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Hi, need some help and advice on which direction to go with on my 32 gtr.

Ok I have a lot of the engine and bay pulled down, just to tidy,clean, paint and bin unneeded shiz! Now whilst everything is very easily accessible, I'm tossing up weather to swap out the twins for a single setup, or just change the turbo's.

The car currently has r34 gtr turbos. Stainless manifolds,dumps, etc. upgraded fuel system to run e85, cam gears, power fc, and made 296atw kW.

Now I can get a used to4z,manifold,waste gate,front pipe, for around $1500.

The bonus of this is I can make abit of money back by selling off the old stuff.


Look around for a set of bigger used twins, for around the same $ amount.

I'd personally like the neatness of the single, but has a lot more work involved to do.

But I'd like to be able to get the power up to somewhere above 350-370 atw kW mark. But not be running crazy boost either. The highest it runs ATM is 19psi.

Obviously I'm trying to do this with a very minor budget,

Also how much kW gain would a set of drop in cam shafts make? Also which ones?

Thanks in advanced for your input!

Btw car is only used as a weekender, if that helps, no plans for circuit etc, just abit of fun at powercruise the odd thrash on 1/4 etc

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If you're going to put a single on it, there are much better turbos these days then a t04z. New turbo technology allows for more power with less lag and should be a big consideration

Or you can use a set of -5s which will bolt back on and will make 350-370 without much fuss and look factory. As for cams they really aren't required for your goal but a set of cam gears will help a lot

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Id say go a pair of -5's and keep the car looking stock under the hood.

On E85 you can make some pretty good numbers, however do you have a forged bottom end if you intened to use them regularly?

Edited by GTRPSI
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It has hks cam gears already. Plus some other bits n pieces. I just named the main upgrades.

No it's still a stock bottom end as far as I'm aware. The block looks 24 yrs old, do have a receipt for a complete head service. From previous owner, which cost him roughly $4000. Was around 4-5 yrs ago, but only 20,000 Kms ago. The car has 114,000kms. So I know a rebuild is a certainty in the future, that's why I'd like too keep the boost as low as possible, but of course I still want some power too. Lol. It's pulled apart as I planned for a fully forged rebuild etc etc, but very recently found out our first child is in the oven, so have to be a tad more responsible in the money department, and just glad I'm lucky enough to keep it and not have too sell it off. So that why I'm trying to be a cheapass, and yes I'd love to have the budget to go a nice precision, or t51R single, mmmm that t51R whistle gets me every time. But the account says no!

What differences is there between my current turbos, which I looked up on a Garrett info page, and the AS number came up as r34 gtr turbo's ( which I was told when I brought the car they were n1's which are actually different. And the -5's -7's and -10's I know there would be a whole topic on this, so no need for the regulars to add there 2 bobs worth by saying ( use the search button) I'm after a direct answer. Cheers peeps

Standard engine -7 or -9 (-7 being r34 N1's) - 320-340.

-5's if you're prepared to put up with a bit more

of a lethargic delivery and make 340-370 on a standardish engine - depending on supporting mods and how hard you're going to push.

-10's forget it. You'll burn the car.

As for T51 noise, gay as farken rainbows!

Standard engine -7 or -9 (-7 being r34 N1's) - 320-340.

-5's if you're prepared to put up with a bit more

of a lethargic delivery and make 340-370 on a standardish engine - depending on supporting mods and how hard you're going to push.

-10's forget it. You'll burn the car.

As for T51 noise, gay as farken rainbows!

Thanks for that info, muchly appreciated! As for gay rainbows, well I'll have too trust you on that, as you seem to know more about that topic then I do. But if it makes you happy that's all that matters.

Thanks for that info, muchly appreciated! As for gay rainbows, well I'll have too trust you on that, as you seem to know more about that topic then I do. But if it makes you happy that's all that matters.

True, but you can make as much or more grunt with a much better curve, although without the sexy noise.

I know you are saying you don't wanna run much boost but I don't understand why?

You need to get the misconception that boost kills motors out of ya head as it doesn't its all in the tune.

You said you have the fuel supply for E85 so you are sweet to push some good boost safely. Forget the T04z if you go single as its rubbish in todays standards..

Consider a Precision 6262 maybe if you go single will be nice and responsive and will make a lazy 400kw on relatively "low" boost and will also have room to grow if you wanna turn the wick up on the future.. In my opinion pick a turbo/turbos that's as close to your power goal as possible as its gunna be more fun to drive than using a 500kw turbo for a 370kw goal all cause you wanna run less boost.

My 0.02c

Edited by Mick_o
I know you are saying you don't wanna run much boost but I don't understand why?

You need to get the misconception that boost kills motors out of ya head as it doesn't its all in the tune.

You said you have the fuel supply for E85 so you are sweet to push some good boost safely. Forget the T04z if you go single as its rubbish in todays standards..

Consider a Precision 6262 maybe if you go single will be nice and responsive and will make a lazy 400kw on relatively "low" boost and will also have room to grow if you wanna turn the wick up on the future.. In my opinion pick a turbo/turbos that's as close to your power goal as possible as its gunna be more fun to drive than using a 500kw turbo for a 370kw goal all cause you wanna run less boost.

My 0.02c

Ok, well it's just what I've heard, and can also see why it would if it does. I guess I don't want to go through all the effort having the car off the road for the last 5-6 months also, then strap a big snail on and a shit load of boost, then a week later the engines done! As I won't and will not have a rebuild budget available, any time soon anyway. And I also think my car seems to running abit more boost then others that have less mods, and more power then mine makes, and yes it's already running e85. And also think my rear turbo is f*kt as it has a lot of oil on it. Maybe just a seal or something. But last time it was running it was making a funny whining noise. So whilst I have access and a small budget I'd rather just replace/upgrade whilst I can.

True, but you can make as much or more grunt with a much better curve, although without the sexy noise.

Yes, but when I'm lonely and doing my local mainys down queen st in good ol ctown! It's all about dat sexy noise! Some even say it makes the all the single mums outside the tobacconist hummm out loud. That's when you know life can't get much better lol

Yes, but I havnt posted my car up on that thread, so therefore I don't know what's the best choice with my supporting mods, nor does it actually give advice. It's clearly just a result only thread. Honestly this forum should be changed to a result, and knowledge site, every time someone asks a question there's always a few and usually repeat offenders that say the same old crap. If you can't ask a question/inquiry on here as according to the chosen ones, every single question has already been covered. What's the actual point of the forum then? Just change it to a skyline info site.

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