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Formula One 2014

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When did you see the Incar of the car starting up with the crazy suspension? I thought Ten's coverage started just before they started a formation lap lol. Be good to find a clip and see

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Dunno when will have to have a look. But if you compare say dans car when he turns in to almost any other you look at the way the wishbones move and it just looks odd. Must be something funky with the roll centres, the cog and the geometry.

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Bernie is tied up in court for having paid off someone...I really hope the verdict is such that he needs to step aside from F1 and the next cab off the rank guides it through either sale by CVC or a different style of F1.

So many teams are struggling. Many circuits struggling to get crowds. We are having a cracking season with sooo much good racing. I personally think with the engines and various states of tune through the race and how they deploy their electric power they can do away with DRS. But even if they keep it the sport has bigger problems...and its not the show.

How the hell FOM keep soo much of the revenue whilst the teams get dick, circuit promoters lose money year after year . The show/racing is fine....it woudl be far better if the mid-field had some more dollars from tv rights etc and the sprot did something about stopping Mercedes, RBR and Ferrari from spending 300-400 million a year. Hell, so much of that goes to DHL etc for shipping at higher rates than the public pay for the same thing. Fancy being contracted to a series where you have to use a sponsor and they charge you more than any other company. Good old FOM murdering the sport...rape and pillage.

The older Bernie gets the worse he is getting....or is it his CVC masters?

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Well if you subscribe to the Nigel Roebuck world view CVC is the antichrist.

But for my ten cents worth Ferrari have been a blight on the sport since about the mid nineties. They have managed to get themselves in such a position as to win more money than other teams doing better than them, being able to reject rule changes (Hoping that has now stopped, not sure if it has) and generally regarding themselves as more important than the sport and everyon else in it.

Maybe CVC & Ferrari could fk off and start their own series.

To my mind they need to fix the money and get some more engine equality between the teams running the same engines. So no B spec motors.

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Tell us what you really think, Niki.

Niki Lauda has had a go at McLaren and Ferrari for designing "s**t" cars that cannot rival the Mercedes W05.

Mercedes have dominated this year's Championship, winning nine of ten grands prix including six 1-2 results.

While Mercedes have been racing away with the titles, Ferrari president Luca di Montezemolo has been complaining about the F1 rules and the general state of play.

And although McLaren have not joined in, Lauda has still had a go at them for failing to produce a car to rival the Mercedes even though it is powered by the same engine.

"McLaren have the same engine as us and the car is s**t," he told El Pais.

"Where are they? Nowhere.

"Watch the Ferrari: another f***ing car.

"Next year will be difference because they can change half the engine.

"You cannot penalise Brixworth because others are stupid."

Asked specifically about the situation at Ferrari, Lauda said: "Montezemolo is trying everything and decided to bring in Mattiacci. But nobody believes that things will change overnight.

"He tried to convince Newey to join but could not.

"Alonso is very frustrated because for years he is driving a car that does not work.

"Right now he cannot go to McLaren because he has a contract. If you have a contract with Ferrari you cannot leave unless they allow you."

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He always has. When he was on channel 9 (About a hundred years ago kiddies) he would routinely struggle over the names of the pay drivers from about p15 downwards. Big Darryl Eastlake had to bail him out. Which tells you just how lame that was.

haha. big Dazza. the only commentator that could hold a candle to Muzza Walker for getting un-neccesarily excited. lulz

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