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White Shadow

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Hey guys new to the forum and skylines (sort of). Anyways this thread is for me and mate and the R32 GTS we`re building up.

Okay so we started out by buying the car from Harvey bay for 5k (we now realise that it was not worth that much, but we're young and dumb, it happens) got it home to caboolture, got a roady and Reno and drove it around for a few days.

After realising that its not as quick as we thought it would be the search started for a turbo motor.

Picked one up for $500 and been waiting to put it in.

Now the gearbox is on its last legs so time for it to come off the road and the build begin :-)

So far the mods done are:

5-stud conversion


Stereo (needs to be better)


Exhaust (no idea what kind)

First things to fix:

Front wheels have different camber (im thinking bent control arms)

Handbrake not too good (needs adjustment)

Engine miss (new coils and plugs, only happens when cold)

Steering coloum missing

Gearbox fudged

Headlights don't adjust and point in rediculous directions

Tint purple

Various body work and rust

Future plans:

Turbo conversion

HD clutch

New body kits



Bigger and better audio

GTR dash

So that's the story , any feedback is good so whack away

(Photos to come)

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