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Does anyone on this forum know what NBHDU stands for? or who the [Mys*fits] are? If you do then it means that you're an old schooler. If not you're missing out on some of the History behind SAU. We've grown over the last two years, since our conception in April 2002, from a handful of members to a HUGE collection of enthusiasts from all walks of life.

So in case you are wondering about some of the origins of SAU then I hope to explain.

We originally started out in the Australia section of SDU forums, moderated by PranK. In March 2002, it was decided that SDU was to be run in a business model. Australian members weren't considered, which stirred some of us up (at this stage I was clueless about a lot of things, mostly Skylines :)). PranK also ran www.mysfits.net (which since then has been reclaimed by some domain name company). This was the website for a Sydney based car club not limited to Skylines. This then became our temporary base of operation while the whole of SDU was shut down. The forums back in the day was run on phpbb.

Funnily enough the first thread on the mysfts forum to be archived was about Cookies... by BY BY, who's now known as Blitz.


this thread soon changed course into bagging out PranK's then GTSt's really awful tinting... come on man, what were you thinking...

pffffft... tint THIS!

SKyline forum layout proposed


Charlie... aka ONARUN... aka two40, who has since vanished from these forums tries to organise the layout of the forums, rather dismally.

The proposed defection from SDU


meggala, URMINE, PranK etc make plans to split from SDU following all the politics and censorship issues, also Dino (current SAU NSW prez) makes his first cameo appearance.

NOZILR gets bumrushed


NOZILR (Prank's old GTSt with the shocking tint) gets rammed in the back some woman. PranK loses his cool. The boys discuss checking out the woman that hit him. PranK stays loyal to his then girlfriend. I think he's married to her now... damn the tings that happen in 2 years.

First mention of dori action


First official discussion of Drift on these forums in 2002, while the now all powerful drift hypists were still in high school or on their L's. Also enter the doxximus!

First shitfight


Nasty names are called for the first time on our forums. PranK steps n tells em all to stop, its been 2 years, and they're still goin.

Danny (HUSTLR) shares a sex tale

At school year 11- me and this girl decided to go to parra park- during lunch- i drove down- i was horny she was horny- we had 5 minute sex in the car- i blew- BUT i didn't have anything to clean ourselves with- because i was a gentlemen i took off my school socks- and cleaned our selves up

Back at school a teacher asks- where are your school socks???

hmmmm sir i had a little accident lol and had to buy new school socks

Minh gets bullied into changing his Nick from SDU4EVA to pansy_180_boy because of a poll


Minh's a wird fella, he insisted on keeping his old nick SDU4EVA even tho we had by now defected from SDU. Also Minh's queer in the sense that he makes sexual comments to all forum goers, most people think he's joking, but I think he was being serious but no-one noticed.

Squizz coined the term NBHDU which stood for Nazi Bum Heads Down Under. THis was to be used whenever we referred to SDU people.

funkymonkey comes into the picture


Enter funkymonkey with a comment on fish oil : (Don't ask) I'm still clueless at this stage :)

I learn that PranK has three older sisters so he knows how to wear a skirt, which I found disturbing.

Some of you might be wondering "How the fvk did someone come up with the Wasteland?"


The wasteland is created, and by gosh it took all of 2 posts lol. If only Squizz knew how big it would become.

Skylines Australia is born...


Post Number 21 is where the term Skylines Australia is first used by Shell (thanks for the reminder Shell, ya big attention seeker ;) j/k).

Quickly followed by SDU-AU, SOZ (man who thought of that one?), SPranK (PranK's early hints at a dictatorship) and NSA (which still sounds like a cool FBI style name).

VIC forum gets kicked off


Here's some oldschool members, some of whom I haven't seen or heard from in ages, if you're around HOLLA!:














Anguss R33




MatBoy (I remember this dude had a serious Fonzee addiction issues :D)





Oh and before I finish... BIRNG BACK THESE SMILIES:



the mexican smilie from SDU!

Well guys its been a good 2 years, and I hope there's many more to come.

Hopefully these forums will take off with the AUS car owners... Its not intended as a substitute for SDU, just more as an Australian based forums. Unfortunately, they can't be as big as SDU as I prolly can't afford it, but lets just see how it goes.  

ENJOY!! :(

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Oh and...

http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=10291 for some threads from SDU when we were all n00bs... it seems like meggala's ALWAYS been there, like some sort of Yoda...

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Hahaha! Gold!

I move to have this stickied or whatever...

In March 2002, it was decided that SDU was to be run in a business model. Australian members weren't considered...
Why doen't that suprise me? Thanks for the NBHDU tip, I agree wholeheartedly.
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I second Rezz'z motion to have this thread stickied.

Perhaps a name change to "Great moments in SAU History" and then others could post there favourite/memborable quotes/episodes etc.

Ive only been around since Nov 2002, and still there have been a heap of improvments to this site. Well done to all involved in the actual upkeep of the forums (i guess Prank mainly?)

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Hmmm! I was around then as jay51, I remember a few people getting their knickers in a knot. I joined SAU in April 2002 but I still visit and ocasionally post on SDU. I still have Shell's big silver sticker on my rear window.( I'm just too lazy) wouldn't be surprised if I have the only SDU stickered Range Rover in Aus either. It looks like we are finally going to get the official SAU (Qld) sticker so SDU might finally have to go.

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Great read and great info. I agree also to make this thread sticky.

I guess most people ( myself included ) take this forum for granted without ever thinking that there are people behind it who put in a lot of there own time and effort to keep it up and running as smoothly as possible.

I think its awesome that whenever i encounter a problem with my car or something related that I can just come on here and post about it or search and find an answer.

I guarantee these forums have saved its members as a whole literally thousands of dollars.

From my own perspective it feels a lot more reassuring walking into a workshop and actually having a clue as to what i want them to do or what my problem is. I have walked out of workshops after I have figured out I actually have more idea than them!

And its all attributed to these forums ( and one other, SKY-031 ).

Without the forums behind me I would be walking into these places with a blindfold on and my pants around my ankles, and they would know it and take me to the cleaners, well some of them anyway.

In saying that I know to take everything I read on here and anywhere on the net with a grain of salt but if you hang around long enough it gets easier and easier to wade through all the shit.

So thank you to all the people who have and still are keeping this place up and running.

Your time and effort is greatly appreciated.



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I first registered on the SDU forums Feb 2002, then re-registered with a less silly name in August 2002 :D

I spent a fair bit of time on irc (my irc name was ^PasSeNGeR^ back then) talking to Squizz in #skylinesdownunder ... then one day he came and told me to join #skylinesaustralia .... and the rest is history. :(

I came to SAu (as per my profile) in June 2002

There are a few names missing of the list of "old school" members,

a few more that have been around forever are

R31 Heaven


NismoR31Jet aka DVSJET





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Thanks Guys!!

Hopefully these forums will take off with the AUS car owners... Its not intended as a substitute for SDU, just more as an Australian based forums. Unfortunately, they can't be as big as SDU as I prolly can't afford it, but lets just see how it goes.  



Glad you got that wrong PrankY :)

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