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je suis la confiance la plus déçu moi.
  • 2 weeks later...



Mother. f**kin. Yes!

It's a little dirty (understatement) but i have begun to clean it up. 2 tiny tears in the top i won't worry about till later. Got it for like 1/4 what they are actually worth so f**king win!


Top is looking a bit better, i suspect the dude left the car out under a tree with no windows. It was filthy. That was my first attempt at cleaning it, and apart from the tear it looks brand new.

2 and a half years. It's over... It's finally over....

  • Like 2
  • 3 weeks later...

Ordered one of those fake nismo keys going around.... As i'm not spending the price of a front diff on a key!


lol updates.... *cries in the corner*....

Not long now! i know i have been saying that for a while but.... not long now.

Ordered one of those fake nismo keys going around.... As i'm not spending the price of a front diff on a key!


lol updates.... *cries in the corner*....

Not long now! i know i have been saying that for a while but.... not long now.

Where did you get it from and how much was it, if you don't mind me asking? There's some "Genuine" ones on eBay for $90.

Ordered one of those fake nismo keys going around.... As i'm not spending the price of a front diff on key

You have just failed at GTR ownership!

Front difffff. Buy it, install it, love it and kick yourself why you didn't do it 6 years ago!

  • Like 1

Followed by probably exhaust.... Fujitsubo ti...

Then gearbox and clutch, nismo twin and probably just rebuild my current box.

Thennnnn finish the suspension.

And... Um....

Job done?

Respray BL0..

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