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Interesting to read about Merc. But dont assume to much. ..quite possible that their data supported what the FIA instrumetn was telling them so turned it down... vs RBR who claim their data demonstrated it was wrong and didnt want to surrender even more power

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merc had the same issues but changed their fuel mapping when asked to.

redbull didn't...

it's pretty clear, regardless of their measures being claimed to be more accurate or not.

I don't see the FIA conceeding and making their fuel meter supplier and themselves look like fools.

Red bull saw a hole it the regs and thought they could exploit it.

It was silly of them really to think the fia would back red bulls own readings and not the readings of the meter supplied but the fia.

Open and shut case methinks.

Sad thing is dan got screwed out of having his first podium at his home track.

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I don't really understand all the focus ont he sound all over the interwebs. Sure they don't sound as good, no argument there, but that is very secondary to the spectacle of motorsport to me. There was way more to like than dislike about the new cars imo.

less aero grip = more driving

more grunt = more driving

tyres that actually work was a very welcome sight!

You can see the drivers are having to actually pedal the things again. That hasn't been the case for decades. It was awesome! That's what the World DRIVERS Championship should be about. Noise? meh - who cares...

Absolutely, but i don't think they sound bad at all although much is lost on TV.

If you can get to the track and park yourself at the entrance to a tight corner, the sound of everything winding down is awesome.

Was also very nice to only have to raise my voice to talk when they go past, not to mention the omission of ear buds.

Not as nice compared V8's or V10's on TV, but the new engines are more enjoyable trackside IMO

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I'm still watching the aus gp coverage and I think it is much improved over last years coverage.

I really like mel McLaughlin, I hope she comes back next year. :)

no she is a bigot who blows everyone on channel 10 to get as much air time as she can.. Knows nothing at all about what she is covering and asks the dumbest remedial questions time and time again. Not even that good looking!

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no she is a bigot who blows everyone on channel 10 to get as much air time as she can.. Knows nothing at all about what she is covering and asks the dumbest remedial questions time and time again. Not even that good looking!

Wow dude you need to eat a cookie..

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Hearing a lot of comments like above about not having to raise your voice to talk etc.. Its motorsport.. You shouldn't be able to have a normal conversation while a race is in progress...

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Interesting to read about Merc. But dont assume to much. ..quite possible that their data supported what the FIA instrumetn was telling them so turned it down... vs RBR who claim their data demonstrated it was wrong and didnt want to surrender even more power

also don't assume too much of what RBR is saying is true... according to RBR, everyone up and down pitlane was having issues with the meters all weekend. But only RBR refused to follow the FIA's directions...

The fact Nico just ran away from Dan doesn't suggest Ricciado had any extra power

How about the fact he was the fastest Renault by far?

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no she is a bigot who blows everyone on channel 10 to get as much air time as she can.. Knows nothing at all about what she is covering and asks the dumbest remedial questions time and time again. Not even that good looking!

Your farked in the head!

...said with all the love in the world...but seems to be true based on your statements :)

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Good driving and likely better car design doesn't factor in?

lol exactly!

Did you factor that in when saying 'The fact Nico just ran away from Dan doesn't suggest Ricciado had any extra power"???

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f**k. Theres no point arguing, because noone on here will ever know if RBR were using a legal amount or twice the legal amount of fuel. The other teams had expressed concerns about it, now Porsche (who use the same sensors in one of their race cars) have said they have had issues with it as well

The hearing is set, the sensor looks questionable, but RBR ignored warnings from the FIA about it during the race. They might win the appeal, they might lose.

Noone here knows if the Mercedes is that far superior that even when using more fuel the RBR couldnt keep up

To me this argument is pointless

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The issue isn't whether Red Bull had any extra power or not.

The issue isn't really even whether they exceeded the fuel flow limits or not.

The real issue is RBR chose not to follow the FIA's directions regarding fuel flow throughout the race as required under the rules (Every other team followed their instructions, btw). RBR decided to rely on their alternate measurements for fuel flow without following the process outlined in the rules. So regardless of whether their measurments were more accurate than the sensor or not, they broke the rules.

Clearly they are doing it to highlight the issue of the fuel flow sensors and get the sensors, or the method of monitoring changed. I don't think they can win the appeal, but they will probably get the rules changed regarding the fuel flow monitoring.

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Nah they wont get them changed. Says in the rules that the FIA are the final arbiter of the fuel flow measurements/calculations. There is no way they will allow the teams to decide how much fluel they can flow.

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huh? who said anything about letting the teams decide themselves?

The FIA would still be monitoring in real time and telling the teams to apply offsets if required - just using a different method to monitor fuel flow. Which, by the way, is already in the regs as the backup method... So it is not a very big change to make. They already have all the procedures in place.

It's just RBR wanting to bring the issue of the questionable fuel sensors to a head IMO

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Well back in the day (Mid eigthies) they had fuel limits with no boost or fuel flow limits. Which made Sunday nice and safe but less so on Friday/Saturday when it was basically a free for all. Not sure how they cap horsepower now (by limiting boost) but a fuel flow limit does that in no uncertain terms.

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