of the week over Melbourne roads.  

4150 - OI! leave us scooter boys alone!  we can only do 60k odd so we need to make up for the lack of top end by making sure we never slow down! :P

TonyGTST -  Generally the "wog" element isnt nearly as bad here.  Japanese seem to prefer actions over words so generally (at least in terms of drifting) they are light years ahead of aussies, they have had a fair bit more practice though.

**** you you thoughtless piece of shit, I just lost my cousin to a road accident a week ago, but, he was SPEEDING for the CONDITIONS, WAY under the speed limit. But, his fault. I believe there should be NO police concentration on speed, it should be on indicators, giving way, car conditions, fatigue, alcohol etc, but if your doing a stupid speed/stupid speed in traffic or conditions, you should be warned, if you keep that shit up and get caught like the next day doing the same STUPID speed, you should THEN be fined. But, no indicator? *BAM* fine, do some stupid shit in traffic, OUT THE CAR, go through the whole alcohol check and all that in front of traffic, and have your offence flashing up on the cop car 'stupidity' or something, or 'attention diverter', as in, smoking, mobile, eating, etc while driving. There are some stupid BS laws, and more BS then good ones, but, everyday, I find situations where I, could kill someone, purely because I'm checking my speedo, I can see distances FINE, just it takes me a little longer for my eyes to focus then other people, 10% over, I'm ****ed, someone pulls out in front of me, I'm ****ed. Government legislation sucks the shit.

I would be interested to know what the insurance quote is though, if you're happy to share it.

I just dropped it off earlier today, the estimate is 353,000 Yen. For new parts they will be replacing the bumper cover, bumper braces, bumper support, taillamp assys, taillamp center panel, boot lid, and a bunch of other misc stuff. The parts list was almost two pages long :blah: I should get it back in 5-7 days.

I ended up taking it to a Nissan dealership, the place I wanted to take it to is closed for remodeling now :cheers: I really dont trust any of the other bodyshops around here to do the job right on collision damage like this so the dealership was the next best option, I'm sure I could have gotten it done somewhere else cheaper but I'm not paying so....

4150 - Ouch, that's about what, AU$4500? Just as well someone else is footing the bill :cheers:

bendertiger - I think what Streeter was getting at is that the road toll per head of population is nowhere near as bad as that of many other countries. I never got the impression he was in any way diminishing the severity of fatal incidents, we all know they're bad. When people refer to 'acceptable' road tolls, they're not saying that they don't care about those that have died, but in a world where so many people drive, it's inevitable that some people will die. Tragic, unfair, and very upsetting, but true.

I could not agree more that indicators, right of way, shitboxes etc are not policed enough. They can't put a camera on the side of the road to rake in the cash, so it's not publicised to anywhere near the levels of speeding. Speed limits should be enforced, but the almost zero-tolerance garbage we have here in QLD (and it's worse in NSW and especially VIC) would be laughable if it wasn't so serious.

I've lost people in car accos too, and I've worked in hospitals for the past six years, so I know exactly what you're going through.

Edit: re-read post, didn't make sense :)

**** you you thoughtless piece of shit, I just lost my cousin to a road accident a week ago, but, he was SPEEDING for the CONDITIONS, WAY under the speed limit. But, his fault. I believe there should be NO police concentration on speed, it should be on indicators, giving way, car conditions, fatigue, alcohol etc, but if your doing a stupid speed/stupid speed in traffic or conditions, you should be warned, if you keep that shit up and get caught like the next day doing the same STUPID speed, you should THEN be fined. But, no indicator? *BAM* fine, do some stupid shit in traffic, OUT THE CAR, go through the whole alcohol check and all that in front of traffic, and have your offence flashing up on the cop car 'stupidity' or something, or 'attention diverter', as in, smoking, mobile, eating, etc while driving. There are some stupid BS laws, and more BS then good ones, but, everyday, I find situations where I, could kill someone, purely because I'm checking my speedo, I can see distances FINE, just it takes me a little longer for my eyes to focus then other people, 10% over, I'm ****ed, someone pulls out in front of me, I'm ****ed. Government legislation sucks the shit.

Soooooo sooooo true mate.... ya know why they are so interested in speed?! cuz its so damn EASY to police! they can make easy money... other wise they might have to actually make an effort and get out of the shade of the tree thet're hidin behind like some predatory animal....

sorry about that

just my humble opinion

/end of rant

Revhead - exactly, but didnt think it would have to be spelled out quite so blatantly... obviously I am mistaken.

LOL @ Bendertiger, took me a good 10 mins to figure out WTF he was talking about. Starting of calling me a piece of shit and then saying that police shouldnt concentrate on speed!?!? Maybe I am becoming too Japanese or something but when I hear road "toll" I think 700 yen for the express way not the number of deaths on the road or maybe its just that I am not seeing those lovely TAC ads on the tv every 10 mins.

4150 - 800k for that little bingle at the front!?!?!? god dammit why doesnt anyone hit me! I could really use some cash for mods atm.

I put the sil into a cliff wall about 6 months ago and wrecked, tension rod, lower control arm, rim, 1/4 panel, front bar, headlight, bonnet, sump, indicator plus various other bits. Back on the road in 6 hours and for 15k yen (4k yen of that was oil I had to replace when I fit the next sump). 800k DAYEM they must coat things with gold or something or perhaps I am in the qrong business, how much does a panel beater make here!?


4150 - 800k for that little bingle at the front!?!?!?  god dammit why doesnt anyone hit me!  I could really use some cash for mods atm.  

A good bit of that went towards replacing the airbags and everything related to them, the passenger airbag ripped the dash pad and broke the windscreen when it went off also. New parts for a SII Skyline from Nissan aren't cheap, no junkyard parts for me when I'm not paying :cheers: Honestly those pics don't really show the amount of damage that was done, took about a month for the shop to get her back on the road.

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