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i know some people arent going to be delighted to hand over their keys even for 48hours... i know some may stop and accept this punishment, but then again, i wouldnt be surprised if some piss bolt to try their best to evade the punishment.
that's an inevitable fact of life, as i've mentioned, you have the crime, and the people running away from the punishment....unless you're a glutton for punishment.

valid point, no one likes handing over their cars to the police to get it "impounded" for 48hrs, and I know we're paranoid about coppers who've gone on a power trip and pulling over import owners for no reason just to get us to bend over and take it, but as the saying goes, "comes with the territory". Wanna mod up? bodykits? exhaust? huge turbo and wastegate? then be prepared for some attention, good or bad.

You can't help thinking cops are biased towards us because of that, I mean if a cop car was travelling along, sitting infront on the left, old POS festiva, one hubcap missing, DIY bubbling-brand tints, and on the right, (insert_sick_import_car_here) , lowered, can-hardly-see-out tint, N1 exhaust, rims/bodykit.....who's the car that the cop is likely to keep an eye out for doing something stupid?

PS: Mirkz, nothing personal against your comments above. :) this is an internet forum where pretty much everyones post is their own opinion....unless otherwise stated.

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tell me in which way does a rapist, raping more women thinking that will help him get away with it????

boo-hoo, cry me a freakin' river for those who get caught out the third time :boohoo:

Thats my point. Your comparison was wrong. Im saying more people are going to be reckless which is exactly what the law is trying to stop.(by get into pursuits.)

It can go ethier way but that fact needs to be adressed.

Thats my point. Your comparison was wrong. Im saying more people are going to be reckless which is exactly what the law is trying to stop.(by get into pursuits.)

It can go ethier way but that fact needs to be adressed.

as with all things, the laws are supposed to act as a deterrent to stupid hoon behaviour on the roads, but nothing is foolproof. The first strike should be more than enough to curb most from behaving silly the second time.......but as I said, there are some people who will just try to get away with anything...... :D

while some good points are being made about this law , I am more concerned about how the law is interpreted and applied, it is pretty black and white , but to be witnessed by a police officer only using his own 'eyes' and no formal hard evidence is disturbing

where are the checks and balances on this law

the law would be good if ALL cops were honest, i have no objection to the actual law, its the abuse it will get from certain cops out there which will make it a very bad situation, i have been charged a while back for doing a burnout which i still to this day did not do, went to court over it and the cops word was taken over about 6 witnesses, and that included 1 expert witness which analyses rubber, tred patterns etc etc, so in the end i got charged, basically they went on the charge "create undue and excessive noise" which apparently is very hard to defend, as it comes down to the police officer to make a "judgement" on what is excessive and undue, im not trying to have a winge on what i was done for, that was long ago and im over it, but i will never trust a cops word in the future and have lost alot of respect for them, there are alot of good ones out there but the bad ones spoil it for the rest thus giving the whole force a bad name, so in the current form i think the new "hoon" law is just waiting to be abbused, as someone else said, sure the laws good but dont take the cops word for it and his only, make some kind of photographic or video footage to go with the police officers statement and then i can see the law working

my 2c


hmm, it's interesting to see where this will all lead. As it has in here, this new anti hoon law has caused a bit of interest in PSB (thanks to Niz for informing us).

The common factor that all have mentioned is the potential abuse from coppers who have a problem with which ever species of road user be it imports or bikes. The bill states something along the lines that the copper must have had a reasonable and objective view of the incident and can enforce the applicable clauses (including impounding) even if it is found later to be unsubstantiated. This effectively gives them carte blanche on applying these laws.

The argument for this would be that this is denial of natural justice, it removes our ability to defend ourselves before being found guilty. We are presumed guilty until proved innocent.

Plenty have said (here and PSB) that this law is black and white. Fortunately it's not as clear cut as that. There are plenty of grey areas within it. BUT....... the way it is written, these grey areas can't be pointed out until you're in court. A lawyer, or anyone with half a brain, can defend these areas quite easily.

Admittedly i agree with many that there will be a lot more high speed encounters, police abusing their authority, and generally a lot more ill will between police and road users.

Anyhow, before i go on for a couple of pages regarding this abuse of authority and utter bs that our inept minister is trying to impose, i'll leave it at that.

my 2c

I'm with Kutter on this one. I can't understand why people get so stressed over a new law like this one. If you are not guilty of hooning then why get so pissed off? As Kutter says, if someone is stupid enough to keep doing it after the second warning, then they deserve to get their car impounded. It would be quite clear that the offender has no regard for the law and anyone else for that matter.

Most educated people would realise that it is impossible (almost) to out run the cops, considering they have 2 way radio to call in backup and a helicopter. Most educated people would also realise the danger to others that a pursuit would cause.

The ones who steal cars and go on wild car chases with the cops are not very bright people, that is well known.

To expect cops to go around all day with a video recorder in hand waiting for hoons in cars to do burnouts, as proof of the offense, is just plain silly.

There will always be bent cops, but there are not quite as many as some people would have us believe.

Skylines and the like attract the same attention as Shakers, Monaros and XU1's did, way back when.

I had a cop bugging me a lot when I had my Shaker in the 70's and I gave him good reason to.

I did learn that politeness nearly always gets good points when stopped by cops for something that "I" did wrong.

As an example, I was recently pulled up in my work Bedford van for using a mobile phone without hands free. I said "sorry officer, but I left my handsfree in my other car (the "Line") and I got this call and I thought I'd better answer it." He took my license and went to his car and returned and said that I should make sure I have my handsfree in future if I am to talk while driving.

He also said that I should do something about my van b/4 I end up with a sticker. He realised it was an ongoing project but that I should tidy up the bits that can attract a sticker. Saved me $150 and points (I think) and a sticker.

Now he didn't have to be so lenient but I'd say that he was because of the manner in which I talked with him. There is no doubt that if I had been grumpy at him, I would have got a fine for the phone, at least.

I have witnessed my nephew lose it at a cop, because the cop had the audacity of pulling him up because he accellerated hard and his car was almost scraping the ground. What followed was a yellow postage stamp on his windshield. I told my nephew that if I was the cop, I would have arrested him for abusive language.

It seems to me that a lot of people on this thread think that this law has paved the way for cops to start making false allegations. How many laws are there that rely on a cop's honesty? Many I would say. They have always had the power to falsely accuse people of going through stop signs, red lights, not giving way to the right, dangerous driving, etc, etc. What makes this law different? Oh, they can take your car after THREE infringements. Don't they take your license after you loose 12 demerit points? Almost one and the same.

I think this law has been set this way because so many people these days drive while under suspension and 3 strikes with this law will certainly lose you more than 12 points. This way, because of the offense that it is, you will not be driving you own car if you chose to D.U.S. I think eventually the more serious offenses (multiple D.U.I.) will attract the same kind of penalty and so it should.

Unfortunately there is too much ridiculous behaviour on the roads by some people with Skylines, soarers etc and it would seem that there are some who are threatened by this law. Those who feel threatened by this law will more than likely be affected by it.

Quote "they can pry my car keys from my cold dead fingers" a rather disturbing comment and are usually comments by those who are threatened by such a law.

fact #1 : There will always be bent cops

fact #2 : There will also always be drivers out there wanting to show off their 'fully sick!' drifts/burnouts on public roads.

Point? You have dickheads from both sides of the fence. :flamed:

Tip : being nice and polite to the officer often helps in situations pertaining to the above fact #1; having an ego :) about it if you're in the wrong doesn't help things

PS: I'm glad someone agrees with me for once. :)

Guest Moses

I for one certainly do not intend experiencing this new law first hand.

I have only driven my skyline about 1000ks since I bought it 5mths ago and the attention

received from the cops when I have been on the road is disconcerting.

I do not speed, I do not do burnouts, I dont drive aggressively or drag cars on the road,

yet I fear the yellow sticker coming my way. They seem to be applied randomly so as to get cars like ours off the road because they dont like our demographic.

I wonder if this new law might be used in much the same way, as a more effective way to get cars they dont like off the road, rather than punishing irresponsible driving.

That is my concern and one that I feel is not unjustified.

Who knows, it might turn out that everythings fine and nothing to worry about-

its all in the application.

Time will tell........... you can't argue with that.

I for one certainly do not intend experiencing this new law first hand.

I have only driven my skyline about 1000ks since I bought it 5mths ago and the attention

received from the cops when I have been on the road is disconcerting.

I do not speed, I do not do burnouts, I dont drive aggressively or drag cars on the road,

yet I fear the yellow sticker coming my way. They seem to be applied randomly so as to get cars like ours off the road because they dont like our demographic.

I wonder if this new law might be used in much the same way, as a more effective way to get cars they dont like off the road, rather than punishing irresponsible driving.

That is my concern and one that I feel is not unjustified.

Who knows, it might turn out that everythings fine and nothing to worry about-

its all in the application.

Time will tell...........  you can't argue with that.

Kutter summarised it well and your concern is not unjustified. As I said b/4, we were picked on with our shakers, monaros etc and I guess I contributed in a small way. Nothing changes when there are high speed cars on the road in the hands of young drivers and it's the hoons that stuff it up for the everyone else. These days the hooning is far worse than it was back then, because there is definitely less respect for the law now than b/4.

You need to make sure that the bent cops have no justification for putting a sticker on your car i.e. make sure your car has permits if required and is in good mechanical order and behave yourself at all cost because the bent cop is wanting you to get pissed off and give him shit. That's how he can justify his actions.

For anyone who is being constantly picked on "unjustifyably", I'd suggest carrying a video camera and taping the conduct of the cops if you're stopped for no reason and keep ask questions while taping the session because cops are well trained in asking questions and not so much in answering them. They might just put their foot in it. Quite often rogue cops will say things like "I don't like you punks" or "I want to see you punks off the streets". Obviously they would have to be idiots to say something like that while being video taped, but stranger things have happened. You just might get something on them that will enable you to fight them in court and show them up for what they are.

I see no law that would prohibit the video taping of an incident as above.

What do we do about those conservative idiots who have every type of crap stuck up there arse who think just cause you drive a car that looks fast or sounds fast automatically think you are a dangerous hoon.

Specially alot of old retired farts that think you are speeding when you are driving the limit and they are 20kms under it and think the road is theirs.

What do we do about those conservative idiots who have every type of crap stuck up there arse who think just cause you drive a car that looks fast or sounds fast automatically think you are a dangerous hoon.

Specially alot of old retired farts that think you are speeding when you are driving the limit and they are 20kms under it and think the road is theirs.

Not a lot, except if you meet them at the traffic lights, you can do as I have done and tell them if they can't do the speed limit then get off the road and stop obstructing traffic. :cheers:

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