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Formula One 2014

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Awesome to see Dan do so well, hopefully he gets away well tomorrow and isn't struck by Webber's startline curse

I don't mind seeing Hamo go well now because he's less of a douche these days but why does he always sound depressed even when things are going well for him!? Cheer up man you're living a lot of people's dreams!

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Finally got to hear the cars. To me they sound a bit like a turbocharged MotoGP bike or something. Under any other circumstances the engine note wouldn't be too bad, and the turbo whistle on the overrun is pleasing, but the sound just doesn't marry up with the image. IMHO F1 needs a noise that leaves you in no doubt that the engine is within a bee's dick of blowing itself to pieces, and the sad fact is the turbo 6s just don't sound like they're trying no matter how quick they are.

As an aside, pretty much all the cars are hideous. Bring back the beauties of the mid '80s-mid '90s era.

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BTW the app is the goods!

The commentary is the bbc and when it works it's good however in qualifying it kept dropping out..

I like the tyre info, the race updates and the team radio.

It's worth the $$$ IMO. :)

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From the press conference.

Q: (Mat Coch - pitpass.com) Daniel, a question close to every Australian’s heart: what are you like at starts?

DR: Let’s see how we go tomorrow! Bit up and down last year. I guess everyone watched the races. I think they were on the up so let’s see how we go tomorrow. I think it’s going to be interesting for everyone now, with the V6 turbos. I think it’s also a bit of a different animal off the line. Hopefully we get off well.

I lol'd.

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Finally got to hear the cars. To me they sound a bit like a turbocharged MotoGP bike or something. Under any other circumstances the engine note wouldn't be too bad, and the turbo whistle on the overrun is pleasing, but the sound just doesn't marry up with the image. IMHO F1 needs a noise that leaves you in no doubt that the engine is within a bee's dick of blowing itself to pieces, and the sad fact is the turbo 6s just don't sound like they're trying no matter how quick they are.

As an aside, pretty much all the cars are hideous. Bring back the beauties of the mid '80s-mid '90s era.

I actually didn't mind the sound of the cars. Sure it wasn't as nice as the old cars, but it's still decent.

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BTW the app is the goods!

The commentary is the bbc and when it works it's good however in qualifying it kept dropping out..

I like the tyre info, the race updates and the team radio.

It's worth the $$$ IMO. :)

I bought it last night and it is slow as f**k on my phone. Is it like this on anyone else's?

20 and 22 for lotus.


Hah! Suck shit Maldonado

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